My first reading with her was OK, she sounded sweet and while nothing that she predicted has come to pass, I cannot say she wasn't accurate as things could still turn around... although I was supposed to be in full time employment by now, which I am not, and things she predicted about my POI haven't happened either, and I am hoping they won't as they were not positive at all.

Anyway, my issue with INFINITESTAR is that during our second phone call, she was incredibly rude and nasty to me for no apparent reason. I am always super nice to everyone, even if I do not think we have clicked - if that is the case, I would just politely end the conversation. Infinitestar was probably having a rubbish day and had to take it out on someone? She got frustrated after I had asked about a job I am applying for, she HANG UP and BLOCKED ME? I was shocked. How very rude and unprofessional of her. I emailed Keen to have my positive review of her removed (which she ASKED FOR - I know - I am an idiot for writing it but genuinely believed she was sweet...). The fact she asked for a review should've been a red flag I guess, and I was really upset when she just hang up on me and was so rude for no reason. Ugh. I really hope she wasn't right about my POI either, as he has just asked for exclusivity.