Author Topic: Repeated psychic readings and outcome changes  (Read 9608 times)

Offline ES1281

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Repeated psychic readings and outcome changes
« on: May 21, 2019, 08:01:18 AM »
Hi guys

I've read with a lot of psychics before, and there are some I do trust.

Here is my question that I'd like to ask, I myself had experience of

[The first to second readings were most accurate.
 After that if I ask the same question over and over again before the thing to manifest, accuracy wasn't like the begining ones.]

*For example,

-First reading
I will meet a guy again he has good feelings about me, when we meet there will be romantic moments but I won't feel romance.

-Third reading
This guy only think I'm a friend and he won't offer anything romance.

Things happened exactly like the first reading but not the third one.
But I have to admit when i had the third reading actually I wished that guy only think I'm a friend and won't offer anything romantic. But still happened just like the first reading.

I'd like to know if there is anybody had the same experience like me.

Thank you! :-*
« Last Edit: May 21, 2019, 08:06:07 AM by ES1281 »

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Repeated psychic readings and outcome changes
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2019, 08:55:55 PM »
Most of the consistent readers keep notes, they write down your first name and birthday when they ask, then they write a little snippet about what you talked about.
I recently read with someone from a brand new account.  The reader asked if I had read with them before, I replied "not that I can remember"  After a little bit the reader located their notes and told me that all of sudden they remember me.  Then they were mad that I was calling from a new account and they hung up.

I used to think there was no way that they could take notes but most of them do if they ask your birthday.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Repeated psychic readings and outcome changes
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2019, 11:09:01 PM »
Had this happen to me once with a reader that I trusted. She gave me advice telling me I should be calm in the situation, to not text POI as frequent and to not take personally his lack of communication. Two months later after me doing as told, I asked for a follow up and she flipped on me. Said POI the energy had shifted and POI was looking to build something elsewhere. You can imagine how much of a fool I felt after doing all that effort to keep things going whilst the other person rode towards the sunset with someone else.  ::)

OMG that’s awful I’m sorry

Offline ES1281

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Re: Repeated psychic readings and outcome changes
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2019, 02:52:58 PM »
Thank you for your reply, wish good luck on everybody:)

Offline Caroline10

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Re: Repeated psychic readings and outcome changes
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2019, 09:56:00 PM »
I think the first reading seems to be the most accurate. I'm thinking that once an advisor knows you their personal feelings and opinions cloud the info they get. 


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Re: Repeated psychic readings and outcome changes
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2019, 10:29:50 PM »
I think the first reading seems to be the most accurate. I'm thinking that once an advisor knows you their personal feelings and opinions cloud the info they get.

I totally agree with you.  There are very few readers who I will read with more than twice.

Offline Caroline10

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Re: Repeated psychic readings and outcome changes
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2019, 01:30:48 AM »
Persimmon, absolutely agree. Readings that change too much are fishy, but there naturally are going to be some small things that do change in the course of time. A reading that's always the same kinda make you wonder, too.
I like readers that are consistent overall even if events or timing changes. My go-to has been relatively consistent about timing for me, and it makes me feel like she's connected.
Yaz, which readers do you like the best?


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Re: Repeated psychic readings and outcome changes
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2019, 01:52:09 AM »
Persimmon, absolutely agree. Readings that change too much are fishy, but there naturally are going to be some small things that do change in the course of time. A reading that's always the same kinda make you wonder, too.
I like readers that are consistent overall even if events or timing changes. My go-to has been relatively consistent about timing for me, and it makes me feel like she's connected.
Yaz, which readers do you like the best?

For the right here and now, no fluff, my top picks would be Shawnne McKenna and Queen of Cups.

For general outlook, no specific questions answered, it would be Kisha and Leanne.  Maybe both, twice a year readings tops.

As for the Empaths, present to 6 months out is Karenjo/ taken in conjunction with Lady P.

I’m not sure of outcome yet and I really won’t be until Spring or next Fall, but I like Mysticalcraft Arriana and Sweetorange Reader and perhaps Jmjaim0 (no fairytale for me/ empath qualities as well). 

Monthly overview and one of my go to readers is Matilda.  I have no worries about reading with her repeatedly.

I’ve gleaned useful information from Kate Marquez and Anastasia Christine and Ness. 

My love life kind of stalled out.  I’m not really sure why, but I imagine it’s because I focused on it instead of my career/business for the last 5 months.  So now I’m 5 months behind where I should be when it comes to my business, and so my love life is also affected.  I will say that I do believe excessive readings really messes up the flow of life, which causes delays.  Oh well, can’t go back, just can keep moving forward.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Repeated psychic readings and outcome changes
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2019, 02:17:29 AM »
Thanks for sharing, Yaz.  This tried-and-tested list is really helpful as I sense you've been through the psychic gauntlet, yourself.   :)

You’re very welcome, Persimmon.  Yes, I’ve always been inclined to reach out to psychics, but only like once every three months.  That was before I knew about Keen.  The last few months have really been a downward spiral.  I was so naive going into this.  I really thought the ones with good reviews on Keen were tested and true.  One bad reading or confusing reading  can easily cause someone to go down the rabbit hole.  When I say a confusing reading, the confusion can be based on a single word the reader used.  I’m a Gemini and a classic over thinker.  So it’s just a disaster.  I now prefer chat over a telephone call because the intonation of the reader’s voice can get me to start doubting.  At least now I know when a trigger occurs and I’ve learned how to handle it without completely losing my shit.  It’s definitely a slippery slope, and one to constantly be on guard of so that you don’t slip.

Offline Loulou

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Re: Repeated psychic readings and outcome changes
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2019, 08:29:49 AM »
I agree Yazz intonation is
Incredibly important.  Learning to read it when a psychic speaks is