Author Topic: question question  (Read 2162 times)


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question question
« on: May 17, 2019, 02:29:35 AM »
SO.... do you all think that something is meant to be or that our free will can control the outcome of who we end up with?

I ask this because if it is meant to be anyways, then no matter how negative a psychic reading is... it wont stop the progression of an relationship? or not?


Is it based on free will alone and we have a number of "soulmates"? So if we have something of potential we could ruin it with negative energy and nervousness of psychic readings?

People say that things only improved for them when they stopped calling... others don't agree.

What do you thinK??


Kinda confused as I dont believe in meant to be relationships.

Offline ES1281

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Re: question question
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2019, 10:56:18 PM »
Just my thought..

I think our energy attract/ create our future.
LOA is definitely there.

In my experience, LOA ( our free will) impact psychic readings, because Psychic read US, our energy always comes first.

If a psychic is very good he/ she read our present energy and make most possible outcome predictions, but if our energy changed dramatically it may not happen, or negative outcome can be positive.

I feel anxiety and desperation won't bring in our best future.
Reading too much with psychics and waiting for predictions is giving up our own power to somebody else.
We are projecting' it's not here, it's not here'.

I believe in LOA which is 'make a decision' then let it happen.
I visit psychics (good ones) to check my present energy like what I'm creating at this moment.

About LOA, they say' make a decision'

It's to decide our own life, not asking somebody outside' what's coming next to me'.

Like' I decide to marry my POI'
     'I decide to be with my best love in my life'

Once we make a decision it's like we decided to grab a cup of coffee at Starbucks, we will automatically go there and purchase a cappuccino.

This is hard in the beginning but I tested many times and realized LOA does work.

I also believe in soulmates because there is reincarnation and karma.
We have numbers of soulmates who mean to meet each other in this life(Like I read with Yona she said we have past life connection), but to decide how to live the relationship is a mixed up with Karma and our free will, which is what we create for our life.

Offline Ninacy

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Re: question question
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2019, 01:51:12 PM »
We already have existing posts on this matter but I'll answer again.

Based on my experience, you can choose to retard or speed-up the outcomes but some people and some situations are destined to be a part of your life sooner or later, you can only change the way you approach the situation and alter slightly the timing that this happens because of your free will.

Free will only applies (for me at least) to minor stuff and minor life decisions that occur on a daily basis e.g wether you'll go to visit your grandma or not this week or wether you'll purchase that dress and pair of shoes over other options.

If psychics are unable to pick up your ultimate path or destiny, it simply means that they failed to connect and free will is only an excuse. They can tell you about every individual tree in your "forest" but if they can't tell you where is this located and the general/utimate picture, they are gifts are merely useless.

Also, much has been said about LOA and unfortunately, after years of experience exercising... its concepts are faulty let me explain why.

We all know some cases of negative and plain evil people in our close environments e.g family, work, community who seem to enjoy better luck than others without doing much or achieve great things by thinking merely with logic. And someone that is good-spirited and tries their best, may never reach that level of success and personal completion.

Also, regarding relationships, it has been found in a psychology study (will quote it once I find the link as I don't remember it) having realistic expectations in our relationships with others is much more effective in making that relationship last instead of being overly positive or negative. I have found this personally to be true again and again.

I had exes dump me out of nowhere when the relationship was going great and I was totally positive and optimistic and on the contrary, in those relationships where I had my head in the ground and was even slightly negative, the other person would make a greater effort to improve the relationship and keep me in their lives. If both people are overly positive and wear rose-colored glasses, they will be in for a rude awakening sooner or later and wonder what you were thinking.

LOA only helps in keeping you confident and motivated to achieve your visions, it can't magically manipulate the universe and outcomes to your favor. But hey if you feel it helps you attract more positive outcomes, of course, you can still continue practicing its principles. I don't feel it's entirely useless but it's not as "magical" as people claim.