Author Topic: Dreams  (Read 1846 times)

Offline LivingInYellow

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« on: May 12, 2019, 08:11:47 AM »
I know dreams are normal, but I have found that I have never had such intense dreams until I was involved/broken up with a particular person.

There are two clear dreams that I can recall. One was last night, I found myself in his car telling him 'I understand why you did what you did. God's timing is the best and all of that had to happen first because we could really happen...' and the second dream was a few years ago. It essentially involved us at an alter, about to get married and instead of giving me a ring, he gave me a watch. And, my feeling was 'I don't want to tie you down before you are really ready.' I fully accept that at times, dreams are coping mechanisms and can help you work through things that you are not ready to face in reality. As a result, I'm not saying these dreams should be taken literally! They may be my imagination running wild. However, I just wanted to get your experience of dreams about your POI. Surely, I'm not alone.

Have you had any that you can vividly recall?
Did you find they provided you with comfort or were they confusing?
Did you find aspects of the dream/s playing out in real life?

Honestly, I can believe this guy infiltrates my dreams - still! 😩

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2019, 08:29:51 AM »
Yesss. During our longest breakup, I think it was 5-6 months. He came to me in my dream about a month before he messaged me, saying he’s so sorry and he doesn’t know how to make it better anymore. Then he kissed me and walked off. It was SO lifelike. I woke up feeling like we’d actually spoken.

Offline LivingInYellow

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2019, 09:31:09 AM »
Thanks for sharing! That is so interesting and cool!! I'm still waiting for my apology dream 🤣😂😂... I feel like dreams have helped me to understand where we are at and perhaps, it's been my intuition trying to speak to me in my most vulnerable state, but I don't think he has used my dreams to communicate with me. I don't think he is spiritually aware enough 😂

It's just so crazy because I've literally never had such dreams before.

When he returned, did he give the impression he had dreamt of you too?

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2019, 09:39:13 AM »
I asked straight out if he ever dreamt of me lol. He knows I dream about him all the time. I always have. We’ve been on and off for 12 years, but it wasn’t always consistent. We met when I was 14 and had other relationships, kids to other people, however always remained in contact. It’s only been over the last 5 years that we’ve been really ‘together’ even with breaks.

Anyway so through the early years, my dreams of him were always so strong that it prompted me to contact him sometimes after months.

Yes, he did tell me he dreamt of me, but they were sexual dreams. 😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️

Offline LivingInYellow

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2019, 09:52:54 AM »
That's rather sweet - at least you know he was thinking of you and you had a hold on him in some way!

Oh gosh... Your story sounds 80% similar to mine
 I met this person when I was 14 and he was 16. The last 6 years of our relationship have been the most intense, difficult and painful. We are not in contact at the moment (about 1 month in) and I think I'm finally ok with that - although it's difficult at times and I do wonder if he will return. I just don't understand why he still enters my dreams!

Usually, it would prompt me to reach out, but no... I'm not in that space anymore. I think the distance is helping me get some perspective and consider a future with other people, so last night's dream came at the right time. It's just frustrating lol.

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2019, 09:59:01 AM »
Have you tried the 30 day no contact rule? That’s what I always aspire to do but we never last that long without contact. Who has predicted contact correctly for you in the past? Is there anyone else involved?

Offline LivingInYellow

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2019, 11:52:40 AM »
I've tried the no contact rule. The issue is that I think I've played myself over the last few years. He definitely thinks I'm always going to come back to him, but I feel differently this time. I think that minimum, we would need at least 3-6 months of no contact before he would even register my absence as being long term. My impatience has meant that predictions have never really come to pass before I've tried to change things, but I'm in a different space now. I've got a few contact predictions lined for between this month (Late May) and Spring 2020. So, this time next year, I'll be in a perfect position to say whose contact prediction was accurate - if at all. With that said, I've been told that by the time he comes around, I probably won't want him or be able to leave the past behind and I'm starting to realise this too. There have been a few other people involved in the situation, tbh and that's what makes forgiveness and moving into a new relationship with him difficult.

All I know is that I am using this time to understand myself and see what else is out there for me. It's funny because I find myself asking about my love life generally these days and not him! I have two holidays scheduled and I'm so busy at work - it hurts sometimes!  Just hope these dreams don't go on forever!

