Author Topic: Autumn Rivers or Miss Ann  (Read 4422 times)

Offline LiliaAstro

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Autumn Rivers or Miss Ann
« on: August 29, 2023, 12:09:07 PM »
Which one do you like better and why?

Offline Stone88

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Re: Autumn Rivers or Miss Ann
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2023, 02:00:07 PM »
I've not read with Miss Ann and don't plan to.

Autumn rivers is good. But unfortunately her contact prediction didn't pan out. But timing is hard to pin point.

Offline saxenaniks

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Re: Autumn Rivers or Miss Ann
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2023, 02:21:42 PM »
Both are absolutely amazing! Accurate! Love them.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Autumn Rivers or Miss Ann
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2023, 02:22:14 PM »
Same here, I was never able to catch Miss Ann because she’s always busy and then seems to sign off immediately. I can’t really say much with regard to Autumn Rivers. I’ve read with her 3 times now and she was wrong about a contact prediction. The rest of what she said has yet to play out so I don’t think it’s too fair to say one way or another. As soon as I have updates I’ll update everything with her name associated. She does say she’s not good with timelines just FYI.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2023, 03:26:44 PM by Chitowngirl »

Offline saxenaniks

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Re: Autumn Rivers or Miss Ann
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2023, 03:07:54 PM »
Chitown, was she accurate on the present?

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Autumn Rivers or Miss Ann
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2023, 03:36:35 PM »
It's so hard for me to know because I haven't had contact with the person I'm interested in for a few weeks now so I have no way of knowing if what she's said about him is correct or not. And I'm not wanting to reach out to him to find out. So I just don't know. As I noted though, I thought I'd see said person last weekend on a specific day and I asked her specifically if I would and she said yes without hesitation and then went on to tell me how it would go. That didn't happen, I didn't even see him.

I have asked her about other things as well and unfortunately with where I'm at in life at the moment, it's again hard to tell. I have found her answers for me to not be very specific, pretty general. I asked about a work situation for example and she said it wouldn't really impact me heavily one way or another. That's a tough answer and at this moment in time I won't know if she's right or wrong. I should know more about everything by the end of September and will most definitely update good or bad.

Offline Rav2202

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Re: Autumn Rivers or Miss Ann
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2023, 12:58:42 AM »
I spoke to Ari and I can say she is a good empath for the most part but she got some of my own personality and how I operate incorrectly but it may have been her own interpretation and not her Psychic ability. Ann seemed okay to me. Her predictions are pending at the moment.

I just realized that one of AR's predictions came true a few days after the reading so she's def. accurate at least for short term predictions.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2023, 01:51:00 AM by Rav2202 »

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Autumn Rivers or Miss Ann
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2023, 01:53:18 PM »
Mentioned this in another thread just now, I wish there was one thread for each reader but it is what it is. Anyway, Autumn Rivers was what I'd consider correct about contact this week she gave it a low 20% chance and I did not see him.

Also, I was finally able to catch Miss Ann for the first time ever. I liked her, she did ask some leading questions though as in, "are you two dating?" I'm not mad about it but was hoping she would just pick up what her cards say after giving names and birthdates. After I answered that question though, she just told me what cards she pulled and what they meant. I got the impression that she has the same meaning written down for each card which is totally fine but she did string things together pretty darn good. I was impressed with her and would go to her again but am going to wait a while. She did give me a positive outcome as 98% of all readers have so we'll see. I started asking her more direct questions after she was done reading her initial spread and she answered them directly but I feel her strength is in the initial cards she pulls. She did not give me any timeframes though I asked and said she's not good with those so I didn't press it. As always, I'll update more as things unfold.....or don't, haha!

Offline KarinaR

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Re: Autumn Rivers or Miss Ann
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2023, 04:56:27 PM »
I have read with both multiple times on multiple POIs.

Autumn is more of a present energy reader at least for me. If you reach out to her when you are feeling low she will give you a negative reading. If you’re happy she will give you a positive reading. For example I reached out to her on a past POI and things seemed to be going well he was planning a weekend for us etc. she told me all of these positive things including long term commitment. This guy was cheating the whole time lol. She told me he was looking to move closer to me so I was so excited because she picked up the distance thing and what I had been hoping would happen without prompting.

Last time I read with her I was a mess. I was anxious, ugly face crying after a breakup. She along with 3 other favorites on this forum told me he wasn’t coming back. He did. Since then I stopped reading with Ari, Autumn rivers and…. QOC. My experience with all 3 of these readers is that they pick up on low vibrational energy and you can further expand on it/ manifest their outcomes by staying negative and in that energy space. These readers for me have traditionally over the past 5-10 years have given me very very off base outcomes yet I wanted to believe them because what they said was in line with what I feared or hoped in a situation plus let’s be honest this forum has most definitely flared up the psychic addiction more than helped reduce it for me.

Miss Ann- my experience is that she is good for picking up the present. Whatever cards she picks up before she starts telling you “the future” are the most accurate. Any of her future predictions I don’t even bother reading lol. She has been a fairy tale fluff and puff reader for me in regards to the future. According to her future reads/interpretations I should’ve been married to at least 3-4 ex pois. I’ve never been married. However, her “base card” and the spirituality emotional cards she pulls are accurate. If she tells you “he is looking over options”- he’s probably talking to others. If she says “re-evaluating wHat he wants” or something about he is not sure he wants a commitment…. He is probably not wanting the relationship/there’s a breakup coming. I legit had a tower card come up with her in my future position and she painted it as unexpected happiness Lmao.

Use your judgment with these readers. Miss Ann does have a gift but for me none of her future predictions have ever come to materialize.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Autumn Rivers or Miss Ann
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2023, 05:57:07 PM »
I have read with both multiple times on multiple POIs.

Autumn is more of a present energy reader at least for me. If you reach out to her when you are feeling low she will give you a negative reading. If you’re happy she will give you a positive reading. For example I reached out to her on a past POI and things seemed to be going well he was planning a weekend for us etc. she told me all of these positive things including long term commitment. This guy was cheating the whole time lol. She told me he was looking to move closer to me so I was so excited because she picked up the distance thing and what I had been hoping would happen without prompting.

Last time I read with her I was a mess. I was anxious, ugly face crying after a breakup. She along with 3 other favorites on this forum told me he wasn’t coming back. He did. Since then I stopped reading with Ari, Autumn rivers and…. QOC. My experience with all 3 of these readers is that they pick up on low vibrational energy and you can further expand on it/ manifest their outcomes by staying negative and in that energy space. These readers for me have traditionally over the past 5-10 years have given me very very off base outcomes yet I wanted to believe them because what they said was in line with what I feared or hoped in a situation plus let’s be honest this forum has most definitely flared up the psychic addiction more than helped reduce it for me.

Miss Ann- my experience is that she is good for picking up the present. Whatever cards she picks up before she starts telling you “the future” are the most accurate. Any of her future predictions I don’t even bother reading lol. She has been a fairy tale fluff and puff reader for me in regards to the future. According to her future reads/interpretations I should’ve been married to at least 3-4 ex pois. I’ve never been married. However, her “base card” and the spirituality emotional cards she pulls are accurate. If she tells you “he is looking over options”- he’s probably talking to others. If she says “re-evaluating wHat he wants” or something about he is not sure he wants a commitment…. He is probably not wanting the relationship/there’s a breakup coming. I legit had a tower card come up with her in my future position and she painted it as unexpected happiness Lmao.

Use your judgment with these readers. Miss Ann does have a gift but for me none of her future predictions have ever come to materialize.

Super helpful insight, thank you! I think that is an interesting take on the energies they pick up being based off me. I do believe in that to a degree, although I've had situations where I wasn't feeling good and they were and vice versa so it's not always the case but I will say this last reading with Autumn I was feeling more down and she did indeed sort of change her prediction a bit to be more on the negative side so there could be something to that. Bit of a bummer about Miss Ann because I feel most of what she pulled were Future cards so that's essentially most of the reading I had. Although I'll say her first cards were very positive so I guess that's a good thing! As soon as fall is over I should be able to write out a full review on everyone I've been reading with over the summer. At the moment I'm not too hopeful but we'll see.

Offline KarinaR

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Re: Autumn Rivers or Miss Ann
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2023, 07:02:20 PM »
The more and more I have been going down the rabbit hole of readings which for me started in 2010 with platforms… the more I am coming to the realization that psychic readings generally only predict short term stuff. I have only had very few genuine long term predictions come to pass. I have also made rules for myself lately.

If a psychic charges more than $10 per min on a platform… they’re not real. They are career scam artists. No one should charge that.

If an independent (off platform) reader who is pocketing all of the money is charging more than $5-6 per min. Same.

I had a psychic tell me they were worth $600 for 1 hr. A good therapist charges maybe 100-200/hr.

A real Dr makes about that as well 100-200 per hour.

There is no reason why anyone who believes themselves to be gifted should be trying to pocket more than $5 per min. That’s more than a doctor or licensed therapist.

Since doing some math break downs and trying to get away from this addiction I made a realization about how some of these “psychics” think they are worth more than an attorney, therapist or doctor… they prey on our anxiety and these platforms exploit mental illness.

Ingenio owns almost all of the psychic platforms we list here. Think about that, it’s literally a whole business model fed by our insecurities and hard earned money.

Psychic source is also super shady. They don’t even post negative reviews for 2 weeks and they have to be reviewed by their internal team before posting. It’s gross. A lot of their psychics are also listed on path forward psychics under different names.

I am not going to say that none of these readers are gifted because some of them genuinely are and I myself have had many small hits over the years but none of them are worth the thousands of dollars I’ve spent trying to get answers.

Every time someone posts about a contact here we all get excited but if read through the posts the stories are all mostly negative and similar. Some of the positive ones also turned out to be negative in the long run.

Psychic addiction is real, it’s dangerous and keeps us from living our best lives. Be careful of holding on to outcomes based on what a reader said. 9/10 is your own actions, energy and belief that will manifest. Also some of these psychics are energy vampires. I know I’ve had my own share of anxiety and low energy after talking to several. Particularly some listed on this forum as accurate or amazing. Protect your energy and your pocket. Manifest your own destiny.

