Author Topic: Please name ONE psychic who you think is the most accurate for you  (Read 33753 times)

Offline Alchemist13

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Re: Please name ONE psychic who you think is the most accurate for you
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2018, 06:06:49 PM »
Mine has been TamaraM. She's the only one who pegged out the exact week and timing for contact, my POI hadn't talked in over a year.

Offline icloud9

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Re: Please name ONE psychic who you think is the most accurate for you
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2018, 07:15:32 PM »
Kira for sure.
She’s literally been right on everything so far, and I’ve so far asked her about three different  love situations.(actually one of them she picked up on her own)
 At first i didn’t like her because i didn’t like what she told me about my THEN-situation... turns out she was 100% right and everyone else fed me a fairy tale. (Except sincerity. She was right too.)
Currently waiting on the present situation to unfold, so if she’s right on this one I’ll have to say she has like 95% accuracy for me. Currently I’m in a stagnant situation with my current guy and she predicted this, so I’m waiting until this time period passes.(supposedly it lasts until January 😞) 
But boy is she blunt. Lol i don’t think her style is for everybody. She’s super nice but her delivery is extremely straightforward, no while it is refreshing, it’s definitely not for anyone, especially if your reading is a negative one...

Many of you sent me a PM asking whom I meant. Sorry for not being clear... I meant Shaman kira, She’s on KEEN.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Please name ONE psychic who you think is the most accurate for you
« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2018, 08:09:06 PM »
for me Magicsong has been pretty on point with most things she told me.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Please name ONE psychic who you think is the most accurate for you
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2018, 08:42:29 PM »
Kira for sure.
She’s literally been right on everything so far, and I’ve so far asked her about three different  love situations.(actually one of them she picked up on her own)
 At first i didn’t like her because i didn’t like what she told me about my THEN-situation... turns out she was 100% right and everyone else fed me a fairy tale. (Except sincerity. She was right too.)
Currently waiting on the present situation to unfold, so if she’s right on this one I’ll have to say she has like 95% accuracy for me. Currently I’m in a stagnant situation with my current guy and she predicted this, so I’m waiting until this time period passes.(supposedly it lasts until January 😞) 
But boy is she blunt. Lol i don’t think her style is for everybody. She’s super nice but her delivery is extremely straightforward, no while it is refreshing, it’s definitely not for anyone, especially if your reading is a negative one...

Yeah she was awful for me. Not because she gave me a negative outcome but because her reading had absolutely no specific information to back it up. I would say the same about those that would be called fairy tale readers. Those who give you an outcome positive or negative but absolutely nothing to validate if they actually have a gift are terrible readers in my book.

For me if I had to pick one reader it would be Mattie. But only once every few months.

Offline icloud9

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Re: Please name ONE psychic who you think is the most accurate for you
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2018, 08:58:46 PM »
Oh bummer. maybe she wasn’t connecting to you well... she’s good at telling it the way it is tho, no embellishing or fluffing. What was the negative prediction?  Did she say you were gonna break up? Or someone not returning? She usually doesn’t say much if a situation has completely “ended” and no significant things are coming up. She was pretty short with me the first time I talked to her too. It was a negative prediction. That’s why I was pissed lol

Hmm it looks like I will have to try Mattie... !!! I see a lot of positive reviews.

Offline poorprincess

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Re: Please name ONE psychic who you think is the most accurate for you
« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2018, 10:29:25 PM »
Oh bummer. maybe she wasn’t connecting to you well... she’s good at telling it the way it is tho, no embellishing or fluffing. What was the negative prediction?  Did she say you were gonna break up? Or someone not returning? She usually doesn’t say much if a situation has completely “ended” and no significant things are coming up. She was pretty short with me the first time I talked to her too. It was a negative prediction. That’s why I was pissed lol

Hmm it looks like I will have to try Mattie... !!! I see a lot of positive reviews.

@icloud9 I tried Kira - mannnn, she is good. Thank you for the reco! Her predictions are close to Mattie from CP for me as well. I would for sure recommend Mattie, though. On CP another fave is Drusilla.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Please name ONE psychic who you think is the most accurate for you
« Reply #36 on: December 20, 2018, 10:33:03 PM »
As I believe I mentioned in the other thread on her my reading was literally:

Me: I’d like a reading about me and someone named ____
Kira: I see that he’s happy with how things are right now.
I think then she asked me to provide more info. I told her we weren’t together she said oh, well that’s your answer then.

The end.

So like I said - yes it was a negative reading but there was literally not one detail to let me know she wasn’t some random person with no ability just being a scam artist. So no I don’t trust her. But again not because it was negative, because she provided no detail whstsoever to validate that she was real.

Offline icloud9

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Re: Please name ONE psychic who you think is the most accurate for you
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2018, 06:37:12 PM »
Oh bummer. maybe she wasn’t connecting to you well... she’s good at telling it the way it is tho, no embellishing or fluffing. What was the negative prediction?  Did she say you were gonna break up? Or someone not returning? She usually doesn’t say much if a situation has completely “ended” and no significant things are coming up. She was pretty short with me the first time I talked to her too. It was a negative prediction. That’s why I was pissed lol

Hmm it looks like I will have to try Mattie... !!! I see a lot of positive reviews.

@icloud9 I tried Kira - mannnn, she is good. Thank you for the reco! Her predictions are close to Mattie from CP for me as well. I would for sure recommend Mattie, though. On CP another fave is Drusilla.

Lol i wouldn’t have found her either if it weren’t for my friend😄. Glad she worked well for you. I  checked out Mattie... she’s $15 per minute. Oh jeez, that’s too much. The most I’ll go is $10 per min.. and i only spend that much with Sincerity!! lol I’ll stick to Kira for now and once she stops working for me *knocks on the wood* I’ll try Mattie.... I really try to not get readings too much now.

Offline Scorpio9227

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Re: Please name ONE psychic who you think is the most accurate for you
« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2019, 12:57:17 AM »
Supernatural intervention-- she's awesome at predicting what's about to happen within the next 3 weeks; always ask questions because sometimes the stuff she says seems confusing or unclear but if you ask questions youll get full explanations .. she was the only person who saw the pending break up, and pulled apart the erratic behavior of when he would come back (he's been wishy-washy, but she predicted all the of the timelines of his return);

Mysticalcraft Arriana- she has predicted very specific things in my life, and relationship (her timing isn't eh greatest, but in hind sight she's always correct, and if she is not correct, she will apologize, take accountability, and look into things) Ive found her to be incredibly consistent, and accurate. She is the only one who saw that he was spiraling into depression, when  all others told me things were great, and we would be okay.

Dragonfly dancer has been right about a ton of small things like behaviors, things that were about to happen, but her overall timeline of things have been wrong, however for her price, the things that she notes are mainly relevant, and consistent

InMyHeart--Tammy? She notes a ton of relevant things, her timing is also poor (for me) but she has been correct on many weird topics, and overall consistent on her prediction.

Offline anewstart

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Re: Please name ONE psychic who you think is the most accurate for you
« Reply #39 on: June 04, 2019, 10:18:11 PM »
Hi All,
I'm new to this website but I would say, reading on keen for so many years, talking to so many psychics (dozens upon dozens), spending thousands upon thousands of dollars (my guess is close to $15k) that Mysticalcraft Arriana is the most accurate for me simply because she has been so honest. I would get very upset with what she would say and she was right 90% of the time. She's very underrated, I think! I am happy to share more if anyone wants to PM me.