Author Topic: Delores  (Read 20586 times)

Offline lp1111

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Re: Delores
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2019, 01:05:45 PM »
@Sparkle, no matter what, thank you so much for sharing!! You are always so generous in sharing your experience with us and is truly valuable and deeply appreciated.

I second this. You never know unless you try! Also, maybe I just didn’t allow enough time for her to get to the point because I kept it short. It does seem though, you are the lucky exception in connecting to most readers, Sparkle!

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Delores
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2019, 01:47:47 PM »
I actually read with Delores yesterday too and am still unsure what to think about it.

Like some of you, she told me that the person I asked about was beneath me and that I would next draw in my 'equal', that my dad was emotionally unavailable, and that I would be moving very soon (said june/july).

The thing is many of the things she said did ring true for me. poi is younger and emotionally a bit stunted, my dad was rarely around and when he was not emotionally open, and although I am not in a position to move, I just learned that a house I am interested in is going on the market in late june and i am trying to sort out whether I can put an offer on it (delores specifically said a house purchase, after she said moving). She also did get the length of time I have know the poi correct.

My reading was early in the day, i.e. I was #2 or 3 in her queue when she started. Is it possible she mixed your energy up with mine? I was also on the phone 30 min.

I am hoping she wasn't fully accurate for me as she said some really harsh things. At the start, with the numerology bit she said something like 'you'll be entirely alone this year, and it's a year you will be tested. your deepest fears will come true - betrayal and embarrassment.' Ugh. Hoping that is not accurate...

Offline Yaw Yaw

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Re: Delores
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2019, 02:40:55 PM »
@Doubleoh8, other than the move/home purchase, everything else is identical to what she said to me. If I set aside the ‘year of being tested‘, ‘stab in the back‘, ‘betrayed‘, she still got my emotions and my dynamic with K wrong. Also, my Dad and I were close, up till his passing 7 years ago.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Delores
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2019, 02:54:44 PM »
The thing about her numerology reads (in the first 10 mins) is that a lot of it may be similar because - she talks about the Cycles of 9 depending on what year you are in, if you are in the same year as someone else, some of those elements will be mentioned the same. She does this. Actually I was in my 7 year last year, which was a year of betrayal and embarrassment. That was my theme last year and boy did it ring true for me. She mentioned I couldn’t travel anywhere, I needed to retain energy, I needed to hold on to money as it was an energy depleting year for me and it was. However, I didnt take this stuff as a “prediction” it was more or less a theme.

The thing is - that is her “numerology side” that it seems like most of you guys got...which ugh sucks because a lot of that can apply to anyone.

What grabbed me was specific things she told me about my POI and job on my very first call in 2015. The longer I stayed on the phone, she said some jaw dropping Specific stuff. But I dont urge anyone to stay on the phone or use her if you didnt feel that connection. I stayed with her on the phone for 20-30 mins and she straight up told me so much specific stuff about my love life and career it was jaw dropping - (I was like what in the world! Mainly because she was saying general stuff at first)

But I’m just sharing my experiences with her. In 10 mins she will mainly give you that jibber jabber. But again do nooooot (IM not promoting her because I dont do that on this board I only share experience) do nooooot use her if you want less than a 20 minute read.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Delores
« Reply #34 on: June 10, 2019, 05:12:10 AM »
I just want to acknowledge the trip came true today (in red).
I’m in the trip now! lol

Ok guys - I've been reading with her since 2015 and she has been like crazy accurate for me.
I wanted to make her own thread to post her most recent prediction for me that is actually happening.


If you do not like numerology - do not read with her.
If you do not like someone repeating the same things - do not read with her (yes she is one of those that can give the same statements over and over like Cookie and Indio)

But - Staying on the phone with her she will pick up some CRAZY accurate predictions!! LIKE OMG.
And she is FUNNY AS HELL (I mean she wears a silver wig on CP so what can is say)
She is like that funny crazy aunt lol..

Anyway she has predicted the following with accuracy:

-She predicted my old POI (#1) into my life
-She saw trips that I would go on that I had no idea I would be going on - for example I read with her in Sept 2017, and she said I was going on a trip with a guy in Dec. I had NO plans. and BOOM! I meet a guy in October - we go to the NBA finals game in December when Houston was playing OKC
-She predicted how I would NOT get a job do to a delay
-She predicted that I would move away from POI#1 and described him as a "cocky black man" lmao and she was right
-She saw that my POI #1 lived 15 mins away from me and saw the Baby mama at his house (just like Cookie did) and she saw that relationship ended and it did
-She saw me moving and so does Yona (hasnt happened yet tho- they both said it WILL happen)
-She constantly picks up if the guy is emotionally available or not and has picked up 3rd parties and how the situation WILL end
- She picked up and predicted my money/finance situations
-She predicted the many guys that came into my life over the years

I mean this lady had sooo many hits for me (above are just a few)! BUT I know not everyone will like her because she will spend a lot of time talking numerology (which is good by the way but I steer her to focus on my question - she also needs about 20 mins to actually get something substantial)

My most recent prediction is coming true from December 2018:

"You're planning a trip. I mean, well, you have a trip coming up for work, but I don't know what kind of trip you're referring to. It was no, no, no, no, it looks like work. It looks like we're Oh, looks like you going west. Traveling West somewhere, you know, you got your briefcase was still nice work related. But it's still going to be a pleasant thing. I just want you to know, it's going to be because you're in a position right now, where you're learning about money and power. So the trip is going to be a very pleasant and this is probably where you meet this guy told you that is a person from another culture. And he is clearly from another culture. I mean, you can people can look at you and know, when they look at the two of you that you are from two different races or cultures.”

And guess what - we (POI#4) ARE going WEST and he is a diff race than me and we are going for HIS work though lol.

I dont normally date men from other cultures so this was pretty HUGE as she was the only reader that saw him as this (if it was a common thing then I'd be like "meh ok"...Cookie didnt see him (his race) until I read with her a MONTH before I met him...Delores saw this 6 MONTHS there is that

Offline Chelle9054

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Re: Delores
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2019, 11:07:27 AM »
Hi all,
I tried her yesterday and eventually hung up. It was not my best experience. Like you mentioned, she goes through her numerology and I was prepared for that. What I was not prepared for was everything she said to me didn’t seem to pertain to me, and she would be like does this make sense to you? do you know what I mean right? did this happen to you? It was so random and as I was listening I kept trying to apply something she was saying to my life, and I realize that it didn’t apply. I wanted to like her. And she was a really nice person! However, the whole reading I wish I could be refunded for. It was a lot of money for a lot of nothing. And she didn’t even answer my initial question. She would ask me questions, and they seemed leading tbh. Sigh.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Delores
« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2019, 05:44:50 PM »
Never tried her, but sounds like she needs to be "warmed up" for quite a while before she is in a position to answer your questions. I like numerology and it can offer some good information about your life, but its not something you get during a 15 minute phone session.

Offline Jeninmd2

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Re: Delores
« Reply #37 on: June 14, 2019, 05:44:52 PM »
So, curiosity and boredom got the better of me and I just read with Delores and OMG!  I thought the whole numerology thing was going to be a total waste of time (in fact I had decided to take notes instead of record the reading because I was pretty convinced it would be useless lol) - but wow, I was totally fascinated by everything she had to say about me and my life (and boy did she have a lot to say!) - most of it was spooky accurate!  I did stay on the phone with her for quite a while just because I was interested in what she was saying about my life path etc., but she actually did focus on my question regarding what would happen with my relationship with POI relatively early on in the reading (bad news, things are fated to end between us before my next 9-year-cycle starts on October 1st of this year - oh well, I wouldn't be surprised if she was right to be honest). 

In any case, I have never been a big believer in numerology, and maybe it was a fluke and I was just easily sucked in today, but this was definitely the most unique reading I have had in a while....go figure!  I'm not necessarily advocating that people go read with her for relationship-based predictions based on my experience because my relationship prediction timeframe has not passed yet so who knows what will really happen - but I would say if you believe in numerology or are just curious about life path type stuff (she even covered past life things if anyone is interested in that), she is pretty interesting to read with and spills out a ton of information....

EDIT:  As soon as I posted this I re-read some of the older posts and looks like my reading was nearly identical to another poster's above - idk, maybe we are the same "number" or on the same cycle, not sure how that works.  For me, the information she gave me sure sounded pretty accurate but who knows now....
« Last Edit: June 14, 2019, 05:49:32 PM by Jeninmd2 »

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Delores
« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2019, 06:31:41 PM »
So, curiosity and boredom got the better of me and I just read with Delores and OMG!  I thought the whole numerology thing was going to be a total waste of time (in fact I had decided to take notes instead of record the reading because I was pretty convinced it would be useless lol) - but wow, I was totally fascinated by everything she had to say about me and my life (and boy did she have a lot to say!) - most of it was spooky accurate!  I did stay on the phone with her for quite a while just because I was interested in what she was saying about my life path etc., but she actually did focus on my question regarding what would happen with my relationship with POI relatively early on in the reading (bad news, things are fated to end between us before my next 9-year-cycle starts on October 1st of this year - oh well, I wouldn't be surprised if she was right to be honest). 

In any case, I have never been a big believer in numerology, and maybe it was a fluke and I was just easily sucked in today, but this was definitely the most unique reading I have had in a while....go figure!  I'm not necessarily advocating that people go read with her for relationship-based predictions based on my experience because my relationship prediction timeframe has not passed yet so who knows what will really happen - but I would say if you believe in numerology or are just curious about life path type stuff (she even covered past life things if anyone is interested in that), she is pretty interesting to read with and spills out a ton of information....

EDIT:  As soon as I posted this I re-read some of the older posts and looks like my reading was nearly identical to another poster's above - idk, maybe we are the same "number" or on the same cycle, not sure how that works.  For me, the information she gave me sure sounded pretty accurate but who knows now....

Interesting! I was kinda hoping someone would connect with her - because when you do she is pretty cool!

But yes, depending on what cycle people are in, if they are in the same cycle the messages will be the same. Cycles 1-9. I'm in my 8 cycle and like weirdly enough stuff she said definitely applies to me as it did in my 5-7 cycles. It was sooooo odd. The cycle was pretty much the THEME of my entire year. I only noticed this while looking back at the previous years and listened to what she said.

For me I just happened to have patience with her and stayed on the phone with her a while on my first read back in 2015 (did 20 mins) and it was close to the end where she threw out all these predictions that came true. I noticed she was kind of like Cookie - the longer stayed the more she spewed out (Im not saying you have to do this to get predictions but I found the more she gave and accurate she was).

She definitely isnt for everyone for sure! But some of her stuff was almost as specific as Cookie for me.

She does have a habit (outside of the cycles) to say the same stuff just like Cookie and Indio...and some other readers. Its like after you get past the fluff then the realness comes out.....but alot of folks dont want to sit through that and I dont blame them, Im just used to how they read. Since Ive read with her many times, Ive know her to say the same stuff in the beginning (aside from the year Im in), then go straight to what she sees.

Thanks for your feedback!

Offline MidwesternSun

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Re: Delores
« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2019, 10:43:36 PM »
I don't know about Delores... her predictions were opposite of Kisha, Cookie, Mattie, and Anastasia. 

Very fun woman, and a pleasure to speak with.  Only time will tell I suppose...

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Delores
« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2019, 11:23:39 PM »
I don't know about Delores... her predictions were opposite of Kisha, Cookie, Mattie, and Anastasia. 

Very fun woman, and a pleasure to speak with.  Only time will tell I suppose...

It will be interesting to see how things pan out! Mind PM'ing me what she said?

For example, She and Cookie have been like hand in hand with their predictions about a few guys I dated from 2015 to present (I started with Cookie Jan 2018) - every single guy Delores and Cookie saw - she didnt see a relationship with lol and all was true.

However, she and Cookie disagree now on my current POI so there's that..

Offline Emshea

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Re: Delores
« Reply #41 on: October 06, 2019, 07:13:27 PM »
I think she is actually nuts. Told me when I sent a message to mynpoi he was having sex with another woman

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Delores
« Reply #42 on: January 26, 2020, 09:54:14 PM »
I wish this woman was good for everyone like she is me. Like the connection and predictions I get from her are like on point! and yes my friends have witnessed and listened to my readings to confirm I’m not crazy lol)

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Delores
« Reply #43 on: January 27, 2020, 02:07:38 AM »
I wish this woman was good for everyone like she is me. Like the connection and predictions I get from her are like on point! and yes my friends have witnessed and listened to my readings to confirm I’m not crazy lol)

I read with her awhile back and what was interesting is that she seemed to be able to pinpoint timing of past events with surprising accuracy.   She also seemed to have an idea of big events that shaped my childhood.  That being said, her reasoning for anything she picked up on was crap like “well you’re at the end of your 9 week karma spirit blood moon rebirth”(not actual phrase).  She knew things but had no reasoning at all for them.  I ask her if my ex will attempt to reconnect or at least explain what happened and she says no.  I ask why and again.. “the universe shifted her chakra energies towards the Neptune sun which is away from you.”(again not actual phrase)
  It was just very unhelpful. Readings need real life context or else they are unhelpful.  I can’t stand all that psychic jargon. 

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Delores
« Reply #44 on: January 27, 2020, 02:15:20 AM »
I wish this woman was good for everyone like she is me. Like the connection and predictions I get from her are like on point! and yes my friends have witnessed and listened to my readings to confirm I’m not crazy lol)

I read with her awhile back and what was interesting is that she seemed to be able to pinpoint timing of past events with surprising accuracy.   She also seemed to have an idea of big events that shaped my childhood.  That being said, her reasoning for anything she picked up on was crap like “well you’re at the end of your 9 week karma spirit blood moon rebirth”(not actual phrase).  She knew things but had no reasoning at all for them.  I ask her if my ex will attempt to reconnect or at least explain what happened and she says no.  I ask why and again.. “the universe shifted her chakra energies towards the Neptune sun which is away from you.”(again not actual phrase)
  It was just very unhelpful. Readings need real life context or else they are unhelpful.  I can’t stand all that psychic jargon.

It sounds like when she tried to answer the "why's" she tried to use numerology jargon to explain things...I get it...
I also know she isnt the person to ask the "why's" too lol - I just let her roll on what the cards show and dont ask many questions - I find her more accurate that way....

I feel like empaths are better to ask the "why" behind things than any other reader type