Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Development

How do you access your gut intuition?

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--- Quote from: Ninacy on July 11, 2019, 10:16:58 AM ---
--- Quote from: Girly1998 on July 09, 2019, 01:01:34 AM ---I’m really good at ignoring my gut feeling and then looking back and saying “oh!” I usually talk myself out of it and say it’s just fear.

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The thing is many people will tell you " I have this bad or gut feeling X and Y thing will happen" and get stressed but nothing bad happens--quite the opposite. I have a female friend like that--she pessimistic and freaks out easily but she is rarely proven true. Not all people can tell the difference between mere fear and worry and a gut feeling that you can't possibly shake it off.

I also ignore my gut feeling many times and got involved with people and situations that messed my head big time. And yep, I am pretty embarrassed to admit of spending thousands on scammer readers that I felt that were frauds from the beginning but because I I was desperate for answers or they were recommended by someone else, I gave them a chance anyway. Such a shame...

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YES! this is exactly me...I can't really tell the difference between my own anxieties and intuition...

I'm really really really pessimistic and worry all the time, have very bad anxiety and I struggle with my intuition, also. I know when my intuituon is talking to me personally when literally i just cannot "shake off" something and keep putting it off and putting it off but whatever I do it's still niggling at me.

Most of the time intuition comes with a peaceful feeling. Like you can’t shake it off but there shouldn’t be any anxiety over wether you should listen or not. You know it’s the right answer.


--- Quote from: Girly1998 on July 11, 2019, 06:04:52 PM ---Most of the time intuition comes with a peaceful feeling. Like you can’t shake it off but there shouldn’t be any anxiety over wether you should listen or not. You know it’s the right answer.

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Unless it's sad/bad news and you don't want to believe or accept it  :(

Daily meditation strengthens intuition like nothing else can.


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