Author Topic: Oh the lurkers....  (Read 8455 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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Oh the lurkers....
« on: May 21, 2019, 06:13:56 PM »
Since this is taking over a thread I'd figure we would pick up here.  There is an amazing thing that occurs when a lurker comes out to place their 2 cents when the $hit is worked up on a reader.  If you can't contribute to the threads and then decide to make an appearance out of the blue you honestly won't be getting a warm reception or taken seriously.

If you were to click on the members tab and viewed how many members joined just in 2019 that haven't posted not once you wouldn't believe it.  This forum would work so much better if non contributing members were removed after so many days. 

This forum was to help share things that due to these platforms we are not able to do on the actual site.   If you are only coming here and reading other's experience you aren't doing your share.  You don't need to go into detail about your actual reading but just share if you felt the reader was accurate or fell flat.  If you are worried about being attacked just ignore the post.  I think unfortunately we feed the fire by responding to the person posting and the thread goes completely off track. 

Please feel free to post your frustrations here.  This is a safe free zone. 😉

Offline bstalling

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2019, 06:42:42 PM »
I agree too about the lurkers. Should be auto-ban after 40 days or something. You post about a decent reader and you can no longer get in their line to read with them anymore. Then, they don't even post, "well I tried and this was my experience". Instead, they contribute 1 or 2 posts about how crazy posters are for having their reviews. SMH. Lurkers are just leachers.

Offline happyk

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2019, 07:29:17 PM »
Voting for Love to be a new moderator 😉

Offline persephone

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2019, 07:31:38 PM »
I Vote for Love!

Offline username1111

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2019, 07:56:44 PM »
If you were to click on the members tab and viewed how many members joined just in 2019 that haven't posted not once you wouldn't believe it.  This forum would work so much better if non contributing members were removed after so many days.

I am sorry, but I don't see how inactive members are affecting the forum... its not like they are taking up server's space or slowing down data usage for any other members.

Should be auto-ban after 40 days or something.

The risk of doing that is that people will be tempted to post unrelevant content just to remain a member... I dont see that as a valuable thing honestly.

People on this forum have different stories and are looking for different things. Some of us have been reading intensively for the last few months while other have read for decade(s) and are now sticking to very few readers with who they read only few times a year.
Some of us are looking for sharing / venting / supporting others in dealing with psychic addictions - Others are looking for spiritual / psychic personal development.

The forum has PM feature, and some members may be more comfortable sharing their stories on 1 on 1 than on a public thread.

In my opinion, its great that we keep all these options open as well as the ability to welcome back old members who can share their perspectives on their psychic's experience over years...

well, my 2 cents.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2019, 08:01:28 PM »
I just remembered that the forum is an open one. Before, you had to log in to view content here. So, auto banning people wouldnt work. I wouldnt mind the forum being closed, but it seems like eventually, the forum dies...happened to both SPS and here years back. Either way, if threads continue to get deleted by a psychics request, its no longer a useful forum anyway.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2019, 10:28:07 PM »
If you were to click on the members tab and viewed how many members joined just in 2019 that haven't posted not once you wouldn't believe it.  This forum would work so much better if non contributing members were removed after so many days.

I am sorry, but I don't see how inactive members are affecting the forum... its not like they are taking up server's space or slowing down data usage for any other members.

Should be auto-ban after 40 days or something.

The risk of doing that is that people will be tempted to post unrelevant content just to remain a member... I dont see that as a valuable thing honestly.

People on this forum have different stories and are looking for different things. Some of us have been reading intensively for the last few months while other have read for decade(s) and are now sticking to very few readers with who they read only few times a year.
Some of us are looking for sharing / venting / supporting others in dealing with psychic addictions - Others are looking for spiritual / psychic personal development.

The forum has PM feature, and some members may be more comfortable sharing their stories on 1 on 1 than on a public thread.

In my opinion, its great that we keep all these options open as well as the ability to welcome back old members who can share their perspectives on their psychic's experience over years...

well, my 2 cents.

They are just taking advantage i feel of the site without participating.  They don't have to be super active with constant  posting but if you don't post at all how do you know its just not a reader trying to get info on potential clients.  There is no way to tell because you aren't communicating on the threads.  Also they could at least post on the vent or get to know one another  section.  Like i said it just seems to defeat the purpose if its only the same people contributing.   New people are trying these advisors and it would be great to see how they worked for them.

On that note if it wasn't for the ones who do post we wouldn't be able to call out the scammers who give identical reading.  Without sharing no one would be aware of what's going on and people saving their money.

Yes thanks for your votes my friends. 🤣🤣  i would definitely shake things up here like the tower card.

Offline username1111

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2019, 11:29:46 PM »
@Love2lovenj like @bstalling said... it's a public forum... everybody can check/read/browse the posts - registered or unregistered netizens.
If I am not mistaking, being a registered member allows you to:
- post
- search
- pm other members

So, when you ban a user, at no time you prevent them from lurking...

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2019, 05:35:19 PM »
What?! You’ll crazy want genuinely addicted people posting and ranting? Demanding they share their opinion? ... cooooooolsies

What I consider a threat are people waiting... weeks and months then revealing to be psychics looking forever for future clients. But you can’t stop them...

Then then there are those who genuinely sign up, check up a review then move on with their lives. Or people get busy... not being obsessed with this forum is probably an improvement on their lives.

Should their be like a 6months or 2 year ban... I dunno. I do like that IP address is checked and traced to prevent from multiple account being created. If you erase/delete someone after an amount whose to say the same parasitic lurker wouldn’t be doing the same as before.

Whatever that’s my two cents

I didn't know that about the IP address.  That is awesome.

No its not about obsessing either its just if you want to try someone but don't trust the reviews on the site.  Then come here but people that have tried them don't say anything then you really have nothing to go by.

Or even when people rave about a reader and lets say they didn't work so well for you but everyone says how amazing they are.  Then you don't say that she didn't work for you and there maybe others that they didn't work for but they aren't saying.  So you start thinking darn they were just off for me.  😔

My point was that it would be more helpful if people just posted on whether someone connected with them or not.  I mainly use bitwine and its annoying to see an advisor get a negative review and they respond you just didn't like the truth.  BUT we know that there are people who don't leave favorably reviews if the reading is negative.   So at least here one doesn't have to concern themselves with that.

Offline njlady

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2019, 11:55:52 PM »
Since this is taking over a thread I'd figure we would pick up here.  There is an amazing thing that occurs when a lurker comes out to place their 2 cents when the $hit is worked up on a reader.  If you can't contribute to the threads and then decide to make an appearance out of the blue you honestly won't be getting a warm reception or taken seriously.

If you were to click on the members tab and viewed how many members joined just in 2019 that haven't posted not once you wouldn't believe it.  This forum would work so much better if non contributing members were removed after so many days. 

This forum was to help share things that due to these platforms we are not able to do on the actual site.   If you are only coming here and reading other's experience you aren't doing your share.  You don't need to go into detail about your actual reading but just share if you felt the reader was accurate or fell flat.  If you are worried about being attacked just ignore the post.  I think unfortunately we feed the fire by responding to the person posting and the thread goes completely off track. 

Please feel free to post your frustrations here.  This is a safe free zone. 😉

No one is obligated to post.  That's a middle school attitude to have.   

I don't care who joined when, how much they do or do not post nor what they want to look at.  That is an individual members business.

Psychics are welcome but many members feel that it is "no psychics allowed"  territory.  It isn't.

If you are calling so often that a psychic who speaks with thousands of people will recognize your story, then don't post your story on the internet where the entire world can see it. 

95% of the posts on here aren't reviews or anything to really read anyway.  It's the same people calling and calling, hanging on for dear life to their predictions while another group circlejerks a bunch of "hang in there" pearl necklaces all over their them.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2019, 12:52:28 AM »
Yes you don't have to care or post but its irritating as hell to ask opinions on an advisor see 50 ppl read the post and maybe of your lucky 2 or 3 responses.

Offline Wishful Thinker

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2019, 01:22:01 AM »
Just a thought, but don’t you think that those 50 views were people who may have read with the mentioned reader and was curious to find out what that person’s experience was like as well or maybe they haven’t read with them yet?

I agree with Njlady and username111.  Please trust and believe that there are numerous reasons why people lurk and say nothing.  Fear of being attacked for posting about predictions passing with Psychics when others weren’t successful; being busy in their lives to come online and post i.e., living their lives and not allowing readings to consume them; other members telling people how they should feel about readings; not allowing opinions; negative energies, etc. 

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2019, 03:11:56 AM »
I just remembered that the forum is an open one. Before, you had to log in to view content here. So, auto banning people wouldnt work. I wouldnt mind the forum being closed, but it seems like eventually, the forum dies...happened to both SPS and here years back. Either way, if threads continue to get deleted by a psychics request, its no longer a useful forum anyway.

I agree, but i don't understand why the forum became "dead" when it was closed. I would rather it was closed and people have to log in to view, even if its just to lurk. I used to run a forum many years ago, and it was closed but it was very active. I think the concepts may be dying down because most people are now on fb and using groups.  I can come on here once a week and barely miss a thing. Which is disappointing, i was hoping this would be more active.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2019, 03:18:36 AM »
I just remembered that the forum is an open one. Before, you had to log in to view content here. So, auto banning people wouldnt work. I wouldnt mind the forum being closed, but it seems like eventually, the forum dies...happened to both SPS and here years back. Either way, if threads continue to get deleted by a psychics request, its no longer a useful forum anyway.

I agree, but i don't understand why the forum became "dead" when it was closed. I would rather it was closed and people have to log in to view, even if its just to lurk. I used to run a forum many years ago, and it was closed but it was very active. I think the concepts may be dying down because most people are now on fb and using groups.  I can come on here once a week and barely miss a thing. Which is disappointing, i was hoping this would be more active.

I think closed forums die because they are cut off in Google searches, so very few new people find the site. With a forum, you always need a bit of fresh blood coming in every month to offer differing views or content. But yeah, people are on Telegram, Facebook groups, reddit etc etc. If the admin was more active, hired some moderators, and maybe did a bit of advertising...I think this forum could grow and maybe become a bit more useful if he closed access to it.

Offline persephone

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Re: Oh the lurkers....
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2019, 03:34:28 AM »
I just remembered that the forum is an open one. Before, you had to log in to view content here. So, auto banning people wouldnt work. I wouldnt mind the forum being closed, but it seems like eventually, the forum dies...happened to both SPS and here years back. Either way, if threads continue to get deleted by a psychics request, its no longer a useful forum anyway.

I agree, but i don't understand why the forum became "dead" when it was closed. I would rather it was closed and people have to log in to view, even if its just to lurk. I used to run a forum many years ago, and it was closed but it was very active. I think the concepts may be dying down because most people are now on fb and using groups.  I can come on here once a week and barely miss a thing. Which is disappointing, i was hoping this would be more active.

I think closed forums die because they are cut off in Google searches, so very few new people find the site. With a forum, you always need a bit of fresh blood coming in every month to offer differing views or content. But yeah, people are on Telegram, Facebook groups, reddit etc etc. If the admin was more active, hired some moderators, and maybe did a bit of advertising...I think this forum could grow and maybe become a bit more useful if he closed access to it.

You nailed it, bstalling!!!
Very well said.

