Author Topic: 3rd parties picked up  (Read 3283 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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3rd parties picked up
« on: May 30, 2019, 02:30:11 PM »
For those who read cards or have psychic abilities... is there a reason why another person may not be picked up in a reading?  I have been told that if the POI is not emotionally / physically connected it won't come up as a love interest in the reading with them. 

What do you guys think? Maybe if lets say its a long distance relationship on its last leg for example.

Offline happyk

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Re: 3rd parties picked up
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2019, 03:20:30 PM »
For those who read cards or have psychic abilities... is there a reason why another person may not be picked up in a reading?  I have been told that if the POI is not emotionally / physically connected it won't come up as a love interest in the reading with them. 

What do you guys think? Maybe if lets say its a long distance relationship on its last leg for example.

Hey Love, I think if a third party is involved they should show up specially if they're affecting the relationship whether or not they're emotionally involved. I don't have any psychic abilities well duhhh but for some reason when I've read cards I feel like I've gotten some kind of indications. I'm only a student but they show up.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: 3rd parties picked up
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2019, 03:31:21 PM »
Girl i didn't know you read cards! Hook a girl up. 😂😂😂

Offline sawthelight

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Re: 3rd parties picked up
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2019, 03:38:21 PM »
talented readers will generally pick up third parties, but I wouldn't always trust what they say.  It seems most of the time they say that the POI is not emotionally connected, etc....which isn't always the case. 

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: 3rd parties picked up
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2019, 04:04:18 PM »
Just jumping in to mention that 3rd parties aren't always love interests...they can be other people who are meddling in POI's life that are causing problems in the connection. This could be kids, parents, an ex spouse, business partner, etc. Make sure you're specific how you ask. Are they seeing someone or is there a 3rd party can be two different questions. My 2 cents.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: 3rd parties picked up
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2019, 04:17:00 PM »
Yes exactly 3rd parties isn't necessarily another lover.  That's why i wonder if they pick up a situation that is a wrench in the equation but isn't another rival so to speak why they may not mention it.

Offline Calleronhiatus

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Re: 3rd parties picked up
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2019, 05:14:27 PM »
Just jumping in to mention that 3rd parties aren't always love interests...they can be other people who are meddling in POI's life that are causing problems in the connection. This could be kids, parents, an ex spouse, business partner, etc. Make sure you're specific how you ask. Are they seeing someone or is there a 3rd party can be two different questions. My 2 cents.

I agree. Third parties aren’t always romantic connections but can be anyone that is disrupting the connection one has with their POI.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: 3rd parties picked up
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2019, 05:41:13 PM »
Some can immediately pick up the difference and some can't. Just keep it in mind. Micah was able to explain the 3rd parties for me. Lady P didn't and it really put me in a tailspin for no reason.

Offline Jeninmd2

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Re: 3rd parties picked up
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2019, 12:21:00 PM »
Just jumping in to mention that 3rd parties aren't always love interests...they can be other people who are meddling in POI's life that are causing problems in the connection. This could be kids, parents, an ex spouse, business partner, etc. Make sure you're specific how you ask. Are they seeing someone or is there a 3rd party can be two different questions. My 2 cents.

I agree. Third parties aren’t always romantic connections but can be anyone that is disrupting the connection one has with their POI.

I have to second this - I had a reader pick up a "third party" a while ago and it freaked me out...but the situation ended up being with a female co-worker of my POI's (who I know has a boyfriend and he has zero romantic interest in) was picked up as relevant to me in my reading because the two of them were collaborating on a project and I got involved with it sort of on the sidelines helping out - but because she was in charge, she was sort of pulling the strings in this situation - the way it was worded in the reading, however, made it seem like a manipulative love rival was after him and he would be making a decision between the two of us, or I guess that was my assumption based on my own fears....but now that the situation has occurred, I see how the prediction fits what played out in real life, and it wasn't a romantic threat at all....

A lot of other readings about this same POI until recently have not shown any other "third parties" - only one reader is now picking one up (the same reader who picked up the coworker before) , and the rest are not - the current situation still needs to play out for me to figure out what is going on and who is accurate, but I actually don't think there is anyone else truly significant romantically in my POI's life even though he may be flirting/hanging out with other women, which to me would explain why most readers aren't picking up any third parties right now...From what I can tell, I think third parties are only picked up as relevant if they have some sort of impact on your life (and that impact may not be in a romantic capacity).

Offline Ninacy

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Re: 3rd parties picked up
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2019, 12:51:27 PM »
I agree with most forum members above. If the reader is really experienced and talented, they may pick up third parties from their sources however, third parties do not always indicate love rivals. If, for instance, as the above member said the third party works in a major career project with your POI, this will show up in the reader's cards and the reader may often misinterpret this as being a third love rival or interest which isn't always the case.  Stalkers or should I say unwanted admirers of you or your POI may show up in readings as third parties but in reality, the admiration and feelings are only one-sided. I've had such stalker figures came out a few times when I read for myself and others and I found out after some time who or what the cards were referring to.

Unfortunately, I haven't found any method to distinguish exactly third-party interference e.g from family or fellow workers from actual third-party love rivals or unwanted admirers but there are some things giving you clues towards one direction or another. If, for example, you get three of swords next to a career/money card e.g three of pentacles or 8 of wands, it indicates third-party interference from work. If the card next to the first one is reversed, it probably means there is a ngeative interaction rather than a positive one.

I also had these card combos show up that indicate third party interference of a specific kind:

-Empress paired with three of swords. Indicates a heavy intervention of a motherly figure in your POI's life. Things become even more negative if the card empress appears reversed next to the three of swords.

-10 of swords next to three of cups (upright or reverse), I had this card combo personally turn out when someone's POI had suddenly left the querent for another person, leaving the querent devastated. Both of these cards are more emotional rather than practical and so they are most likely to indicate a third love rival.

-High priestess (reversed). This a quite tricky one as this card alone and reversed may indicate lack of proper intuition and spiritual connection between you as the female and your male POI (or your female POI if you are asking about a woman). However, paired with 3-themed cards or the 7 of swords, this is a strong indicator of a third-party mistress who appears quite mysterious and alluring to your male POI. The latter (7 of swords paired with the high priestess RX) often means that your POI (and especially if you are asking about a male) plans or is about to plan something with his mistress in secret e.g a secret trip together and the truth won't come out easily as both people are taking measures to hide it for their own reasons e.g they are both married or in long-term relationships.

Curious to know what other combos may indicate third party interference of a certain type so please share...

Offline happyk

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Re: 3rd parties picked up
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2019, 04:16:11 PM »
Girl i didn't know you read cards! Hook a girl up. 😂😂😂

PM me girl. You know I got you 😉

Offline Zzib

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Re: 3rd parties picked up
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2019, 09:57:57 PM »
Girl i didn't know you read cards! Hook a girl up. 😂😂😂

PM me girl. You know I got you 😉

Same! If you have time lol

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: 3rd parties picked up
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2019, 12:35:59 AM »
Girl i didn't know you read cards! Hook a girl up. 😂😂😂

PM me girl. You know I got you 😉

Same! If you have time lol

Omg what did i start??? 😂😂😂  she was just teasing.  Happy doesn't read cards.  My bad Happy. 😳