So over the past couple of months, i have been trying to quit psychics by
1. Going cold turkey - didnt work for 24 hours at first lol...
2. Rationalizing it - no matter how much i tried to tell myself it was bullcrap, my emotions took over
3. Going to counseling - worked for 2 days then i went on a binge
4. Telling my Friends and Family about it - worked for 2 hours
5. Closing my Keen account - worked for one day
6. Psychic told me to stop based on what she saw - Worked for 2 weeks then i had an upset in my life and went on a binge.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST... I got this book called 72 names of Angels by Baal Kadmon. It is a very useful and powerful book. When I need money or anything, it usually works.
There is one for mental issues/addictions? and after doing a few of pages, I have no need to peek back at keen or go on this forum as much. I am now looking on etsy a lot lol and I feel calmer. It worked really well... i do it every other day to keep me strong lol but i dont feel the urges anymore but just in case if they sneak up on me. Also just praying to God helps a lot too and Mother Mary.
The book by Baal Kadmon 72 names of angels has worked the best for cutting down on urges and making me even irritated if i go to look at the keen website. It is now weird trying to do a relationship without calling a psychic lol for advice on what to say next or do next. Now i am learning to do it my way.