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Still Tired, I have a response to you but I’ll have to post it later...cause I’m tired.


No, really guys, I am so down today. I want to crawl into bed and not come out.



--- Quote from: SomethingBetter on June 26, 2019, 01:42:56 AM ---Idk if I should type this or not, but I feel dead inside. I have felt this way before, so it’s nothing new to me.

The lights are on, but nobody’s home.

I go to work and function. I listen, I laugh, I may even tell a joke. But it’s all a facade.

It’s not so much about this man that I swore was/is dead to me (I may perform a mock funeral/eulogy for him later, I’ll let you guys know how that goes) or about the readings, even though the readings are on my mind. I just feel empty and lost. Nothing makes me happy right now. Not my family, friends, animals, job...nothing. I feel a void and the readings and the random thoughts about this man and everything else are just symptomatic of the larger problem.

Nothing makes me happy right now and nothing is enough. My anxiety is dialed up to 15, I am eating like a horse and gaining weight (ironically as Cookie said) yet as a way to feel something I’ve developed this nasty habit of purging my food. It’s gross and I feel awful after, but I also feel a sense of control.

And that’s what this is ultimately about, I need and crave control. For a while I was doing wonderfully just living my life and letting things happen. Now I live in fear of every little thing that will or won’t happen. And to deal with that I shut down. I am in such a dissociative state. I managed to squeak out a few tears in the shower moments ago but it was nowhere near the amount that I need to emote.

My anxiety meds only further put me in a place to where nothing matters.

I want to use this board for its intended purpose, to review psychics, which I do believe in. It’s this hidden indulgence I’ve allowed myself, talking to these psychics and talking to all of you. But where do I get to that point where I can start to feel again?

Does anyone else have the same feeling? Like they are just floating through right now?

Please don’t quote me as I may delete this.

Interestingly enough, Cookie predicted these anxiety:depression issues and Yona saw me struggling while healing lol. Sorry, I had to tie the readings in some how.

--- End quote ---

Do u see a psych ? Or therapists?

I’m so sorry you feel this way. I’m finally starting to come out of this same exact state, and I had to do so through a brief use of depression medications. I do not enjoy being on medication like that long term, but sometimes it is necessary to help aid in pulling you out of that state if you aren’t able to on your own. Something else that helped so much for me was a week long vacation to the mountains. Hiking and nature just always brings me such peace. Try to find something like this that will bring you more joy and help heal your soul. Thinking of you and hope you can start to feel better ASAP!


--- Quote from: SomethingBetter on June 26, 2019, 01:42:56 AM ---Idk if I should type this or not, but I feel dead inside. I have felt this way before, so it’s nothing new to me.

The lights are on, but nobody’s home.

I go to work and function. I listen, I laugh, I may even tell a joke. But it’s all a facade.

It’s not so much about this man that I swore was/is dead to me (I may perform a mock funeral/eulogy for him later, I’ll let you guys know how that goes) or about the readings, even though the readings are on my mind. I just feel empty and lost. Nothing makes me happy right now. Not my family, friends, animals, job...nothing. I feel a void and the readings and the random thoughts about this man and everything else are just symptomatic of the larger problem.

Nothing makes me happy right now and nothing is enough. My anxiety is dialed up to 15, I am eating like a horse and gaining weight (ironically as Cookie said) yet as a way to feel something I’ve developed this nasty habit of purging my food. It’s gross and I feel awful after, but I also feel a sense of control.

And that’s what this is ultimately about, I need and crave control. For a while I was doing wonderfully just living my life and letting things happen. Now I live in fear of every little thing that will or won’t happen. And to deal with that I shut down. I am in such a dissociative state. I managed to squeak out a few tears in the shower moments ago but it was nowhere near the amount that I need to emote.

My anxiety meds only further put me in a place to where nothing matters.

I want to use this board for its intended purpose, to review psychics, which I do believe in. It’s this hidden indulgence I’ve allowed myself, talking to these psychics and talking to all of you. But where do I get to that point where I can start to feel again?

Does anyone else have the same feeling? Like they are just floating through right now?

Please don’t quote me as I may delete this.

Interestingly enough, Cookie predicted these anxiety:depression issues and Yona saw me struggling while healing lol. Sorry, I had to tie the readings in some how.

--- End quote ---
Can I offer meditation? I know how meds can make one feel, and honestly, those just make me feel even worse. Almost like I'm floating through life, without actually "being there". And it's horrible.
As you can tell from my fit the other day, I've got a great deal of anxiety, myself. It might not help me in the sense that it makes things better, but I've noticed that when I'm watching something funny, a comedy, a show, or spending time with my dogs, I feel a lot better in the sense that, while I'm still worrying about things, and still have that anxiety, it's still there, but becomes less pronounced. through the distraction. Best wishes <3 <3 <3


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