I actually read with Delores yesterday too and am still unsure what to think about it.
Like some of you, she told me that the person I asked about was beneath me and that I would next draw in my 'equal', that my dad was emotionally unavailable, and that I would be moving very soon (said june/july).
The thing is many of the things she said did ring true for me. poi is younger and emotionally a bit stunted, my dad was rarely around and when he was not emotionally open, and although I am not in a position to move, I just learned that a house I am interested in is going on the market in late june and i am trying to sort out whether I can put an offer on it (delores specifically said a house purchase, after she said moving). She also did get the length of time I have know the poi correct.
My reading was early in the day, i.e. I was #2 or 3 in her queue when she started. Is it possible she mixed your energy up with mine? I was also on the phone 30 min.
I am hoping she wasn't fully accurate for me as she said some really harsh things. At the start, with the numerology bit she said something like 'you'll be entirely alone this year, and it's a year you will be tested. your deepest fears will come true - betrayal and embarrassment.' Ugh. Hoping that is not accurate...