Author Topic: About Silvanna Fillmore  (Read 11983 times)

Offline calista

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore aka Know4sure aka Jazzy
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2018, 11:19:17 PM »
A quick update - prediction 2 and 3 regarding contact from employers and how interviews will go by Silvana aka Jazzy aka Know4sure have happened as she said in the timeframe she predicted.

I am honestly speechless at this point - this is the first time ever that a psychic has been that accurate for me. I went for this job interview that I wasn't too confident about as the company is known to have long tough interviews. I thought I would try it out and use it as practice even if I don't expect much out of it.
I spoke to Jazzy a few days before this interview and she was very specific that I would do really well and would get an offer. A couple of weeks prior to this interview she had mentioned to me that I will hear from the company by Sept 5; the recruiter contacted me on September 6th to setup interviews so Jazzy got that right.

Then the actual interview which like I said I was iffy about, she told me that it would go well despite having multiple interviews and I would come out on top; voila! I did do extremely well to the point that the interviewer mentioned she thought I was qualified for a higher level role - mic drop. Again Jazzy is right.

I am a serious believer now and will be following up with her from time to time to see how it goes. officially as of now I will not be talking to any other psychic.
Good luck everyone. I hope all of you find a psychic that works for you and the magic happens for you- we all need a positive spin.

Offline calista

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2018, 11:20:33 PM »
Oh and I never mentioned the company name or logo or anything to her, but she asked me if the colors were blue , white black and I was like whoa.
Seriously i'm spooked.

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2018, 06:43:33 AM »
She's a rip-off. Sells fairytales.

She mentioned a strong love relationship between me and a guy at work. - never happened.
Mentioned he would contact via social media. - never happened.
In addition to that, we know longer work together. He remained a coworker.

Offline calista

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2018, 09:20:20 PM »
One more prediction from know4sure aka jazzy just happened. I asked about POI and she mentioned that he was by the water somewhere with lots of seafood/fishing. I found out a week later that she was correct- another friend mentioned that he was at a beach resort in a coastal town. I was so dumbstruck. I do want to keep my expectations about Jazzy reasonable but i have to say so far she has got 3 out of 5 predictions right - considering keen psychics that is a pretty high success rate.

I am still waiting to see if the two big things she predicted about my job and POI will turn out as she said , as those have been delayed in terms of manifesting then I  would definitely give her a 100%.

What I have learnt in all of this is that for some reason, there are readers who work better for each of us than some other readers - why I don't know. But I have previously read with some of the highly recommended readers on this site like QOC, MsLisaM, Cookie and a bunch of others , none of them have been accurate for me, but they have worked well for a lot of people on this site.  My final conclusion is that  if you connect well to a specific reader and their predictions are manifesting as they said, then maybe it works well between you and makes sense to stick to that reader.
Hope this helps someone. Peace.

Oh and I never mentioned the company name or logo or anything to her, but she asked me if the colors were blue , white black and I was like whoa.
Seriously i'm spooked.

Offline calista

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore/ Know4sure
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2019, 03:27:30 AM »
Just an update everyone - Silvana aka Know4sure seems less consistent day by day. The last time I Spoke to her two months ago- she was literally making things up.
Another one bites the dust!

Offline SweetT

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2019, 10:07:40 PM »
Alright, Silvanna is somewhat, can be on things but she does scam many people. A friend of mine was friends with her that started from Keen. She got kicked off of keen because she was using another womans account and social security number because she was not of the united states. When that happened, she then scrambled to find ones that would lend their social security number to her. My friend refused, and she completely turned and said bad things. She does act like your friends and uses that when she can use you. Many things she said in the past about work, was off and didn't happen.  She later got associated with Kent coffee account, trying to get people to go to that site on Keen, and later got on with Know4sure. She charges so much because of her life style she likes to live in Beverly Hills. Be weary of what she says as she does not really think of your best interest at all. My friend had to block her because of the annoyance about using her information. She kept pressing and my friend just blocked her.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2019, 10:52:05 PM »

seems legit  :P

