Author Topic: I met another psychic addict randomly in person  (Read 1734 times)


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I met another psychic addict randomly in person
« on: May 30, 2019, 06:07:02 PM »
I happened to meet another psychic addict in person by accident.  We struck up a conversation about general stuff but something told me to share with her about psychics and how i want to get away from them because i saw some metaphysical symbol she had on her necklace.  It was random lol but I had a feeling that I should talk to her about it.  I told her that a friend and i were trying to stop going to them because nothing really panned out how they said it would, even if they were very good with specifics such as present and past stuff. 

I had no idea but this woman was an addict also and she cried as she told me how she went to them for several months and she was drawn in because they knew SPECIFIC things about her past and present.  She was angry though because the big prediction never panned out. In fact after following their advice, something horrible happened and she is still trying to heal from it. 
She is still confused though as to how they were so accurate but not about the future.  She was like "HOW CAN THEY KNOW ALL THOSE THINGS ABOUT ME BUT THE MAIN PREDICTION NEVER F#)(($#)  HAPPENED?  I followed their advice and all i got was sh#$!"  Oh she was mad but I think so relieved that she could talk to someone about it.  She was like what are the chances i meet someone who also went to psychics and willing to talk about it?

But weird though... while she spoke to these psychics she had so much stalling in her love life.  It was up and down for many months and it got worse the more she spoke to psychics.   I wanted to clap my hands and yell PREACH!! I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL SISTER!!  YES THAT WAS ME ALSO!

She got embarrassed talking about it because we were in a public place and there is a lot of shame for going to a psychic as most of us already know.  She wanted us to talk elsewhere about it and we did.  I felt so good being able to talk to someone in person about my struggles with psychics and to have them understand. 
I feel that while some people have a talent for maybe seeing what is going on currently....they cannot really predict the future. 

I even had tarot  cards that were ACCURATE FOR 3 months... as in beginning middle end of the month relationship reading for 3 months.  Those cards were accurate to the T but you know what... the final prediction that I wanted so bad never came to pass lol  I felt like there was some trickster or lie to it.  I felt like whatever had led me down that path was laughing at how i fell for it until the very end.  I had those tarot cards for 15 years and they were always accurate to a fault.   It might be a sign that only God knows the future. 

I fear for the woman i spoke to because she swore off psychics and she was very hurt after following their advice but there is always that what if question in the back of your mind because they did get a lot personal stuff for her right. 

I hope she can stop her binge and just pray to God or something. 


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Re: I met another psychic addict randomly in person
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2019, 11:01:15 PM »
YEp. that keeps me in the psychic loop also.  My new psychic addict buddy said the same thing.  She said so many of the little predictions happened but the big one crashed and burned and she is super upset and vulnerable now.  She got into psychic readings during a very hard time in her life as I did also.

I am sure there are more people getting psychic readings due to internet dating and social media and mass ghosting.  Just no one wants to talk about it because it is embarrassing to admit you are doing that to your friends and family. 


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Re: I met another psychic addict randomly in person
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2019, 12:32:35 AM »
i think that only God can know the future. As I am slowing down on psychics (have not called anyone today)  I hate asking for predictions as so many things can change for the future.... I also feel that how i feel about myself is how people treat me so i have been doing more self love meditations.

I agree. some know what is going on now but no idea about the future