There has been like 4 events coming true from Terry... he's scarily accurate but I have no idea how to change the fate prior to it happening as he sort of interpret the event in a different kind of way..
somehow not very direct and when it happens you're like OOO that's what he actually meant!
examples of events: 1) You will be shocked to find out that a happy couple, Tiffany is one of these people coming in, I cant tell who the other person is or if they are male or female, but you will be very surprised to find out that they are not very happy and that they are on the verge of a divorce or an ending of some kind
Well, the event happened I had a friend who I'm no longer in contact with for almost two years and she ended a relationship with a guy whom she dated for seven years. I wasn't close to her so it didn't impact me at all and I had to hear from a mutual friend for this event.
2) You will need to go on the attack when you find out a woman has been showing pictures that are not quite what you would want other people to see, they seem very private to me, not saying they are adult pictures, they could be of course but they just seem like photos you wouldn’t want circulated to people you didn’t know and she doesn’t have your permission to show them, this could also be a catfish who is using your photos
The photos were from my room mate who was extremely ocd and was really mad that I kind of borrowed her utensils without asking permission, so she took to social media : complained and cursed publicly about it and well all my friends were asking wth happened and I really hated that she had to rant about it online behind my back without discussing it first.
3) A woman will be surprised by your shocking family news
A woman I knew was extremely shocked when I told her that my dad got covid-19