Author Topic: Edith  (Read 9382 times)

Offline hope36

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« on: June 10, 2019, 11:27:43 PM »
Anyone tried her? New reader, good reviews to readings ratio.

I tried her when I was on one of my binges, was on the call for 10min, she was meh!
She didn't get that poi and I have been disconnected for a long time so I had to tell her that (Even few good readers didn't get this, they said the "connection" is still there very strongly, that's why its not showing up as being disconnected. Probably BS) I'll know if her prediction for contact happens or not before end of the month. Will update!

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Edith
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2019, 04:05:59 PM »
"there's a gentlemen in spirit that would like to step forward...has your father passed?"
me: no
"it's Grandfather on Fathers side, I'm smelling an overwhelming smell of oil and shop, I'm feeling the way the spirit died was from a heart attack, and when i ask for identifying information he keeps giving me planes, I don't know if he traveled a lot"
me:  welp, I never knew either Grandfather on either side, and no one worked on cars, in fact my Grandfather on my fathers side would have never flew in a plane in his life.

I hung up.  All I asked for was a general reading, it's so rare that they go into mediumship stuff with me I was shocked.

Offline hope36

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Re: Edith
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2019, 12:55:35 AM »
She told me that my grandfather from dad's side came through too, but zero details about him.. "if father hasn't passed, its definitely your grandfather. All your ancestors are stepping forward (?!?!?).. he wants to tell you that you need to have boundaries in relationships".. ummm...okay, i guess?

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Edith
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2019, 12:24:26 AM »
Gave me a contact prediction of “within the next 10 days” on the 6 th June.

Didn’t happening

Offline bstalling

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Re: Edith
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2019, 12:26:34 AM »
She told me that my grandfather from dad's side came through too, but zero details about him.. "if father hasn't passed, its definitely your grandfather. All your ancestors are stepping forward (?!?!?).. he wants to tell you that you need to have boundaries in relationships".. ummm...okay, i guess?

Did she say this after you mentioned a POI? Sounds like bs and cold reading.

Offline hope36

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Re: Edith
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2019, 03:12:50 PM »
She told me that my grandfather from dad's side came through too, but zero details about him.. "if father hasn't passed, its definitely your grandfather. All your ancestors are stepping forward (?!?!?).. he wants to tell you that you need to have boundaries in relationships".. ummm...okay, i guess?

Did she say this after you mentioned a POI? Sounds like bs and cold reading.

yes, my question was about a poi

Contact prediction did not pan out.. she gave me a specific date, its been 3 weeks after that so its safe to say it didn't happen
Upon re-hearing our call, i think she was playing video games as I could hear it in the background (or someone around her was playing, but it was very loud once)

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Edith
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2019, 12:11:31 AM »
My contact prediction didn’t come to pass. She said within 10 days . Nada

Offline ebony

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Re: Edith
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2019, 08:22:03 AM »
Edith is fake then, i spoke to her yesterday and she brought up the same thing too... there is a man in spirit wants to communicate ask if my dad passed i said no then she said must be grandfather, just to confirm its him, i feel strongly he has breathing issues and wasn't in sound mind when he passed...  ( my grandfather passed when i was a baby) have no interest ..i dont trust her reading now

Offline Yaw Yaw

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Re: Edith
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2019, 03:58:00 AM »
Read with her this morning and hung up after 3 mins and got my money back. I asked about K and she said ‘I see you two integrated and growing together in your current state...‘, I said  ‘We broke up almost 2years, Edith.‘ She then changed direction, ‘Ok then, I see you have not communicated in a long time...‘ ugh, I hung up!


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Re: Edith
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2019, 10:25:50 PM »
How do readers like her get hired???? Baffles me to this day..dont they have an interview process where they test psycnjcs.??

Offline Chelle9054

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Re: Edith
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2019, 12:31:38 PM »
I wasn't going to read with her but I did. And it started out really good. She asked if something sad happened to me in April. (yes) and then she said there would be a beautiful reconciliation, relationship and something shifting more by end of month. Then it flipped the little bit more I divulged to, "oh no the texting, etc. is going to be him telling you that he is walking away" and I am like, "but you started out saying that it is going to be beautiful, etc." She is like, "I am so confused now and you are probably mad at me..."
I was more confused when I hung up. I shouldn't call when I am feeling low...I read these posts first, and I told myself to stay away as she sounded shifty...but her CP reviews are stunning! experience. Flipper.

Offline Joy

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Re: Edith
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2020, 01:47:45 PM »
And now I have something to say about this one.

Three readings with her within something over one year:

She does have skills to see a couple of things from the past and maaaaybe something from present but now that I listened to my two readings from 2019, I cannot be sure if she got the present. She sure said exactly a couple of things from the past. Unless readers on CP share notes, she must have a gift to pick a few things but the wow things she picked on were all past and she clearly misinterpreted a thing or two after she described them. I corrected her. When I listened to my recording now, I realized that she changed the story after I corrected her. It did get me though, the fact that she said these couple of past details that were peculiar. Last year's 2 readings were about a POI. She basically started saying how the guy was smitten and couldn't stop thinking about me. Then, when I asked why he did not return my call, she made like a "thinking"break and said, "Well, I am so sorry, dear, but I have to say it because I don't sugarcoat. I know it is hard but be strong. There is another woman." I asked her when that happened, she said it happened a little before that time when he did not return my call. I told her he looked single. She said he was just talking to her. I asked her if she didn't find it a tad illogical that this guy is so smitten with me "he had a hard time sleeping," yet suddenly hopped into talking with another woman so much so that he did not return a call. She said his connection with me was so strong, it was scaring him but it was easier with women he did not care about (isn't this what many psychics say generically - it is street-smart psychology, after all). The guy was cute and interesting and I had noticed him come around but I was not emotionally attached to him or anything, just inquiring because I noticed how he was trying to attract my attention. So, no, it did not break my heart. I took it as OK, so this is it with this guy, good to know. Nothing happened with him because they guy I was interested in came (back) around but I learned the real story recently: He had emergency appendix surgery and then a bit of a complication. So much for talking to women, right? I am a sure he had to talk to medical personnel but I am not sure he would have been fun talk...

Before I learned the real development of events, I had my last reading with Edith. It was this year. Since she is a medium. I needed to speak to a medium. She told me my grandfather was standing right next to me dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. I asked her if she is sure because my grandfather never wore jeans (not everyone's grandparents hail from the land of the jeans...). She said it was pants that look like jeans. Ok. I let that slide. Not sure what spirits wear. Maybe Heaven is American after all. What do I know... She said he was somewhat tall and heavy set. My one grandfather was very tall and very slim and slender, the other one was not as tall but also slim. The tall one was the one I was really close to. I told her this cannot be my grandfather. She said it was before he got sick. My grandfather was slim his entire life. It's just how he was. I asked he for something specific to know it was him. She said he was a hard worker (OK, warm here), he did hard physical labor and he liked sports and outdoors activities (probably because I said he was slim...). I asked her if my grandmother was there, too. She said my grandmother was next to him. She was a shorter woman (OK, warm), kind of plump but there was times when she was thinner (very wrong - she was petite but never gained much weight). I hang up. Impolite but necessary. These were her mediumship skills for me. Someone raved about her as a medium. Good for them but the breakdown for my grandparents was this: My grandfather was hard working but he was more the intellectual type and he ran his own business. He did very well for himself. Was of Greek descent and pre-jeans time. For the most part he wore suits or neat slacks. Never saw him very casual even when he was already sick. Who these people were that she was describing, I have no idea. To me, this guy I thought was cute and interesting last year was not of that great importance but when I sought her for a mediumship reading there was something that was important for me to know. I wish she had said she picked nothing. Now that I am thinking, every time I corrected her or questioned what she was saying, she just changed story, kept elaborating on her version of things but never, not even once admitted she was wrong or that she could not pick anything. This is just wrong!