Author Topic: Free will vs determinism  (Read 1897 times)

Offline SomethingBetter

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Free will vs determinism
« on: June 07, 2019, 05:46:19 PM »
I know this has been debated before but I wanted to bring it to the forefront again.

I personally believe that some situations/people are predetermined to play out in our lives. I believe how we get there is the free will part. Like I’m going to go to Target regardless but do I take the main road with all the lights or do I take the side streets and cut through a neighborhood? Either way I’m getting to Target.

The reason I bring this up is because it is creating a dissonance in my readings.

I just updated the Kira thread. She gave me the date of 5/27 back in April and didn’t know why she kept getting that date but told me not to engage too much with my ex until or after that date. I didn’t listen to her, kept pushing and we got into a fight that day that I feel closed all doors. Anne and Kira both saw things progressing in a sort of ok way if I behaved myself. Kisha specifically said something would happen that would put me “out in the cold” and I thought I knew what to expect if him but his behavior would show otherwise. I have to give Kisha credit for that cause it’s seemingly playing out now.

Now everyone seems reconnection except Anne. But I know she’s only good for the now. They have all told me I’ll never get what I want from him. NO ONE saw this blow up. Maybe Kisha to an extent.

Then I have Yona who actually likes the dude, didn’t see a fight (maybe in the grand scheme of things it’s not a big deal, who knows) and Yona sees “within months sight” after a “gap” in communication that there is an apology. She strongly feels it will be this man based on characteristics and his situation. She also said he’d sweet talk me and try to persuade me and I wouldn’t be having any of it but she saw this apology and things associated with it as predetermined. From reading here it doesn’t seem like she believes in free will. She didn’t really see any other relationships for me either. She saw interests but it didn’t seem to be anything I was entertaining. I have a top up wed but only a couple of predictions so far have manifested.

So did my free will behavior change everything? Is Yona the correct one and this is leading to some preset apology/showdown?

What do you guys think about free will vs predetermined events?

Offline Jeninmd2

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Re: Free will vs determinism
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2019, 09:42:05 PM »
I know this has been debated before but I wanted to bring it to the forefront again.

I personally believe that some situations/people are predetermined to play out in our lives. I believe how we get there is the free will part. Like I’m going to go to Target regardless but do I take the main road with all the lights or do I take the side streets and cut through a neighborhood? Either way I’m getting to Target.

The reason I bring this up is because it is creating a dissonance in my readings.

I just updated the Kira thread. She gave me the date of 5/27 back in April and didn’t know why she kept getting that date but told me not to engage too much with my ex until or after that date. I didn’t listen to her, kept pushing and we got into a fight that day that I feel closed all doors. Anne and Kira both saw things progressing in a sort of ok way if I behaved myself. Kisha specifically said something would happen that would put me “out in the cold” and I thought I knew what to expect if him but his behavior would show otherwise. I have to give Kisha credit for that cause it’s seemingly playing out now.

Now everyone seems reconnection except Anne. But I know she’s only good for the now. They have all told me I’ll never get what I want from him. NO ONE saw this blow up. Maybe Kisha to an extent.

Then I have Yona who actually likes the dude, didn’t see a fight (maybe in the grand scheme of things it’s not a big deal, who knows) and Yona sees “within months sight” after a “gap” in communication that there is an apology. She strongly feels it will be this man based on characteristics and his situation. She also said he’d sweet talk me and try to persuade me and I wouldn’t be having any of it but she saw this apology and things associated with it as predetermined. From reading here it doesn’t seem like she believes in free will. She didn’t really see any other relationships for me either. She saw interests but it didn’t seem to be anything I was entertaining. I have a top up wed but only a couple of predictions so far have manifested.

So did my free will behavior change everything? Is Yona the correct one and this is leading to some preset apology/showdown?

What do you guys think about free will vs predetermined events?

This is a great question, and something I think about a lot actually, as I try to figure out what my own personal “worldview” is (although I come from a religious family, I personally am not religious so I am sort of a blank slate if you know what I mean). 

From what I have seen in my life and gathered from (accurate) readings so far, I’m inclined to agree with your analogy of going to Target - we’re fated to go, but yes we have free will and can decide which route to get there by, and therefore can influence the time frame, and maybe we even get a better or worse parking space based on our choice lol.  I think that outside of these limited free will choices, we aren’t meant to change fate - and I also think that’s why fortune-telling readings in many peoples’ eyes are “evil” or “dangerous” - because they can lead some people to drastic actions they wouldn’t have taken otherwise which throw them off their course. I try to keep that in mind and live my life as if I hadn’t had the reading for that reason only - although I am far from perfect and I am sure I have changed at least some behavior based on readings (like hanging on to someone too long) - but who’s to say that isn’t something fated as well? So in your case, I would say that with your argument you didn’t change things off the course of your destined path and the further interaction is destined too, even if it ultimately leads nowhere.

All in all, a fascinating question!!

Sorry for typos, typing on my teeny tiny phone keyboard lol

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Free will vs determinism
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2019, 10:20:14 PM »
I know this has been debated before but I wanted to bring it to the forefront again.

I personally believe that some situations/people are predetermined to play out in our lives. I believe how we get there is the free will part. Like I’m going to go to Target regardless but do I take the main road with all the lights or do I take the side streets and cut through a neighborhood? Either way I’m getting to Target.

The reason I bring this up is because it is creating a dissonance in my readings.

I just updated the Kira thread. She gave me the date of 5/27 back in April and didn’t know why she kept getting that date but told me not to engage too much with my ex until or after that date. I didn’t listen to her, kept pushing and we got into a fight that day that I feel closed all doors. Anne and Kira both saw things progressing in a sort of ok way if I behaved myself. Kisha specifically said something would happen that would put me “out in the cold” and I thought I knew what to expect if him but his behavior would show otherwise. I have to give Kisha credit for that cause it’s seemingly playing out now.

Now everyone seems reconnection except Anne. But I know she’s only good for the now. They have all told me I’ll never get what I want from him. NO ONE saw this blow up. Maybe Kisha to an extent.

Then I have Yona who actually likes the dude, didn’t see a fight (maybe in the grand scheme of things it’s not a big deal, who knows) and Yona sees “within months sight” after a “gap” in communication that there is an apology. She strongly feels it will be this man based on characteristics and his situation. She also said he’d sweet talk me and try to persuade me and I wouldn’t be having any of it but she saw this apology and things associated with it as predetermined. From reading here it doesn’t seem like she believes in free will. She didn’t really see any other relationships for me either. She saw interests but it didn’t seem to be anything I was entertaining. I have a top up wed but only a couple of predictions so far have manifested.

So did my free will behavior change everything? Is Yona the correct one and this is leading to some preset apology/showdown?

What do you guys think about free will vs predetermined events?

This is a great question, and something I think about a lot actually, as I try to figure out what my own personal “worldview” is (although I come from a religious family, I personally am not religious so I am sort of a blank slate if you know what I mean). 

From what I have seen in my life and gathered from (accurate) readings so far, I’m inclined to agree with your analogy of going to Target - we’re fated to go, but yes we have free will and can decide which route to get there by, and therefore can influence the time frame, and maybe we even get a better or worse parking space based on our choice lol.  I think that outside of these limited free will choices, we aren’t meant to change fate - and I also think that’s why fortune-telling readings in many peoples’ eyes are “evil” or “dangerous” - because they can lead some people to drastic actions they wouldn’t have taken otherwise which throw them off their course. I try to keep that in mind and live my life as if I hadn’t had the reading for that reason only - although I am far from perfect and I am sure I have changed at least some behavior based on readings (like hanging on to someone too long) - but who’s to say that isn’t something fated as well? So in your case, I would say that with your argument you didn’t change things off the course of your destined path and the further interaction is destined too, even if it ultimately leads nowhere.

All in all, a fascinating question!!

Sorry for typos, typing on my teeny tiny phone keyboard lol

You make a good point about living as if you never had a reading. I’m trying to do that now but my anxiety is getting the better of me and I keep going back to, “Well Cookie said this and Yona said that...” but in actuality it gets us nowhere. Just like you said, even knowing something can cause us to alter our behavior.

Kira and Anne were so consistent about progress even though I’m hindsight it wasn’t enough, that I became almost nonchalant about it. I thought that no matter how I behaved he was still going to be there because they predicted it and had been right before. Now here I am.

These readings should really all be taken with a grain of salt, even the good ones, because I think in the end we will all end up where we are destined to one way or another.

