Man... Michele Bigness; what a joke and waste of money, time, space, air, etc.

I purchased a 1 question email reading and asked my question. She responded and told me my question was "too vague", that I needed to re-phrase it or upgrade to a different reading. My question was, "What is coming up next for X and I?" Anyway... I asked her to either give me options/ideas on how to "Ask" a similar type question so she refers me to her website. I click on the link and found all her possible forms of questions to be more opinion-based instead of prophetic/predictions.
Below is what she writes on her site
Example of questions NOT to ask:
• Will I get married?
• Will I leave my job?
• Will I win the lottery?
• Should I buy a new car?
Instead, DO ask:
• I’m having trouble seeing eye to eye with my partner. How do I work on healing our relationship?
• What can I do to become more successful in my life?
• Am I making sound financial decisions for my future?
• What can I do to attain my goals?
I'm sorry but this lady is a joke and condescending. ChatGPT could very easily write the responses to those questions she allows and it will probably be right for most of us as it's a opinion based question. A true psychic can have the ability to take off with little information and still provide a response. She is either not actually gifted OR lazy AF.