Don't get me wrong, we've all been led astray by a psychic who sounded good, but a couple of things stood out in this story to me...what the psychic was saying and what the guy/boyfriend was actually doing. What people say and what people do almost never match - especially concerning guys. It is exactly the same when a guy says he doesn't want children, but he ain't wearing no jacket. I mean come on. He may not want them, but that is how they are made and just about everybody knows this.
This line from the story gave me goosebumps:
When I thought he might be stealing she would suggest that I leave him some money so that if he was stealing, he wouldn’t have to....WTFFFFFFF! If he was stealing?? Isn't it obvious without a psychic telling you he is or he isn't?
Also this line from the boyfriend:
“I think I might have a problem. But I want to fix it. I’ll fix it.”The gf's next question should be...what are going to do to fix it? If he doesn't give you any options then guess what - he doesn't have or hasn't prepared any nothing is going to get fixed. oops
and finally this...
I gave the responsibility of making important decisions to someone else so I wouldn’t have to.Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
The gf in the story had to get some very harsh lessons in order to kickstart her common sense back into her brain. Until we learn, the lessons just get harder (that's what I've always been told).