Author Topic: Reading Confirmations - Have you ever confirmed readings with the POI?  (Read 2291 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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I was curious about this - as I had the opportunity to validate what one reader told me about my POI several weeks ago.

This reader (not one of my top readers) said my POI had a dream about me holding hands with another guy and me and that guy walking away from him.

NOW - lol first of all, who in the hell really remembers dreams, so how could she pick that up?

I had the luxury of asking my POI - “have you ever had a dream about me”

He said “yes I have”. (I’m like ok we are getting somewhere). But then he follows up by saying “funny thing is I cant remember any of my dreams, like ANY of them”

So I said, So if I asked you if you had a dream about a giraffe, you wouldn’t remember anyway huh - he was like “no, but what are you getting at lol - you know something i dont know? Lol”

Well I ask him - have you ever had a dream about “me and a guy?”

He says “I mean, I’m not really into the group sex thing, but I dont think....”

Wait what? We busted out laughing.

I was like noooooooooo...did you see me and a guy walking away from you in a dream? He was like helll no - why would I dream about you with ANOTHER GUY?



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Yes, I did confirm some readings with a POI. 

Marceejay said that a woman was moving down for my ex POI but that was right .  She once said that an old POI wife was having a baby by another man and that was a LIE.  That baby came out looking like a carbon copy of POI .  She is such a hit and miss that I would just avoid her and psychics.

For my current POI, she said that he was with someone that he had a financial tie with but he was gone because he had lost his job.  I dont know... maybe he went back to his ex for financial help? but it didn't look like it on his social media. 

either way due to these psychics and gathering up all the evidence, they mostly led me astray to a bad outcome with my POI. I should have trusted my own intuition. 
« Last Edit: May 26, 2019, 01:30:23 AM by WinterElf »

Offline hope36

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He says “I mean, I’m not really into the group sex thing, but I dont think....”

LMAO 😂😂😂

Offline happyk

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I haven't but I probably should and send him my credit card bills too 😖

Offline Cranberry88

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I haven't but I probably should and send him my credit card bills too 😖

LOL ! dying

