Author Topic: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck  (Read 5529 times)

Offline Ninacy

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Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« on: May 11, 2019, 10:12:38 PM »
Just wanted to share my experience and my sad realizations after countless of psychic readings over the past 8 years. Amongst a sea of frauds and semi-legit readers, there are those who genuinely connect with spirits to draw their insights but their info is often misleading, contradictory and dangerous to your physical and mental well-being.

I was initially given the impression that spirit-guided readings are more accurate and helpful but I was wrong. These types of psychics gave me enough accurate and specific details to convince me that they were really talking to spirits but future predictions, especially positive ones, never came to pass and only negative ones came to pass. I know some people here complained about getting only negative predictions come to pass and here is my own theory why such thing happens:

The psychics themselves are in touch with trickster spirits or spirits that simply don't like you and judge you and the situation, without the psychics being totally aware of the situation. The tell you some truths to "lure" you in but in the end, nothing positive happens.

I have contacted certain psychics from various platforms and again, despite their honest intentions, I suffered from multiple streams of bad luck following their readings and bad stuff happening, just like they predicted. The ones that I recall more vividly:

--Steveblackfoot. Ordered his subconscious gig and an ouija board gig on Fiverr 4 years ago. Told me some harsh truths about my ex but positive stuff never happened and I was in bad luck for a few weeks following his reading and could't sleep at night. I thought it was all in my head but when I expressed my concerns in another forum, another intuitive member told me they had also a similar reaction following his readings. I also sense that the guy talks with demons and spirits of lower dimensions to deliver his insights.

--Amsdeen. This one is not a psychic but an intuitive healer who offers energy manipulation gigs and spells. Ordered her servitor spirit gig in which I asked her to create two servitor spirits for me, one for good luck financially and one for good health. Needless to say, even though I felt the presence of two new spirits around me for a brief period of time, my luck and health got actually worse instead of getting better that year.

--NikaWhite (Etsy). Her spirit-guided readings led me wrong on two occasions, I was given the wrong advice to save my relationship with my ex and she didn't saw a break-up happening. I was shocked as I think she isn't a fraud.

--HeavenlyDirection (etsy). Talked in the third person and claimed to give me info from her spirit guides insight unfiletered. Gave some truth mixed with lies and some vague advice in-between. Way off in my love life and her/spirits advice on career backfired.

Now the thing is, some psychics claim the talk with spirits when they are actually talking to themselves or can't filter properly any spirit info they seem to get. In the first case, you will know it as info will be vague, nothing comes to pass and your luck remains the same.
But in the unfortunate case that a reader unknowingly connects with lower dimension spirits or spirits that simly don't like you and your POI, you will feel a temporary stream of bad luck e.g nightmares, opposite predictions coming to pass, feeling that someone is there watching you for days or weeks after the reading.

A psychic should be honest at all times but if their insight comes from dubious "guides" there will be a temporary negative cord between you and this psychic's supposed guides that makes your luck worse. It has nothing to do with demons in the Christian sense, these psychics simply get tricked by spirits of lower dimensions and they unknowingly spread them through their clients like a virus.

Bottomline, if you feel like total crap after getting a reading and only negative predictions come to pass, do a cleansing of yourself and space e.g smudging or using salts to repel any trickster spirits entering your energy field through that psychic.

If other members have experiences with certain psychics who are sure they belong in this category, please share them.

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2019, 12:37:33 AM »
I have been thinking about this too ! I mean we don’t even know these people. Even if they are gifted, what if the information isn’t coming from a good place?

Offline Ninacy

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Re: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2019, 09:25:40 AM »
I have found through my research that often these spirits are human discarnates of lower energy and ethics e.g ex psychopaths and criminals and alien entities who impose their own judgment of the situation and tell truth mixed with lies because if they simply told all lies and BS, the psychic would simply dismiss them as tricksters.

If you get a bad feeling deep inside right after reading and not because it's just negative (in many cases insight is positive or mixed), something's off with the spirit communicated through the psychic. Of course, the ultimate red flag is having bad luck right after getting the reading and ultimately, only negative stuff comes to pass...

Btw forgot to mention these two psychics as well:

Anna Simone (, also on Yelp and other psychic directories). This one claims to genuinely speak with angels and she does speak with some sort of spirits but it seems like her so-called angels don't like me or she really doesn't speak with angels as she thinks she does. Told me the harsh truth about my ex but it left me with a very disheartening and bitter feeling. Her only positive prediction that my etsy store would be successful not only didn't come to pass, the opposite happened of what she told me and I nearly closed down my shop. She also had this "I know better than you" attitude that I didn't like.

Cbrunner89. Claims to speak with God Marduk and a spirit guide named Chantizu. I don't know what kind of spirit does she talked to but it certainly not God Marduk or a spirit of higher dimension. She picked up the initial of my ex's not so common name and it made me like "whoa" but her supposed prediction that I will meet a better man than my ex that year (it's been 3 years ever since) not only didn't transpire but I had a stalker bothering me at that time and had to cast a spell to get rid of him before I call the police.

Btw if a psychic claims to draw insights from Gods of the caliber of Marduk, Amon, Ra, Zeus or even directly speak with archangels like Michael or Gabriel and they charge a low amount for it, they are either frauds or simply deluded into thinking they are getting insights from original entities when in reality they are dealing with impostor and trickster spirits or lower thoughtforms of these Gods and entities.

There is no way God or Satan or God Hermes or whatever higher God would come through a cheap reading and even if the reader charges a good amount of money for it, there is still a high chance of spiritual deception. It takes years of practice and extraordinary talent to speak with high-level entities and the process is still very energy-draining for the psychic that genuinely does it so don't trust any psychic that tells you they can talk with such a higher spirit through their means.

Anyway, if I have another reader's name who I thing fits this category, I will share it as it happens quite often.

The only way to protect yourself from such is being aware of this possibility, trust your gut, and raise your vibration through various means e.g meditation or smudging so that no trickster psychics can enter your energy field through the psychic.


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Re: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2019, 02:05:35 PM »
So true :P.  My old friend who is a warlock said that many psychics and mediums are connecting to evil/trickster spirits or entities and they have no idea.  He said they are like an open door in the spirit world when they open themselves up for so many readings at once with multiple people.  He also said that most of these people who claim to draw knowledge from the Old Gods are not and they are dealing with tricksters. 

After the readings, I feel more panicked :-X ... doom :-\... shaky and upset because recently the readings have been SUPER NEGATIVE when at first they were so positive.  Can free will really change that much in a couple of months or weeks as the psychics claim?  :o :o :o :o

For example, celestial tarot said it was really good with my POI in Jan and there is a lot of luck on our side for a good relationship.   In late April, she said he would never ever commit to me lol  I do know that with each of the 5 readings i got with her over a span of 3 months that they increasingly got WORSE AND WORSE AND WORSE and the POI saw each other LESS AND LESS AND LESS.  How could it be so bad so quicklY?!   :( >:(

As for the STAUNCH SUPPORTERS of PSYCHICS, who say that people do not like to hear bad news,  I did follow the advice of the people who gave me the "raw sad truth" and it backfired in my face and made the relationship even worse.  Every time i followed their advice, things got worse.  I did something out of fear because of what the psychics were telling me and it backfired in my face lol and i feel like i have lost the POI forever.   :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I have not paid for a reading in almost 2 weeks but did use 3 free mns for a reading a week ago but it was for a general reading.  It is a constant struggle to not get a reading on some days but I read psalms or try to distract myself.  In the earlier years of psychic readings, I could go 3 months without a psychic reading and it was no problem.  However when I got into a vulnerable position about 3 years ago, it has been a struggle not to call psychics everyday.  I feel like i let something in that i should not have let in. 

The great thing about not paying for the psychics is that my bank account transactions look normal and i dont have to work overtime so much to cover the tons of money i used to pay to them.   I feel like sticking to new goals etc.


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Re: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2019, 02:09:30 PM »
I have found through my research that often these spirits are human discarnates of lower energy and ethics e.g ex psychopaths and criminals and alien entities who impose their own judgment of the situation and tell truth mixed with lies because if they simply told all lies and BS, the psychic would simply dismiss them as tricksters.

If you get a bad feeling deep inside right after reading and not because it's just negative (in many cases insight is positive or mixed), something's off with the spirit communicated through the psychic. Of course, the ultimate red flag is having bad luck right after getting the reading and ultimately, only negative stuff comes to pass...

Btw forgot to mention these two psychics as well:

Anna Simone (, also on Yelp and other psychic directories). This one claims to genuinely speak with angels and she does speak with some sort of spirits but it seems like her so-called angels don't like me or she really doesn't speak with angels as she thinks she does. Told me the harsh truth about my ex but it left me with a very disheartening and bitter feeling. Her only positive prediction that my etsy store would be successful not only didn't come to pass, the opposite happened of what she told me and I nearly closed down my shop. She also had this "I know better than you" attitude that I didn't like.

Cbrunner89. Claims to speak with God Marduk and a spirit guide named Chantizu. I don't know what kind of spirit does she talked to but it certainly not God Marduk or a spirit of higher dimension. She picked up the initial of my ex's not so common name and it made me like "whoa" but her supposed prediction that I will meet a better man than my ex that year (it's been 3 years ever since) not only didn't transpire but I had a stalker bothering me at that time and had to cast a spell to get rid of him before I call the police.

Btw if a psychic claims to draw insights from Gods of the caliber of Marduk, Amon, Ra, Zeus or even directly speak with archangels like Michael or Gabriel and they charge a low amount for it, they are either frauds or simply deluded into thinking they are getting insights from original entities when in reality they are dealing with impostor and trickster spirits or lower thoughtforms of these Gods and entities.

There is no way God or Satan or God Hermes or whatever higher God would come through a cheap reading and even if the reader charges a good amount of money for it, there is still a high chance of spiritual deception. It takes years of practice and extraordinary talent to speak with high-level entities and the process is still very energy-draining for the psychic that genuinely does it so don't trust any psychic that tells you they can talk with such a higher spirit through their means.

Anyway, if I have another reader's name who I thing fits this category, I will share it as it happens quite often.

The only way to protect yourself from such is being aware of this possibility, trust your gut, and raise your vibration through various means e.g meditation or smudging so that no trickster psychics can enter your energy field through the psychic.

What kind of research did you do may I ask? It’s not something you can just “prove”.

Offline Ninacy

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Re: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2019, 07:24:52 AM »
Ladya, there are certain books and websites on human discarnates and how they energetically tamper with living human relationships--mediumship is one of the ways these spirits can pass through someone's aura:

Of course, there are no scientific claims or proof for such a metaphysical matter but we do have indications from widely popular new age figures like Madame Blatavsky regarding the phenomenon of spirit deception through channeling.   I isolate this paragraph regarding bad human discarnates and why they are attracted to mediums:

"The bad, sinful, and sensual victims of accident, violence, or murder end up wandering about desperately in the Kama Loka until their natural death hour comes about and these individuals are easily enticed by the opportunities offered by mediums. In many cases they become truly demonic in their behaviour and in their abuse of the medium and of others through the medium. A truly terrible fate is eventually in store for such entities when their natural life term reaches its close.

Third, everyone who dies leaves behind what can be called an “astral shell” which is the remnant of the least spiritual, the most mundane, and the most sensual portions of themselves from the lifetime just ended, these particular aspects and characteristics naturally being unsuited and unable to enter into the spiritual heavenly state which Theosophy calls “Devachan”. This is not the actual individual soul but is simply a senseless subjective form which eventually disintegrates, usually within a few decades at the most. This “shell” contains a large portion of memories and knowledge which the individual possessed during that lifetime but these are merely discarded and gradually fading remnants, without any actual individual consciousness behind them, as the actual soul will now have entered into Devachan and be beyond the reach of anyone on the physical plane.

These astral shells or “Kama Rupas” roam senselessly around in the Kama Loka and are easily contacted by those with mediumistic tendencies or psychic sensitivity. Since they are able to senselessly repeat and recite certain pieces of information and knowledge which the individual possessed during its life on earth, they are easily mistaken by many to actually BE the real departed soul.It is these astral shells, these Kama Rupas, which comprise the majority of the entities contacted by mediums and in Spiritualistic gatherings.

Original source:

Offline Catlover86

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Re: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2019, 11:28:13 AM »
Interesting topic. I feel I have a string of bad luck whenever I get readings. Also noticing readings have been so negative lately. Feel like I’m pushing people away from me to “protect” myself from getting hurt because of what I am being told.

Offline Reviewer07

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Re: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2019, 01:21:37 PM »
If other members have experiences with certain psychics who are sure they belong in this category, please share them.

Angelbaby of Light (Angelica) on Keen. Whatever she predicted, the opposite would happen. Very sweet lady but she brought lots of bad mojo into my life. Worst experience I had with any psychic.

I had a similar experience with this advisor. Took me awhile to realise.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2019, 01:27:07 PM »
Interesting topic. I feel I have a string of bad luck whenever I get readings. Also noticing readings have been so negative lately. Feel like I’m pushing people away from me to “protect” myself from getting hurt because of what I am being told.

I also have wondered if readings have brought negative energy in my life...but I kind of always had bad luck, so I'm not sure I can blame the readings entirely lol.  But it would make sense that if the readers are attached to a negative energy or spirit, and they read and connect with you, that bad things can and will happen...


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Re: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2019, 03:30:04 PM »
Ladya, there are certain books and websites on human discarnates and how they energetically tamper with living human relationships--mediumship is one of the ways these spirits can pass through someone's aura:

Of course, there are no scientific claims or proof for such a metaphysical matter but we do have indications from widely popular new age figures like Madame Blatavsky regarding the phenomenon of spirit deception through channeling.   I isolate this paragraph regarding bad human discarnates and why they are attracted to mediums:

"The bad, sinful, and sensual victims of accident, violence, or murder end up wandering about desperately in the Kama Loka until their natural death hour comes about and these individuals are easily enticed by the opportunities offered by mediums. In many cases they become truly demonic in their behaviour and in their abuse of the medium and of others through the medium. A truly terrible fate is eventually in store for such entities when their natural life term reaches its close.

Third, everyone who dies leaves behind what can be called an “astral shell” which is the remnant of the least spiritual, the most mundane, and the most sensual portions of themselves from the lifetime just ended, these particular aspects and characteristics naturally being unsuited and unable to enter into the spiritual heavenly state which Theosophy calls “Devachan”. This is not the actual individual soul but is simply a senseless subjective form which eventually disintegrates, usually within a few decades at the most. This “shell” contains a large portion of memories and knowledge which the individual possessed during that lifetime but these are merely discarded and gradually fading remnants, without any actual individual consciousness behind them, as the actual soul will now have entered into Devachan and be beyond the reach of anyone on the physical plane.

These astral shells or “Kama Rupas” roam senselessly around in the Kama Loka and are easily contacted by those with mediumistic tendencies or psychic sensitivity. Since they are able to senselessly repeat and recite certain pieces of information and knowledge which the individual possessed during its life on earth, they are easily mistaken by many to actually BE the real departed soul.It is these astral shells, these Kama Rupas, which comprise the majority of the entities contacted by mediums and in Spiritualistic gatherings.

Original source:

These are just a lot of claims for no real proof. I believe in people becoming possessed but I don’t really believe in luck per se. bad and good luck is all relative. I believe in being blessed but I don’t believe in luck. I believe in making your own luck. I don’t believe anything outside of yourself can somehow bring you all this negativity. Everyone makes their own luck and everyone’s measure of what luck is relative. I know a lot of people won’t agree with me on this but that’s just my 2 cents. I believe in negative and positive entities but the perception of bad luck is mostly because of feeding into the notion that something is bringing you bad luck so the more someone feeds into it, the more it snowballs and comes back energetically. Did you always consider yourself an extremely lucky person before and somehow you become an unlucky person or you felt you were never that lucky to begin with?

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Re: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2019, 10:59:20 PM »
This is why the Bible says don’t seek those who consult with familiar spirits. It’s for your own good.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2019, 01:19:38 AM »
I don’t mean to sound all dramatic but for me, I think another way to combat the “trickster” spirits is to really know that these readings are in fact for our own entertainment. In my personal belief, God is in control of everything. Absolutely everything. So getting a reading I completely recognize at the end of the day it’s not up to some psychic or spirit or whatever or even my will. It’s all in His plan. Some psychic may be right about some thing or another but it’s because it was part of His plan. And so whenever I get a reading anymore I literally pray and say I know it’s whatever your plan is and please forgive me for wanting to know and not understanding. I pray a lot for understanding. And then I walk away from the reading sort of like okay well this may or may not happen. Who knows. I don’t know and I have to be okay with that.

This is where I am now but certainly not where I always was. I am lessening my readings but still am drawn and still get them and still then feel badly. But it’s lessening and I am trying to remember to let go of the desire to know.

Offline Ninacy

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Re: Caution: spirit-guided psychics & bad luck
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2019, 05:49:59 PM »
Flora yes, you should always take readings --whether they are spirit-guided on not-- with a grain of salt and if having doubts, taking a psychic break certainly helps clear your thoughts and makes you regain back your personal control of things.

Ladya, I see your point and certainly, there is no proof for such things-- sadly we can't really see bad spirits entering through psychics, we can only "sense" them and perhaps read what other recognized spiritual masters e.g Madame Blavatsky say about this spirit phenomenon. I do believe we are the ones mainly responsible for our luck but there are some "signs" that some other external things can affect our luck as well. There are thousands of sites and psychics who share their own experiences being deceived by trickster and low dimension entities if you do a quick search, I just listed only three obviously because I can't list them all. It's not just my opinion and personal experience. There is no official evidence but there is certainly an ocean of unofficial and anecdotal evidence to support my claims.

With that being said, I don't feel that all psychics are led by trickster entities but most are--I personally had 2 spirit-guided readings who were filled with accurate, helpful, honest yet uplifting information.  It wasn't that negative energy I felt as an empath after getting certain spirit-guided readings. In some cases I even saw the image of the trickster spirit entering my field from my mind's third eye and it was really frightening. When I did some energy cleansing work, these images and nightmares stopped for a little while at least.

For those that believe that such thing can happen, I suggest this audio frequency:
 and some sage smudging your space at least once a week.

Careful of psychics claiming of clearing such negative energy and charging $$$ for their so-called rituals as 90% are scammers, especially those on Bitwine and other platform sites. You can do so on your own for free or at a low cost.  Peace...