Author Topic: Lessons Learned  (Read 3792 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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Lessons Learned
« on: May 10, 2019, 02:31:07 PM »
Hi All,

Some of you may have followed my story called "The End"
Most of this story had to do with a POI that I had an ongoing situationship for about 14 months.

I wanted to talk about additional lessons learned from this experience with reading about him specifically.

First, some of the lessons I already learned from the past are:
1) Never ask about the outcome - almost 99% of readers get it wrong wether it is positive or negative
2) Try to ask open ended questions when you can - for example "Whats coming up between x and me" if it is about a POI. Some readers' accuracy goes down with specific questions, but when they pick up stuff on their own it appears to be more accurate.
3) LIVE IN REALITY - sometimes we get caught up in readings and it would distract us from what is really going on! If what they are predicting sounds so far fetched, in addition to your gut, it probably is.

New Lessons Learned specifically about romantic relationships (when in contact):

1. Sometimes readers pick up a POI INTENT rather than what they will actually DO

    For example, Mattie picked up me and the new guy walking and talking and taking a hike, but we
    talked about it but it never happened. Cookie talked about how my (old) POI wanted to take me
    out - several times - but it didnt happen as much as she said. Those were probably thoughts he never
    acted on.

2. Stuff can get MIXED UP!

This happened ALOT with Yona and Cookie. Cookie would "see" things but it would actually be with someone else. She assumed when she saw a tall man with a low cut she assumed that guy was my POI, when in fact it was a guy friend of mine. She confused him! My friend stayed with me for a month and a half transitioning back to my city until he found an apartment. During that time I met and interacted with his daughter. Cookie thought this was my POI the entire time - she kept seeing positive changes and me meeting my POIs daughter, him cooking at my house and sleeping over - that was ALLLL my guy friend. She did get a major hit right - me going to the POIs house and we did sleep over each others houses alot but it came to a complete halt in March. But she was mixing it up!

Yona - While I love Yona - she mixes stuff up too. Often times she would see a situation where the Tower would be for my POI, when it actually was for ME! In the exact same prediction. She would sometimes get predictions between me and my POI flipped around - which was kind of annoying - so I had to be conscious of that. Some of us who have used Yona know that sometimes she could be referring to a completely different person than you think. The ONLY way ive found to validate it is the person you are thinking of is if she validates certain descriptors on her own - and if she does and it is not that person in the prediction - she was just wrong.

Also - Yona can pick up the SAME person multiple times in the same reading with different descriptions - so pay attention to the PREDICTION itself and not the person. My poi would come up 2 ways 1) Older man with Brown Eyes - when it was not a romantic interaction and 2) Man of Interest or Person of Interest when it was a romantic interaction.

3. Readers can up often also mix up FEELINGs as a TRAJECTORY into the future.

There was NO denying my POI had feelings for me. BUT because they could ALWAYS pick up his feelings including things he actually said to me - they often SIDED with him when I read about other guys I dated (even though they were right that the others wouldnt last lol). They ALWAYs saw him as this great potential because of that. Yona would always pick up us as a COUPLE in her readings when we really werent - she was just picking up loving energy between us lol

4. Heed warnings from readers as I've found MOST to be true

Literally ALLLLL my readers told me he was going to be inconsistent and he was. This definitely helped me on what to expect and probably part of the reason I kept my head with dealing with him. They all saw his emotions but still heeded and cautioned me about not giving it all in...thank God. But yet they all saw him IN my life for a WHILE.

So I wanted to share my lessons, anything you would like to share?

Offline hope36

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Re: Lessons Learned
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2019, 02:42:42 PM »
Big +1 on your #3 LIVE IN REALITY!
I'm still learning this, got my biggest grounding from a reader actually (CindyS).
Focus on "facts" and not your own "beliefs"


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Re: Lessons Learned
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2019, 02:50:35 PM »
Thank you for sharing, I agree with everything you said. I'm sorry this happened to you...I think this is a big lesson for all of us.

Offline happyk

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Re: Lessons Learned
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2019, 04:20:54 PM »
Yes to all, Sparkle and #3 I can relate with. Miss Ann had warned me about some kind of tension which I didn't pay much attention to and she had told me to not to fight with my POI and the tension led to a small fight which led to the break up the very next day.

I want to add one to your list if you don't mind.

DO NOT BINGE. IT WILL EASILY TURN INTO AN ADDICTION. Just read with a couple and wait for the things to play out. Also live your life, don't hold on to the predictions, although I know how that goes. I'm a living proof of everything bad a lot of readings can do.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Lessons Learned
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2019, 04:24:52 PM »
Yep, learned all of this the hard way over the years. Sometimes it feels like a cosmic joke, and its bittersweet because I believe in psychic ability. Its just not always useful.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Lessons Learned
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2019, 05:38:54 PM »
Yes to all, Sparkle and #3 I can relate with. Miss Ann had warned me about some kind of tension which I didn't pay much attention to and she had told me to not to fight with my POI and the tension led to a small fight which led to the break up the very next day.

I want to add one to your list if you don't mind.

DO NOT BINGE. IT WILL EASILY TURN INTO AN ADDICTION. Just read with a couple and wait for the things to play out. Also live your life, don't hold on to the predictions, although I know how that goes. I'm a living proof of everything bad a lot of readings can do.

I sooo agree with this.  Binging is so toxic.  I remember getting three, four maybe even more readings in a DAY on my first guy, it was insane.  And day after day, with no breaks.  SMH...ugh

Offline PinkyD

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Re: Lessons Learned
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2019, 06:17:09 PM »
Binging is the worst, but somehow it was the only thing that got me through the maddening anxiety when facing those crisis situations.....hate what it did to my wallet, but at the time, gave me something to believe in until the smoke cleared 😔

Offline happyk

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Re: Lessons Learned
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2019, 06:39:33 PM »
Yes to all, Sparkle and #3 I can relate with. Miss Ann had warned me about some kind of tension which I didn't pay much attention to and she had told me to not to fight with my POI and the tension led to a small fight which led to the break up the very next day.

I want to add one to your list if you don't mind.

DO NOT BINGE. IT WILL EASILY TURN INTO AN ADDICTION. Just read with a couple and wait for the things to play out. Also live your life, don't hold on to the predictions, although I know how that goes. I'm a living proof of everything bad a lot of readings can do.

I sooo agree with this.  Binging is so toxic.  I remember getting three, four maybe even more readings in a DAY on my first guy, it was insane.  And day after day, with no breaks.  SMH...ugh

Been there done that, Light. smh.

Offline LivingInYellow

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Re: Lessons Learned
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2019, 07:18:03 PM »
I think mine would be 'give things time to play out!' .... After God knows how many years of readings, I'm actually in a 'do nothing to change an outcome' phase of my life and it feels good. It's the best way of truly knowing if anyone has any ability!

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Lessons Learned
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2019, 09:24:11 PM »
I think mine would be 'give things time to play out!' .... After God knows how many years of readings, I'm actually in a 'do nothing to change an outcome' phase of my life and it feels good. It's the best way of truly knowing if anyone has any ability!

YES! I love this one too

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Lessons Learned
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2019, 09:27:13 PM »
Yes to all, Sparkle and #3 I can relate with. Miss Ann had warned me about some kind of tension which I didn't pay much attention to and she had told me to not to fight with my POI and the tension led to a small fight which led to the break up the very next day.

I want to add one to your list if you don't mind.

DO NOT BINGE. IT WILL EASILY TURN INTO AN ADDICTION. Just read with a couple and wait for the things to play out. Also live your life, don't hold on to the predictions, although I know how that goes. I'm a living proof of everything bad a lot of readings can do.

I sooo agree with this.  Binging is so toxic.  I remember getting three, four maybe even more readings in a DAY on my first guy, it was insane.  And day after day, with no breaks.  SMH...ugh

Been there done that, Light. smh.

Totallllly agree with this one

Offline Ninacy

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Re: Lessons Learned
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2019, 09:36:52 AM »
I agree with all the points, especially with the stuff getting mixed up and to trust our gut. I don't blame (genuine) psychics entirely as they simply can't filter all the info they get for every client and always deliver a clear and accurate reading. The spirit world or whatever source get their info from is always subject to problems with "translation" as it is different than what we humans experience, think, and act. This is why so many timing predictions are off, even when people call a reputable psychic like Yona for example.

The rest are a bunch of frauds or people with lower psychic ability than they think they have. The second especially are far more dangerous in giving you advice that simply backfires and won't admit it if you tell them kindly that their advice has led you astray. If something sounds off or contrary to your beliefs and character, trust no psychic telling you otherwise.

I would only consider this option if all psychics told me the same thing and gave me similar advice...

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Lessons Learned
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2019, 01:44:11 PM »
I agree with all the points, especially with the stuff getting mixed up and to trust our gut. I don't blame (genuine) psychics entirely as they simply can't filter all the info they get for every client and always deliver a clear and accurate reading. The spirit world or whatever source get their info from is always subject to problems with "translation" as it is different than what we humans experience, think, and act. This is why so many timing predictions are off, even when people call a reputable psychic like Yona for example.

The rest are a bunch of frauds or people with lower psychic ability than they think they have. The second especially are far more dangerous in giving you advice that simply backfires and won't admit it if you tell them kindly that their advice has led you astray. If something sounds off or contrary to your beliefs and character, trust no psychic telling you otherwise.

I would only consider this option if all psychics told me the same thing and gave me similar advice...

Yes I TOTALLY agree and should have added that tidbit there - of course always go with your gut, but as far as any advice goes, I would only take it if all advisors told you the SAME thing consistently - as they did in my case and they were EXACTLY right!! I truly received the right guidance which was amazing in my situation. They told me 1) Not to throw my eggs in his basket, 2) He was going to be inconsistent (and he was) 3) Be practical 4) On a few occasions Some of Yona’s cards would specifically and repeatedly tell me what I should do or not do and they were right...

I know not too many folks get this type of advice - maybe because they haven’t found their trusted reader circle yet idk...but we do know they can be wrong as well. In my case they were spot on with all the caution signs in dealing with him

