Author Topic: Anxiety  (Read 8791 times)

Offline SomethingBetter

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« on: June 09, 2019, 07:09:49 PM »
So I have extreme anxiety. For years I handled it by basically becoming a recluse and gaining a bunch of weight, which I have lost (yay! I brought sexy back). I managed to not call readers for almost a decade and now I’m back. I feel a reading, even an awful one, temporarily relieves the anxiety. I would not say I’m addicted though as I only speak to a handful of readers.

Xanax, a glass of wine and meditation were my go to’s before and I need to get back into that. Also affirmations help.

Does anyone else find themselves in a cycle of anxiety caused by the readings?

I’m thisclose to closing my Keen account and blocking ol’boy on everything.


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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2019, 12:50:36 PM »
I sometimes take anxiety meds also but not currently because i was using readings as a bad crutch.  It would only alleviate the anxiety for maybe 4 hours or less lol and then i would have to call someone or look at a YouTube video on tarot readings.

i feel better though .. Knock on wood and have had no need to call them after doing this that a reader advised me on. I forget her screen name also and that is insane because i remember how i used to call her years back.

She said Get lavender, frankincense, and myrrh and burn it and then say the lord's prayer, the blood of Christ prayer, and psalm 91.  OMG I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER like a weight has been lifted.  I have hardly any anxiety now and I feel there is power in the name of Jesus or the christian God or religion.  I am a pagan but turning slowly towards Christianity after seeing the peace it gives me.  I have no urge to call psychics now so that is great.

I am getting tired of the occult and how people catch attitudes and huge egos and can threaten you if you butt heads.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2019, 05:12:10 PM »
I have anxiety too, and I think the readings might help the anxiety (for me anyway) very temporarily.  But in the long run, they make it worse.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2019, 01:20:44 AM »
I have to be honest with myself and admit I use psychics to alleviate anxiety. A reading works better than a massage for me to relax but yes, it's a cycle. Readings seem to purge my mind albeit temporarily. I feel more relaxed in every way afterwards. Like you, I have a handful of fave readers but am always tempted to try just one more. Oh, the money I have spent.

I am there with you.

I hope you don’t call a new advisor, however. I hate seeing one of us perpetuate the cycle 🙂

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2019, 01:22:30 AM »
One thing I’ve noticed with those who call readers, we tend to err towards anxiety, fear of the unknown and a need for control.

At least for me.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2019, 02:09:02 AM »
One thing I’ve noticed with those who call readers, we tend to err towards anxiety, fear of the unknown and a need for control.

At least for me.

This. I can totally relate to this. The very reason I have always requested readings has been my need to know what's next because I am scared of being taken by surprise by the unexpected. Although I know not everything has the same root for everyone, for me it was the chaotic, overstimulated environment I grew up in. I have felt pretty much unsafe most of my life and I have a need to control my external circumstances to feel secure and okay. Sadly, this sense of security is short lived because after a week or so, the overthinking starts and I begin to question if what I was told in a reading is truth or not, or I would find ways to think why it can't be true. For an anxious person, thoughts are our worse enemy. It is a vicious cycle.

Omg, I agree with you on childhood. I was a “parentified” child. My parents treated me like an adult when I was a small child, so at 5 or 6, I knew too much about their marriage, finances, aunts and uncles marriages, etc. I grew up thinking I needed to know everything so it started that cycle of control and needing to know everything about everything. Even in my 30’s I hate surprises and get noticeably ill when I don’t know something. Just overwhelming dread.

That’s an excellent point you made!

Offline blue-eyes

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2019, 02:56:55 PM »
I have extreme anxiety, Readings Ive had all my life, Because of my mother, Ive spent 10 years with pain anxiety, But it was worth the wait, Because Karma, I would never be without a Tarot reader Ive spent so many years on my own, its took years. its a waiting game, and its been BANG  :) 55 years old and living the best life ever  :)

Offline almondtree

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2019, 06:49:10 PM »
Same here. I call because of anxieties. I am worried too much about how people think about me. I call mostly about relationship but sometimes I also ask psychics how A thinks about me and it’s not even about romance. A is someone I work with. But most psychics tend to lead me to romance and that makes me feel good thinking they have interests on me. I realize recently that actually my anxieties get worse after calling. I sometimes tell myself that I will call only one for $20. I feel calm after I call but soon the anxieties come back multiplied. And I end calling one after another. Recently after a few months calling various advisors about a POI that I did not even think romantically toward him before I made the first call to a psychic, I suddenly realize that I don’t even really care if this particular person has romantic feelings toward me or not.  Similarly, I could only find peace by leaning toward Christianity. At this moment, I am not completely free but I have become better in controlling my urges to call. I did self deliverance. And I will have a session with a deliverance ministry. I have 10 years history with psychics and tried too many times to stop without success. What I have learned from my experiences, each relationship that brought me to talking to psychics has always ended up in big disappointment. It is like cursed. I wonder if the relationships would actually have worked wonderfully if only I did not make the first call that started the chain reactions.I hope I can totally free myself and finally live my life happily after the deliverance.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2019, 06:59:53 PM by almondtree »

Offline montauk

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2019, 11:20:52 PM »
When my anxiety was the worst, I found getting out of my head helpful, like forcing myself to do some physical activities that I wouldn't normally do, like going to the gym, yoga, and listening to some peaceful music like Tibetan singing bowls. and just telling myself that all will be okay.

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2019, 03:29:02 AM »
Does anyone else find themselves in a cycle of anxiety caused by the readings?

Yep...I was in a cycle of anxiety, big time! Not to say that I have no anxiety now since I stopped getting readings, but whatever I have now is manageable, normal. When I was getting readings it was over the top, up and down. Getting high on false hope, then getting anxious because I knew my hopes were not grounded in anything real. Then crashing when reality set back in.

I kept getting readings because I did not accept the reality that my ex was not treating me right, and my job was not treating me right either, hoping things would change, seeking out readings to feed that hope. Hope ---> anxiety ---> disappointment ----> anger ----> disillusionment ----> denial ----> bargaining ----> hope.

This!!!! My anxiety is FAR better without readings.

Offline midwest60

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2019, 03:25:44 PM »
I have read that some on this forum are leaning towards Christianity to help with the urge to call and control anxiety.

Yesterday, I had a very expensive psychic binge that was caused by ability to deal with family and work problems. I woke up today ashamed of myself because I am a devout Christian (with flaws) who had been fighting the urge to call.  I have closed and opened up my Keen account too many times. In the past, I have chosen to only speak to psychics who believe in God or I ask questions about feelings vs the future. But, then I start to call more and more people.

Anyway, today I was driving to church listening to my weekly radio show, The Jesus Christ Show, on Los Angeles KFI AM 640. If you are not familiar with the show, people call in with questions on religion or life problems and the host is supposed to be Jesus. (BTW, the host has a background in religion and theology).  Today, someone called and asked about how the Bible treats mediums and psychics and how to lean more on God for answers.

I am posting this information not because I pass judgment on anyone's beliefs, religion, or decision to call psychics. I'm the last person to do so. Rather, I post it because I felt the show I listened to was very comforting when this person called to ask about mediums/psychics.

You can download the podcast for 9/29 or listen to the 9/29 show on this link when the episode became available. The show is a little long (1-2 hours) but you can skip past and listen for the person who called in.

I pray for peace and comfort for all of us who struggle with this addiction.

Offline midwest60

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2019, 03:29:07 PM »
I just tried listening to past shows on the link I provided in my other email. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

If you want to listen to the show I heard, you'll need to download the iheart app link for KFI and then select the Jesus Christ Show. Sorry for any confusion.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2019, 04:38:24 PM »
and the host is supposed to be Jesus. (BTW, the host has a background in religion and theology). 

What? Did I read this right? Let me get this straight..he is the chosen one right? God picked him out of the billions of people to be jesus or how exactly are they explaining this guy is the one? Nope.

There is no way I would ever listen that malarky. I'm sure they are putting a positive spin on everything and anything god related too. I'm sure they are in it, to gain members to listen to their podcasts. That's it.

Offline midwest60

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2019, 06:19:10 PM »
No, he is merely acting more as a counselor for people who call in and want advice as it relates to scripture. Without ever listening to him, it's hard to get the concept of what he does. He basically helps people who are desperate or need Scripture reference.  He's not preachy.

Helpful to me....

Offline dasaninot

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2019, 03:21:27 PM »
I used to get bad anxiety a few years ago, and it definitely got worse with readings. I was likely more inclined to freak out after a negative reading and go on a binge to prove the bad wrong.

Perhaps it comes with the journey that it reaches a point where you just don't care. You read for entertainment and who cares what they say. You only look for precise validating info, and even if you get the past/present correct, it doesn't mean the future will play out like the reader said. Maybe that realization has helped form this lackadaisical attitude.

But, I can't speak more highly about going on meds if you anxiety is common for you. It should also definitely control that impulse long term as well. I was so scared to go and get treated but I am happy I did. I feel happier on pills.

Overall though, yeah I'm happiest when I don't get readings. I've managed the "emotions" of readings and the impulse to spend but when I go long times without readings, I just feel more empowered. The future is in my hands, and I'm happy because my bank account isn't spent on expensive, more often than not, fake fairy tale scenarios and empty words.