I was curious about this - as I had the opportunity to validate what one reader told me about my POI several weeks ago.
This reader (not one of my top readers) said my POI had a dream about me holding hands with another guy and me and that guy walking away from him.
NOW - lol first of all, who in the hell really remembers dreams, so how could she pick that up?
I had the luxury of asking my POI - “have you ever had a dream about me”
He said “yes I have”. (I’m like ok we are getting somewhere). But then he follows up by saying “funny thing is I cant remember any of my dreams, like ANY of them”
So I said, So if I asked you if you had a dream about a giraffe, you wouldn’t remember anyway huh - he was like “no, but what are you getting at lol - you know something i dont know? Lol”
Well I ask him - have you ever had a dream about “me and a guy?”
He says “I mean, I’m not really into the group sex thing, but I dont think....”
Wait what? We busted out laughing.
I was like noooooooooo...did you see me and a guy walking away from you in a dream? He was like helll no - why would I dream about you with ANOTHER GUY?