Sooooo this thread got off track ... to ummm...
Look if anything please just always be careful who you read with. The fantasy about calling a psychic to know all the answers is simply dangerous- and again a fantasy!!!
Someone told me going to crooked psychic or spell worker is like going to a crooked mechanic. They might make it seem like they fix what’s going on, but if you’re going back a lot and coming out with other problems you’re probably dealing with someone who is just crooked to begin with.
This thread went exactly where it was supposed to go. If you've not read the new updated terms and conditions I suggest you do. Imagine going to your favorite esthetician and the owner of the shop suddenly post up a sign that says something like "WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PERSON WHO PROVIDES YOU WITH SERVICE. IF THEY PLUCK YOUR EYEBROWS INTO A PERMANENT SURPRISED ARCH THAT'S ON YOU FOR LETTING THEM WORK ON YOU. WE ONLY PROVIDE THE SPACE AND THE BOOTH THAT THEY RENT." Now it's entirely possible that's how its done regardless but its not actually printed anywhere and there are no signs stating that. I would never use that place. Or worse your favorite restaurant has the same hands off approach to their workers. " LOOK HUMAN WHO WALKED IN HERE OF THEIR OWN ACCORD. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE IF OUR EMPLOYEES DON'T WASH THEIR HANDS WHEN THEY TAKE A POOP, PICK THEIR NOSE OR SCRATCH THEIR PITS. THEY DON'T HAVE TO WEAR GLOVES WHEN HANDLING YOUR FOOD ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNND WE CAN'T MAKE THEM CLEAN THE KITCHEN BECAUSE SOME OF THEM ARE PRETTY FOND OF COCKROACHES. ITS NOT A REQUIREMENT OF OURS FOR THEM TO BE CLEAN AND SANITARY WE ONLY THE ESTABLISHMENT."
That is what Keen is basically saying. We are the technology the readers use our platform to provide you with service but we are not responsible if they dont actually know wtf they are doing. In fact we aren't responsible for anything but the technology but you paying the customer here is a longggggg list of shit you HAVE to abide by IF you want to continue to use our technology because we truly don't GAF what they do to you or if the person is actually a Kervokian style reader who persuades you to kill yourself. Its about technology.
Some of these readers have FACE to FACE interactions with customers. I know that for a fact. I would drop a few names but my friend obviously lurks on here and she's asked me not to use her experiences as examples anymore blah blah blah

Imagine you going to a fair and good ole MrKenn is there offering readings and y'all taking pictures and he sits your boy child on his lap...
I saw a post a few weeks back about a young lady who sadly assisted in her own transition what if the people she spoke to had a record of mental abuse and cruelty? I'm not speaking of the criminals who fly under the radar or people like myself who use to be a little liberal with self check-out at Walmart ( I'm a changed human don't you dare judge me ) I'm talking about people who have a visible mugshot online with at least 2 convictions in multiple states. There's no excuse for such negligence.