Author Topic: Oh the lurkers....  (Read 8924 times)

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2019, 01:41:31 PM »
I just remembered that the forum is an open one. Before, you had to log in to view content here. So, auto banning people wouldnt work. I wouldnt mind the forum being closed, but it seems like eventually, the forum dies...happened to both SPS and here years back. Either way, if threads continue to get deleted by a psychics request, its no longer a useful forum anyway.

I agree, but i don't understand why the forum became "dead" when it was closed. I would rather it was closed and people have to log in to view, even if its just to lurk. I used to run a forum many years ago, and it was closed but it was very active. I think the concepts may be dying down because most people are now on fb and using groups.  I can come on here once a week and barely miss a thing. Which is disappointing, i was hoping this would be more active.

I think closed forums die because they are cut off in Google searches, so very few new people find the site. With a forum, you always need a bit of fresh blood coming in every month to offer differing views or content. But yeah, people are on Telegram, Facebook groups, reddit etc etc. If the admin was more active, hired some moderators, and maybe did a bit of advertising...I think this forum could grow and maybe become a bit more useful if he closed access to it.

Or the middle ground could be that there are some sections that are public and others that are closed. this is seen on many message boards. that way they come up in google searches, but also have sections closed. Many forums do this, and then they can have it saying for access to full forum become a member.

I agree we do need mods. I find it unusually that we don't have any.

Offline jas

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2019, 01:51:56 PM »
Can I ask what prompted this thread?  Did a lurker upset everyone on another thread? 

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2019, 08:30:46 PM »
Voting for Love to be a new moderator 😉

wheres the damn like button on this forum -- i vote thats the first thing we add

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2019, 08:34:19 PM »
I just remembered that the forum is an open one. Before, you had to log in to view content here. So, auto banning people wouldnt work. I wouldnt mind the forum being closed, but it seems like eventually, the forum dies...happened to both SPS and here years back. Either way, if threads continue to get deleted by a psychics request, its no longer a useful forum anyway.

I agree, but i don't understand why the forum became "dead" when it was closed. I would rather it was closed and people have to log in to view, even if its just to lurk. I used to run a forum many years ago, and it was closed but it was very active. I think the concepts may be dying down because most people are now on fb and using groups.  I can come on here once a week and barely miss a thing. Which is disappointing, i was hoping this would be more active.

does it matter though?  if a psychic wanted to read, they could create a fake name and just red anyways?

Offline happyk

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2019, 09:04:56 PM »
Can I ask what prompted this thread?  Did a lurker upset everyone on another thread?,4498.15.html

Offline happyk

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2019, 09:06:57 PM »
Voting for Love to be a new moderator 😉

wheres the damn like button on this forum -- i vote thats the first thing we add

We need a moderator really bad!!


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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2019, 12:05:15 AM »
I dont care if people "lurk" - what I DO mind is when lurkers make it hard to reach psychics since they all jump in the queue after someone posts about a psychic, and then they DONT POST their experience with said psychic. The person that recommended the psychic took their time to share their experience so that other people can have the opportunity to read, which makes it harder for EVERYONE to read with said psychic. Can't lurkers at least contribute to reviewing the psychics they've read with as a result of following someone else's recommendation??

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2019, 03:36:33 AM »
I dont care if people "lurk" - what I DO mind is when lurkers make it hard to reach psychics since they all jump in the queue after someone posts about a psychic, and then they DONT POST their experience with said psychic. The person that recommended the psychic took their time to share their experience so that other people can have the opportunity to read, which makes it harder for EVERYONE to read with said psychic. Can't lurkers at least contribute to reviewing the psychics they've read with as a result of following someone else's recommendation??

I agree completely here, and this is what is frustrating, because now i can't get to my fav advisor. This is where the review part should be closed to memebers. Because as it stands right now, you don't have to be a member to lurk. So at least this makes people sign up and then they end up being more likely to comment. But yes, it would be great to hear these reviews, especially when one claims that there are ones that are good for them, then why not share that experience, because more people take the time to share bad vs good.

Offline naturegirl

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2019, 05:08:51 AM »
I was a long-time lurker while addicted to Bitwine to read reviews, but that was when there were just a couple of bitwine threads that weren't specific to any one reader. I joined so that I could share my experiences and pay it forward essentially, but I've been hesitant to lay it all out there right away because prior to joining I saw a lot of newbies being accused of being shills so I want to earn a little trust before I post my list. I do chime in when I see someone getting ready to use someone I know is not legit that hasn't been called out for that by anyone or if someone asks and there aren't many responses. I plan to just go through my history and make a list of everyone I read with and rate them on some type of scale I think because there are so many and I don't have time to say too much about each of them. I was thinking I might try to describe them each in like 3 words and give them a number lol. I promise you there are many advisors that lurk though because I've had a few mention it. Before I joined all I did was google the advisor name and read the threads that came up in the search. There were many posters that I recognized as bitwine users because they used the same user name or a variation of that name or I even matched up some people that used different names based on the date of their post saying "I just read with so and so blah blah blah" and there would be a coinciding review for that advisor that date that either said something similar or had the same writing style. I'd "assume" it was that person who posted, but then three weeks later (or whatever) when they posted they'd just read with a different advisor and yup a review for THAT advisor was left by the same user as the other one.... You get the picture. I could tell you Josh's bitwine user name. I won't because I think it's probably his real name and some of you have maybe drawn similar conclusions about people, but my point is that we're not dummies and neither are they. They can figure out who we are if we provide cross-referenceable info. I think it might be harder for them now to make connections like that now that there are individual threads, but who knows? I never understood the hate for that justkindle psychic that posted here. I thought her posts were informative and she didn't give away info that can't be found by literally anyone who knows how to use Google. The info people post here is not private, none of it. Matter of fact, when I make my list I'm going to put an X in every advisor name I type (or something) so that the thread won't pop up when the reader googles their name. They'll actually have to come to the forum and read through all the posts. Maybe I'll put it in the vent section so it doesn't come up if they search bitwine. We make it too easy for them, but I was thankful for that when I wasn't a member. I do appreciate all the reviews and I wish I had found the site sooner because I could have saved myself a lot of money and avoided believing a lot of things that were never going to happen or were never felt by another person or whatever. Plus you guys are funny and insightful. Definitely not batshit. Thank you, non-lurkers!

Offline jas

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2019, 01:38:12 PM »
Thanks for the link Happy.

Hum....not sure how I feel about the lurkers because I feel a bit like a lurker myself.  I rarely see any threads about the regulars that I read with, therefore, I really have nothing to add.  I enjoy reading about all the different psychics but I rarely feel motivated enough to call them only because I am quiet happy with my regulars.  When I first joined the board, I posted about my favorite readers and pretty much said everything I had to say, so now I guess I fall into the lurker category.

Offline miss_t

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2019, 03:23:33 PM »
I was a lurker until today. Almost everyday I keep trying to login but I keep getting that message about waiting for admin approval. Why does it have to take that long? Anyhoo, was just approved today so here I am. Just posted about Angel Readings (bitwine) and Clarissa (AskNow). Will be posting on other readers as well. Still thinking who is worth the time lol

Offline Stargazing

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2019, 10:17:01 PM »
I'm a lurker because the times I have shared my experiences, sometimes it would be criticized or questioned if it was something others didn't agree with. I have deleted some of my shared experiences because of this.

I do look on the site because it's helpful, to see if psychics I read with are telling others the same or to see if they have worked, or not worked for others. I am thankful for the site and apologize for lurking if it offends anybody.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #27 on: May 25, 2019, 08:21:48 AM »
What?! You’ll crazy want genuinely addicted people posting and ranting? Demanding they share their opinion? ... cooooooolsies

What I consider a threat are people waiting... weeks and months then revealing to be psychics looking forever for future clients. But you can’t stop them...

Then then there are those who genuinely sign up, check up a review then move on with their lives. Or people get busy... not being obsessed with this forum is probably an improvement on their lives.

Should their be like a 6months or 2 year ban... I dunno. I do like that IP address is checked and traced to prevent from multiple account being created. If you erase/delete someone after an amount whose to say the same parasitic lurker wouldn’t be doing the same as before.

Whatever that’s my two cents

I didn't know that about the IP address.  That is awesome.

No its not about obsessing either its just if you want to try someone but don't trust the reviews on the site.  Then come here but people that have tried them don't say anything then you really have nothing to go by.

Or even when people rave about a reader and lets say they didn't work so well for you but everyone says how amazing they are.  Then you don't say that she didn't work for you and there maybe others that they didn't work for but they aren't saying.  So you start thinking darn they were just off for me.  😔

My point was that it would be more helpful if people just posted on whether someone connected with them or not.  I mainly use bitwine and its annoying to see an advisor get a negative review and they respond you just didn't like the truth.  BUT we know that there are people who don't leave favorably reviews if the reading is negative.   So at least here one doesn't have to concern themselves with that.

LOL this, this is such a great comment. Agreed. I love the way you put it.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2019, 10:18:29 AM »
Thanks for the link Happy.

Hum....not sure how I feel about the lurkers because I feel a bit like a lurker myself.  I rarely see any threads about the regulars that I read with, therefore, I really have nothing to add.  I enjoy reading about all the different psychics but I rarely feel motivated enough to call them only because I am quiet happy with my regulars.  When I first joined the board, I posted about my favorite readers and pretty much said everything I had to say, so now I guess I fall into the lurker category.

Nice to meet you Jas.  😊

See you have read with people who aren't spoke about.  That's a perfect time to start a thread on them.  Who knows maybe others have done the same but just figured no one else has tried them.  Never know, you might have ppl who could share their experiences  with the board.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #29 on: May 25, 2019, 10:20:23 AM »
I'm a lurker because the times I have shared my experiences, sometimes it would be criticized or questioned if it was something others didn't agree with. I have deleted some of my shared experiences because of this.

I do look on the site because it's helpful, to see if psychics I read with are telling others the same or to see if they have worked, or not worked for others. I am thankful for the site and apologize for lurking if it offends anybody.

I'm so sorry this has happened to you.  I always wondered why i would come across a post where the original posting was deleted.  Hopefully people will realize this and be more mindful.

