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Mental wellness

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Natasha (that’s one of my favorite names ever btw) I do see both a psychiatrist and a therapist. I do take antidepressants and the most recent one has been the best so far. I just started a new job last month however so I’m trying to meet deductibles, find the money and the time, etc. I am also on a different type of birth control to try and correct something, I got it the last week of April, so I’m wondering if that is contributing to my worsening mental state.

LPoche, I think I might go on a hike this weekend. I think being out in nature helps.

Josh, meditations are a great idea.

Thank you all.


--- Quote from: SomethingBetter on June 26, 2019, 02:09:21 AM ---Natasha (that’s one of my favorite names ever btw) I do see both a psychiatrist and a therapist. I do take antidepressants and the most recent one has been the best so far. I just started a new job last month however so I’m trying to meet deductibles, find the money and the time, etc. I am also on a different type of birth control to try and correct something, I got it the last week of April, so I’m wondering if that is contributing to my worsening mental state.

LPoche, I think I might go on a hike this weekend. I think being out in nature helps.

Josh, meditations are a great idea.

Thank you all.

--- End quote ---

Oh I agree with LPoche! I was struggling today, after reading an article about a death. It just made me feel in a muck all day, just really bad and in a 'void'. ----and what really helped was going outside and relaxing with nature, playing some music, and just looking around, 'feeling the energy' around me from the wild life. Very good suggestion, LPoche!

Having had my share of depression and anxiety, I can relate to this...for me, it’s usually a low level sadness and apathy, even just wanting to magically fade away off the planet somehow. Ironically, the one time I felt EXACTLY as you described was when I took a short course of an antidepressant - I was so emotionally numb and dead inside while taking it that it was scary - as you mentioned, these types of drugs can have profound effects.

I don’t know you, SB, but I am genuinely concerned about you, especially if you are on the verge of an eating disorder (which I totally get the need for control - that coupled with a fear of the unknown is why I consult psychics). I don’t want to overstep my bounds at all, but I’m going to PM you if that’s ok...

Please take care of yourself ❤️

Oh, and I totally want to be invited to that mock funeral for your ex lol  😎

Yes! That’s always my natural high! I pray this helps even a tiny bit 🖤

Wow Have to say some great reading here, So i can relate to many on here.
54 years before I found my soul mate
many years of loneliness
Many years of depression
Many girlfriends
Many times I wanted to {end it} I think you know what this means!
Most of my life ive hated every day of it, Its been hell even school days it was torture, But i am so glad i stuck with what was dealt me, MISERY'  My mother made me strong, and now im living the best life although later than i wanted but the best ever, Ive never been so happy and know that all good things are worth the wait, I feel like a teenager Because living life makes you stronger and wiser, You never forget the bad stuff, But the good always shines through despite how many years it takes.


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