Author Topic: Went to counseling  (Read 6233 times)


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Went to counseling
« on: April 22, 2019, 09:29:40 PM »
i spent over 1000 this month on psychics. i want it to stop. i went to my job's counselor and she told me to try to go cold turkey for 2 days. i was doing good last month and lost my shit this month calling them. i feel better talking to her and like a normal person almost . she told me not to be so hard on myself. i admit i have an addiction to them. i feel so uncomfortable now not looking on keen now.  anyone else went to counseling for addictions/ addiction to psychics? while i do feel uncomfortable not  calling them i do feel better not waiting on them to pick up the phone for a call, hoping they deliver hope and good news...or feeling deevastated if it is not what i want to hear.

Offline happyk

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Re: Went to counseling
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2019, 10:46:10 PM »
Yes, I sought help from a "life coach" and my therapist for this addiction. The life coach told me that she knew someone who worked for Psychic hotline and she had 0 psychic abilities. She did change my focus for some time but after I met my POI, I was back on the bandwagon again. The only reason I was able to do a little better was realizing how I was doing really bad financially. Nothing else helped. You have to come to the realization yourself. Keep seeking help but I don't think a therapist can tell you to stop getting readings. They can only make you realize that it is not healthy. Unfortunately, this is something that needs introspection. I think you should keep checking your bank account and not talk to a reader without doing a lot of research here. Reading this forum over and over again has at the least helped me filter readers and not get reading from random people. Learn from your mistakes, if someone's been wrong for you in the past, do not go back. Don't be afraid to hang up if you don't feel the connection. Most of all, find a confidante. Most of the times, I've noticed that just having someone to talk to helps a great deal.

Offline Clarita

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Re: Went to counseling
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2019, 07:59:58 AM »
i spent over 1000 this month on psychics. i want it to stop. i went to my job's counselor and she told me to try to go cold turkey for 2 days. i was doing good last month and lost my shit this month calling them. i feel better talking to her and like a normal person almost . she told me not to be so hard on myself. i admit i have an addiction to them. i feel so uncomfortable now not looking on keen now.  anyone else went to counseling for addictions/ addiction to psychics? while i do feel uncomfortable not  calling them i do feel better not waiting on them to pick up the phone for a call, hoping they deliver hope and good news...or feeling deevastated if it is not what i want to hear.
I was addicted years ago and what it cost me financially I dont want to think about it. I've had a lot of counselling since. I dont call them anymore. I had a binge last December but I dont regret it because it helped at the time to get me through Christmas. They were all wrong but it helped me get through and thats why I dont regret it. Harsh I had to resort to that again but thats the addiction re surfacing. Im kinder to myself now. Counselling does really help and I recommend it. Some Psychics are trained counsellors but its the per minute rates that makes it best to seek out a pay per hour professional Counsellor.

Offline Vanno

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Re: Went to counseling
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2019, 03:22:34 PM »
I have anxiety about the future so I always feel peace of mind talking to psychics. It's like they ease my mind and help me to believe everything is going to be okay. I have learned how to budget so that this addiction does not become a financial burden and I even reward myself if I go a certain amount of time without calling one. I saw a counselor but realized that I was paying him instead of the psychics for the same thing.

Offline Caroline10

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Re: Went to counseling
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2019, 11:12:15 PM »
I'm going to see a counselor next week. This  past year has been really tough (mom diagnosed with Alzheimer's, mil dying, my younger son diagnosed with anxiety/school refusal, going through relationship heartache)
I've always been interested in psychic ability and have some myself (but cannot read for myself) but calling keen relieved the anxiety and helped me feel better, at least in the moment.
I didn't even realize how bad it's gotten and I'm going to have to work hard to dig myself out of this hole.
I have a long way to go...but it's a start.


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Re: Went to counseling
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2019, 12:21:58 AM »
I’ve found that transcendental psychology, a technique called Rohun, has helped me tremendously.  I went on a reading rampage in the month of July and I noticed that I had done only one Rohun session with my therapist.  So it seems that Rohun actually curbs my addiction to readings.  I’m not about to let August be anything like July, so I’m going in for a session on Friday.  Spending all that money on readings makes me feel so ashamed and guilty.  Lately, I’ve googled the negative effects too many readings has not  only on the outcome, but also your energy and how it can lower your vibration.  Going forward, I think I may exclusively start using readers that have their own site or the ones on Keen that I know won’t try to keep me on the phone to run up the bill.   It’s the pay per minute charge that is killing my bank account and my self-esteem.

Offline SarahM

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Re: Went to counseling
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2019, 12:55:38 AM »
I've been addicted to calling psychics since mid may. I spent thousands of dollars too and so far nothing has come to pass, not even one prediction. Yea some psychics may have been accurate with the present however what's the point of knowing how POI feels in my case if he's never going to act on those feelings? It just causes unnecessary heartache and keeps me holding on to something that is never going to happen. Anyway, I started doing very very bad financially and got sick of it so I decided to quit cold turkey and deleted my account. It's very very difficult not to go on Keen anymore but I've been doing okay so far. I feel the only way to quit something like this is to do it cold turkey. Let's say i decided to get one reading a month and that one reading was negative.. it's gonna drive me crazy and i'm gonna keep calling until I hear what i want to hear. I feel like my old self again. I feel like I have control over my life again. And I love it...

Offline mayflower

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Re: Went to counseling
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2019, 07:34:47 AM »
I find the way to stop myself to seek out the help from psychics. In Keen, many of them charged u too expensive and not reliable.  If you are trying yourself to do other activities in your life to get u tired, it will distract you to be occupied with psychics. And try to spend money on only worth psychics once a month. Doing meditation and see youtube like pick a card reading also can help u to save money in huge way and watch about rebalance yourself. If we spend money on this too much, surely we won’t increase money in our pocket. Human we never be perfect but we were trapped by using psychic to hope our lives cannot make a mistake which is still be nearly impossible for that. Hope this can help you as I am addicted this for nearly 2-3 years now. That money i can help to orphanage or homeless child to create their lives to get better.

Offline skyline

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Re: Went to counseling
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2019, 03:12:33 AM »
I find the way to stop myself to seek out the help from psychics. In Keen, many of them charged u too expensive and not reliable. 

I'm surprised Keen is able to stay in business. The psychics charge way too much because of the platform fees, and they're not reliable anyway.

Offline joyjoy

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Re: Went to counseling
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2019, 08:55:48 PM »
I find the way to stop myself to seek out the help from psychics. In Keen, many of them charged u too expensive and not reliable. 

I'm surprised Keen is able to stay in business. The psychics charge way too much because of the platform fees, and they're not reliable anyway.

Hold on...there are messages upon messages where people write how they spend thousands of dollars a month and a year on this addiction and you don't know how Keen can stay in business?  Not many people know about this forum--imagine how many people are addicts that you aren't talking to?  Keen is able to stay in business because they have figured out to tap in and leverage our anxious minds.  When I'm in a binge, I don't care if I'm spending an extra $50 to touch a key on my phone--I just want the answers and I just want the feelings to go away.  And then the psychics cash their paychecks.  Voila.

