Author Topic: My new (old) story  (Read 2318 times)

Offline SomethingBetter

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My new (old) story
« on: June 01, 2019, 09:10:35 PM »
Hey everyone! I’ll try to keep this brief! I was one of the vets of the board. I left and stopped getting readings altogether and just led my life. Now after 7 or so years I’m back to reading. I am not proud of it but I’m a lot better than I use to be. Xanax helps lol.

So back then I was calling about this ex that was an abusive asshole 9 years older than me. I read with everyone. I mean everyone. Who was right?

Kisha- her outcome of never getting back together was 100% right. I held on though because she would get contact or other predictions right. And she has a tendency to flip flop from positive (as positive as she can be lol) from reading to reading but her outcome was always correct. I was the idiot who held on. She also predicted a move back home for me, my new job and other deets.

Cookie- she saw crazy things. Like surreal, unbelievable descriptions of scenes that could never be bullshitted through. Honestly I don’t remember her outcome but Cookie is the reason I believe in psychic abilities.

Anne- I read with her once and she told me he was never coming back so I never called again lol. But she was right.

Jenny Alton- got names, dates, outcome. She was like one of the last readers I read with. I can’t find her now though.

And that was it in 2011-2012. Literally the hundreds other readers were wrong.

I started calling this past winter again about a guy. Who has been right so far now?

Kira- she has gotten dates, predictions and feelings right. Her dates for predictions are usually days to a week early for me. I literally give her no info, she just rolls. Also predicted I’d get a job in April.

Anne- I’m not a fan of tarot readers but I love Anne. She has been right for feelings/predictions for me up to a month out and I have developed a rapport with her. She is tough but her advice is invaluable. I need to listen to her more but when I do she helps me turn situations around. She is literally a spy so I get why her readings can change.

Kisha- her outcome again I’m sure is right. She has said pretty much the same to me since the winter but depending on email or phone she can skew semi positive to negative for me. She has accurately predicted my new job again, pay, bonus program, sorta right on the field, and contact. I had to stop reading with her for a bit though cause frequent readings were becoming confusing.

Yona- I read with her for the first time 4/7 and have a top up scheduled 6/12. She blew me away! She instantly picked up so many things that I just let her roll. I am honestly impressed. I may have applied the wrong person to her predictions though. I’ll update after my top up.

Cookie- read with her in Feb. She was freaky accurate again. After a breakup she told me contact in 3-6 weeks. Happened on the 3rd week. Kira and Anne also got this right. I read with her last wed. Again she freaked me out. The first words out of her mouth were, “Well are you feeling better? I know you have had a rough few days.” I’ll update again on her soon. But she once again blew me away with what she knew. I once again let her just roll and then asked a few specific questions it mostly I let her flow.

That’s it. Hope everyone is well. I’ll be back to update.

