Author Topic: Terry Mitchell  (Read 166836 times)

Offline AwakenRN

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #180 on: July 12, 2020, 08:37:29 PM »
Curious to this myself.. he spoke of a lot of men but my first reading I had about 4 events that referred to “the man in event 1”.

Offline celiiyap

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #181 on: July 12, 2020, 08:59:18 PM »
Just wanting to ask does everyone's love interest in Terry's predictions always done something crazy? So I think from what I gather Terry gave me about 3 men who will enter into my life.. but I feel like they are all somewhat not mentally stable!? Like maybe tries to get into an addiction of pills, the other one cheats with a woman and gets into a toxic relationship then gets back to me, or a poi tries to be pushy and sleep with me constantly and we get into a tense argument.. smth like that
Most of my reading covers these "men" lol. I am in between nervous and excited to meet these people.. my life is super stable for now

I was told that i can avoid the bad people who are coming so I would think there would be clues or signs, for example of the man who is addicted to pills, perhaps you find out he was in an accident and is taking pain pills?   avoid!!     I was told I would meet a woman with a history of cheating and I should not get involved with her, I met a woman a few weeks later who I found out from friends had cheated twice on her lovers and that was enough for me to not even bother with her.     but yeah he does say things like that.

I was told I would meet a woman who was involved in justice and it would be an emotionally positive experience overall but she would always be looking for me to make a mistake and sure enough, I met a lawyer who was always looking for me to screw up, I dumped her because Terry said it would continue, I think a lot of his readings are gloomy because he wants to save us from bad stuff coming but I have had him tell me some really positive things too and they happen so I don't know....     

How long did your events take to play out since you first started reading with him? Heard his predictions can last until 3 years... I got mine a month ago and had like 40 since, not one played out yet maybe because of the isolation and coronavirus thing. Waiting to see what's gonna happen though  :-\

10 days after my first read with terry he told me that a man would come on to me, even knowing I was in a relationship and that I would be taken aback by this man and how he would not take no for an answer.    I was in a restaurant having dinner with a friend when a customer came up to me and started flirting, when I told the man I was not interested and taken, he became somewhat agressive and more forward and it kind of scared me and then I remembered the prediction and Terry's advice to not worry about it, the man isn't going to cause me any more harm than this one moment, because I was worried when I left the restaurant tbh.

Terry's second event passed about 3 weeks later, the third was a couple weeks after that, I went back for 10 more and it took 4 months for more to pass but Terry's secret discalimer thing says that events can take up to 2 years.   what hit me is that Terry told me I would meet "Aidan"   this is NOT a common name and so I thought, its bullshit but sure enough just 5 weeks later I met her and he said in a reading last time that "MIchael" would take me to dinner and that has also since happened.

I referred a friend to Terry and she was told that she would meet a man named "louis or Luis"  and that he would cheat on her with a woman and she would find out by finding them in bed together and to avoid this, she should not even date this man, well my friend met Luis 3 days after the reading!!      she went out on a couple dates and then I reminded her of the reading and she dumped him, he went on to date someone else and ended up cheating on her.

I have now had 75 events in total.   56 have happened.  9 will never happen because I changed them, one example was, I will be offered a job but it means I have to leave my family, if you take it, you will be happy for a while but then want to come home and you wont be able to quit because of a contract.   I was offered the job, it was just as he said it was but I chose to not take the job so it didn't happen right?   but it did connect.    I might get new events today or sometime this week, I will post them!!

Do his events happen in the chronological order that he gives them? Out of 20 events I only got a first name for one event. Coincidentally, that is the event that has happened or rather it is happening now with someone with that name (my reading was on the 1st of July).
Well, first I got 10 events and 4 days later I got another 10.
The rest of events were in the line of "a man does this", "a man does that". I ended up with so many "men" in my events but he did explain that some events could be referring to the very same man.

If it makes you feel any better I had like 50 events with him. My first reading was a month ago but none of the predictions played out yet, was thinking maybe bcs of the lockdown so my life just revolves on work and being at home. Plus he also mentioned like maybe of the events containing these "men" I don't even know. So many men, but he might say it's only 1-2 actually. Anyway these two men are quite toxic for my life according to these events. I quite like my stable life lol

Offline PurpleRain

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #182 on: July 12, 2020, 11:16:41 PM »
No definitely it was wrong and nothing made any sense.

Strange, because one of his events from a week ago came to pass for me. He even gave me the name of the person in question (family member) and that is exactly the person the event is happening with.

No its NOT strange. Some readers get things right for some and be horrible for others! This concept is well displayed all over this forum.

Whatever. Please, limit the thread to giving opinions about the reader in question and not the users posting on it. This is a psychic review forum, NOT a user review forum. The comment was not even addressed to you and analysing every single word certain users use makes you a little bit obsessed about the user itself.
I will narrow/sort his out this by adding you to my ignore list and that way I don't have to read nonsense.

But, you're the one all over the place revieiwng other users. No need to Rebuttal her assessment with your own petty nonsense if he worked for you Good...if not move on. YES! add me to your ignore list...I won't be missing out on anything!


Offline Xrossbow

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #183 on: July 13, 2020, 12:37:13 AM »
Maybe he works with you, everybody works differently.

Well, I had 20 events only about 10 days ago so that is only one coming to pass for now. Therefore, I cannot speak of his accuracy yet, but I do trust those who can predict without questions being asked. There is no better proof of a reader having a real gift than those who can tell you what is going on and what WILL happen (present stuff right with no predictions right is equal to not gifted) without a single question asked. Once a question is asked the answer is a 50/50 chance for the reader and when they happen to have a lucky guess, then people say they are accurate.....nope, that is mere probability.

What I do wonder is how he can set up the number of events to 5 or 10. I would guess not everyone has events going on. Some will have a lot and some very few but I guess that by setting up 5 or 10 he gets secure money. I do wonder if out of 10 a couple may be accurate and the rest he makes them up along the way to comply with the number of events purchased. For me he would be more legit if he told you "let's see how many events I see for you". No one can determine in advance 5 or 10 or 15 and that makes me wary.

Some time ago, you would call terry and he would say just that, let me see how many events are coming in for you and then he charged $5 or $6?   I can't remember, per event.   when he changed this, I was told it was because people wanted a set amount and so he decided 5 or 10 but you can buy more as someone said they had purchased 20?   

I think that in 1-2 years everyone has 10 events happening as events can be small and insignifant, who doesn't have those too?    unless you live alone in the woods and then you still would have 5 events happen in 1-2 years even if it's something like, you get a leaky roof or you encounter a bear.   

Yes, 85 dollars sounds ideal to get events like "you get a leaky roof or you encounter a bear"

No need to be snarky, I don't know what he would tell a hermit!    but Id sure want to know if I was going to encounter a bear on a path next sunday or have a leak in my ceiling, man, I could buy a bucket a week ahead of time!     I hope you enjoy swimming in your living room while a bear wanders around on your porch.   

Offline Xrossbow

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #184 on: July 13, 2020, 12:39:21 AM »
Just wanting to ask does everyone's love interest in Terry's predictions always done something crazy? So I think from what I gather Terry gave me about 3 men who will enter into my life.. but I feel like they are all somewhat not mentally stable!? Like maybe tries to get into an addiction of pills, the other one cheats with a woman and gets into a toxic relationship then gets back to me, or a poi tries to be pushy and sleep with me constantly and we get into a tense argument.. smth like that
Most of my reading covers these "men" lol. I am in between nervous and excited to meet these people.. my life is super stable for now

I was told that i can avoid the bad people who are coming so I would think there would be clues or signs, for example of the man who is addicted to pills, perhaps you find out he was in an accident and is taking pain pills?   avoid!!     I was told I would meet a woman with a history of cheating and I should not get involved with her, I met a woman a few weeks later who I found out from friends had cheated twice on her lovers and that was enough for me to not even bother with her.     but yeah he does say things like that.

I was told I would meet a woman who was involved in justice and it would be an emotionally positive experience overall but she would always be looking for me to make a mistake and sure enough, I met a lawyer who was always looking for me to screw up, I dumped her because Terry said it would continue, I think a lot of his readings are gloomy because he wants to save us from bad stuff coming but I have had him tell me some really positive things too and they happen so I don't know....     

How long did your events take to play out since you first started reading with him? Heard his predictions can last until 3 years... I got mine a month ago and had like 40 since, not one played out yet maybe because of the isolation and coronavirus thing. Waiting to see what's gonna happen though  :-\

10 days after my first read with terry he told me that a man would come on to me, even knowing I was in a relationship and that I would be taken aback by this man and how he would not take no for an answer.    I was in a restaurant having dinner with a friend when a customer came up to me and started flirting, when I told the man I was not interested and taken, he became somewhat agressive and more forward and it kind of scared me and then I remembered the prediction and Terry's advice to not worry about it, the man isn't going to cause me any more harm than this one moment, because I was worried when I left the restaurant tbh.

Terry's second event passed about 3 weeks later, the third was a couple weeks after that, I went back for 10 more and it took 4 months for more to pass but Terry's secret discalimer thing says that events can take up to 2 years.   what hit me is that Terry told me I would meet "Aidan"   this is NOT a common name and so I thought, its bullshit but sure enough just 5 weeks later I met her and he said in a reading last time that "MIchael" would take me to dinner and that has also since happened.

I referred a friend to Terry and she was told that she would meet a man named "louis or Luis"  and that he would cheat on her with a woman and she would find out by finding them in bed together and to avoid this, she should not even date this man, well my friend met Luis 3 days after the reading!!      she went out on a couple dates and then I reminded her of the reading and she dumped him, he went on to date someone else and ended up cheating on her.

I have now had 75 events in total.   56 have happened.  9 will never happen because I changed them, one example was, I will be offered a job but it means I have to leave my family, if you take it, you will be happy for a while but then want to come home and you wont be able to quit because of a contract.   I was offered the job, it was just as he said it was but I chose to not take the job so it didn't happen right?   but it did connect.    I might get new events today or sometime this week, I will post them!!

Do his events happen in the chronological order that he gives them? Out of 20 events I only got a first name for one event. Coincidentally, that is the event that has happened or rather it is happening now with someone with that name (my reading was on the 1st of July).
Well, first I got 10 events and 4 days later I got another 10.
The rest of events were in the line of "a man does this", "a man does that". I ended up with so many "men" in my events but he did explain that some events could be referring to the very same man.

Not in order for me.   

Offline Xrossbow

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #185 on: July 13, 2020, 12:43:00 AM »
Just wanting to ask does everyone's love interest in Terry's predictions always done something crazy? So I think from what I gather Terry gave me about 3 men who will enter into my life.. but I feel like they are all somewhat not mentally stable!? Like maybe tries to get into an addiction of pills, the other one cheats with a woman and gets into a toxic relationship then gets back to me, or a poi tries to be pushy and sleep with me constantly and we get into a tense argument.. smth like that
Most of my reading covers these "men" lol. I am in between nervous and excited to meet these people.. my life is super stable for now

I was told that i can avoid the bad people who are coming so I would think there would be clues or signs, for example of the man who is addicted to pills, perhaps you find out he was in an accident and is taking pain pills?   avoid!!     I was told I would meet a woman with a history of cheating and I should not get involved with her, I met a woman a few weeks later who I found out from friends had cheated twice on her lovers and that was enough for me to not even bother with her.     but yeah he does say things like that.

I was told I would meet a woman who was involved in justice and it would be an emotionally positive experience overall but she would always be looking for me to make a mistake and sure enough, I met a lawyer who was always looking for me to screw up, I dumped her because Terry said it would continue, I think a lot of his readings are gloomy because he wants to save us from bad stuff coming but I have had him tell me some really positive things too and they happen so I don't know....     

How long did your events take to play out since you first started reading with him? Heard his predictions can last until 3 years... I got mine a month ago and had like 40 since, not one played out yet maybe because of the isolation and coronavirus thing. Waiting to see what's gonna happen though  :-\

10 days after my first read with terry he told me that a man would come on to me, even knowing I was in a relationship and that I would be taken aback by this man and how he would not take no for an answer.    I was in a restaurant having dinner with a friend when a customer came up to me and started flirting, when I told the man I was not interested and taken, he became somewhat agressive and more forward and it kind of scared me and then I remembered the prediction and Terry's advice to not worry about it, the man isn't going to cause me any more harm than this one moment, because I was worried when I left the restaurant tbh.

Terry's second event passed about 3 weeks later, the third was a couple weeks after that, I went back for 10 more and it took 4 months for more to pass but Terry's secret discalimer thing says that events can take up to 2 years.   what hit me is that Terry told me I would meet "Aidan"   this is NOT a common name and so I thought, its bullshit but sure enough just 5 weeks later I met her and he said in a reading last time that "MIchael" would take me to dinner and that has also since happened.

I referred a friend to Terry and she was told that she would meet a man named "louis or Luis"  and that he would cheat on her with a woman and she would find out by finding them in bed together and to avoid this, she should not even date this man, well my friend met Luis 3 days after the reading!!      she went out on a couple dates and then I reminded her of the reading and she dumped him, he went on to date someone else and ended up cheating on her.

I have now had 75 events in total.   56 have happened.  9 will never happen because I changed them, one example was, I will be offered a job but it means I have to leave my family, if you take it, you will be happy for a while but then want to come home and you wont be able to quit because of a contract.   I was offered the job, it was just as he said it was but I chose to not take the job so it didn't happen right?   but it did connect.    I might get new events today or sometime this week, I will post them!!

Do his events happen in the chronological order that he gives them? Out of 20 events I only got a first name for one event. Coincidentally, that is the event that has happened or rather it is happening now with someone with that name (my reading was on the 1st of July).
Well, first I got 10 events and 4 days later I got another 10.
The rest of events were in the line of "a man does this", "a man does that". I ended up with so many "men" in my events but he did explain that some events could be referring to the very same man.

If it makes you feel any better I had like 50 events with him. My first reading was a month ago but none of the predictions played out yet, was thinking maybe bcs of the lockdown so my life just revolves on work and being at home. Plus he also mentioned like maybe of the events containing these "men" I don't even know. So many men, but he might say it's only 1-2 actually. Anyway these two men are quite toxic for my life according to these events. I quite like my stable life lol

no offense but if he didn't hit on any names and none of the events passed, why call him back?    I always wait for a name to connect or an event to come true and then I call back and get more?     the lock down is causing issues, I was told by him, one of the events that has not happened yet "You will be asked by a man to go on a cruise"   clearly that cannot happen because of covid but I wouldn't say it won't happen, also your reading was at the beginning of the month?     It took 4 months for some of my events to kick in, I got 10 more by the way, I am posting them now.   

Offline AwakenRN

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #186 on: July 13, 2020, 01:01:37 AM »
Have we established that all of his events are in the future as well?

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #187 on: July 13, 2020, 01:04:03 AM »
Unfortunately 2 or 3 of Terry's predictions passed this past wk. I read with him well over a yr ago & he mentioned my grandmother having an unexpected medical emergency that would have me & other family members rushing to see her. Happened on Sunday & my family was all there. Then he said her worsening condition would cause a fight between myself & another male that would decide the fate of that relationship right then & there. The time I needed support the most he was cold, detached, & narcissistic. Opened my eyes to see how selfish he was. Ended up being a fight & was my last straw. If you can't be there or try to be there when pple need you then I'm sorry your not a friend at all. Not worthy of my time or energy. There is no coming back from that. My grandmother ended up passing away & I've heard nothing from him since then. Total jerk!

Sorry to hear you’re having a hard time. RIP to your grandma and I hope you feel better soon.

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #188 on: July 13, 2020, 03:08:58 AM »
Unfortunately 2 or 3 of Terry's predictions passed this past wk. I read with him well over a yr ago & he mentioned my grandmother having an unexpected medical emergency that would have me & other family members rushing to see her. Happened on Sunday & my family was all there. Then he said her worsening condition would cause a fight between myself & another male that would decide the fate of that relationship right then & there. The time I needed support the most he was cold, detached, & narcissistic. Opened my eyes to see how selfish he was. Ended up being a fight & was my last straw. If you can't be there or try to be there when pple need you then I'm sorry your not a friend at all. Not worthy of my time or energy. There is no coming back from that. My grandmother ended up passing away & I've heard nothing from him since then. Total jerk!

Sorry to hear you’re having a hard time. RIP to your grandma and I hope you feel better soon.

So Srry that happened to you !!!! SENDING HUGS AND PRAYERS !!!

Offline celiiyap

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #189 on: July 15, 2020, 04:31:42 PM »
Just wanting to ask does everyone's love interest in Terry's predictions always done something crazy? So I think from what I gather Terry gave me about 3 men who will enter into my life.. but I feel like they are all somewhat not mentally stable!? Like maybe tries to get into an addiction of pills, the other one cheats with a woman and gets into a toxic relationship then gets back to me, or a poi tries to be pushy and sleep with me constantly and we get into a tense argument.. smth like that
Most of my reading covers these "men" lol. I am in between nervous and excited to meet these people.. my life is super stable for now

I was told that i can avoid the bad people who are coming so I would think there would be clues or signs, for example of the man who is addicted to pills, perhaps you find out he was in an accident and is taking pain pills?   avoid!!     I was told I would meet a woman with a history of cheating and I should not get involved with her, I met a woman a few weeks later who I found out from friends had cheated twice on her lovers and that was enough for me to not even bother with her.     but yeah he does say things like that.

I was told I would meet a woman who was involved in justice and it would be an emotionally positive experience overall but she would always be looking for me to make a mistake and sure enough, I met a lawyer who was always looking for me to screw up, I dumped her because Terry said it would continue, I think a lot of his readings are gloomy because he wants to save us from bad stuff coming but I have had him tell me some really positive things too and they happen so I don't know....     

How long did your events take to play out since you first started reading with him? Heard his predictions can last until 3 years... I got mine a month ago and had like 40 since, not one played out yet maybe because of the isolation and coronavirus thing. Waiting to see what's gonna happen though  :-\

10 days after my first read with terry he told me that a man would come on to me, even knowing I was in a relationship and that I would be taken aback by this man and how he would not take no for an answer.    I was in a restaurant having dinner with a friend when a customer came up to me and started flirting, when I told the man I was not interested and taken, he became somewhat agressive and more forward and it kind of scared me and then I remembered the prediction and Terry's advice to not worry about it, the man isn't going to cause me any more harm than this one moment, because I was worried when I left the restaurant tbh.

Terry's second event passed about 3 weeks later, the third was a couple weeks after that, I went back for 10 more and it took 4 months for more to pass but Terry's secret discalimer thing says that events can take up to 2 years.   what hit me is that Terry told me I would meet "Aidan"   this is NOT a common name and so I thought, its bullshit but sure enough just 5 weeks later I met her and he said in a reading last time that "MIchael" would take me to dinner and that has also since happened.

I referred a friend to Terry and she was told that she would meet a man named "louis or Luis"  and that he would cheat on her with a woman and she would find out by finding them in bed together and to avoid this, she should not even date this man, well my friend met Luis 3 days after the reading!!      she went out on a couple dates and then I reminded her of the reading and she dumped him, he went on to date someone else and ended up cheating on her.

I have now had 75 events in total.   56 have happened.  9 will never happen because I changed them, one example was, I will be offered a job but it means I have to leave my family, if you take it, you will be happy for a while but then want to come home and you wont be able to quit because of a contract.   I was offered the job, it was just as he said it was but I chose to not take the job so it didn't happen right?   but it did connect.    I might get new events today or sometime this week, I will post them!!

Do his events happen in the chronological order that he gives them? Out of 20 events I only got a first name for one event. Coincidentally, that is the event that has happened or rather it is happening now with someone with that name (my reading was on the 1st of July).
Well, first I got 10 events and 4 days later I got another 10.
The rest of events were in the line of "a man does this", "a man does that". I ended up with so many "men" in my events but he did explain that some events could be referring to the very same man.

If it makes you feel any better I had like 50 events with him. My first reading was a month ago but none of the predictions played out yet, was thinking maybe bcs of the lockdown so my life just revolves on work and being at home. Plus he also mentioned like maybe of the events containing these "men" I don't even know. So many men, but he might say it's only 1-2 actually. Anyway these two men are quite toxic for my life according to these events. I quite like my stable life lol

no offense but if he didn't hit on any names and none of the events passed, why call him back?    I always wait for a name to connect or an event to come true and then I call back and get more?     the lock down is causing issues, I was told by him, one of the events that has not happened yet "You will be asked by a man to go on a cruise"   clearly that cannot happen because of covid but I wouldn't say it won't happen, also your reading was at the beginning of the month?     It took 4 months for some of my events to kick in, I got 10 more by the way, I am posting them now.

Called him back bcs I was curious on how this will play out.. basically there will be 3 men I think coming into my life in the next yr and that's what other psychics has told me too.. and Terry was one of the guys who can see events that's not limited to 3-6 months. Other psychics were telling me that the man I'll meet in Aug will be my last boyfriend (marriage in store) even Ari from bitwine, lots of keen readers and QoC were telling this. But yeah Terry told me otherwise, there's a lot of me trying to mend my heartbreak in the events.

But yeah I am not blaming Terry for events not playing out lol I really hope that his events were right and I can prepare/change events through free will.  Just saying it out that bcs of coronavirus like we're under lockdown and I'm just gonna have to be patient for everything to play out hahha maybe I should word things out better.

Overall I really like how he can see so far to the future, and for yours did most panned out under 5 months?

Offline Lalalola

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #190 on: July 16, 2020, 10:41:30 AM »
I did his 5 events and I feel like he just had random statements and pulled them out of a hat  ;D literally none of them made sense. Who knows!!

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #191 on: July 16, 2020, 11:07:11 AM »
LOL, that’s how I felt. Although, I think one of them turned out to be true, but it was really minor and didn’t have a huge impact on me or my relationship. I’ll give him credit for that though. The others involved a ring/ a LOT of them, so I know those were probably just pulled out of a hat.

Offline CancerBumble

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #192 on: July 16, 2020, 08:57:36 PM »
I'm officially unable to read with Terry due to Bitwine being difficult. Does anyone know a similar psychic that just gives random predictions? I find them fun :)

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #193 on: July 16, 2020, 09:31:57 PM »
I'm officially unable to read with Terry due to Bitwine being difficult. Does anyone know a similar psychic that just gives random predictions? I find them fun :)

Is it a PayPal not linking with bitwine issue? I’ve ALWAYS had issues with Bitwine. It would prompt my paypal, id sign in, but the funds NEVER transferred and I’d have to end the chat. This only happened if I signed into my Bitwine account vs if I acted as a guest. To read with Terry, I had to ask him if he would allow me to be a guest as he only accepts registered accounts. He actually did it and I was pleasantly surprised and happy he did

Offline Rayban212

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Re: Terry Mitchell
« Reply #194 on: July 16, 2020, 09:48:30 PM »
I had him predict something hurtful things between poi and I when I gave him poi’s name :( has anyone gave him poi’s name for an event and it happened like he said?

When I tried to ask for clarification he seemed unsure how it would happen but it would happen