Hey guys, I just want to jump in to add to the conversation.
First I want to say that I always believe you guys before I believe ANY psychic for obvious reasons. I don't doubt what anyone else's experiences are and I'm so sorry if anyone is read with Rusty based on my reviews only to be disappointed. I do want to say that I re-listened to my reading and I didn't have the same experience, so I don't know why this is happening to everyone as late. My reading with Rusty was about what was coming up in my love life.
The cards I got were describing me were: 10 of swords, Hermit, High Priestess, 2 of swords, 3 of swords, and 5 of pentacles
The cards I got for POI #1 were: Emperor, Magician, 6 of cups, and Moon
The cards I got for POI #2 (who was not present at the time) were: Ace of Wands and Hierophant
She also picked up randomly on my house renovations before that was even a possibility. I told her she was wrong about that and she said "you may want to get back to me on that, because it just flew out". I actually just met with the contractor today, got the financing, and signed the contract
I don't want to get into details here, but these cards did/still do resonate with the current situation. The reading wasn't a false hope thing. It was pretty reasonable regarding the current circumstances. She explained what each of these cards say to her, and I actually did hear her shuffle, although barely. I believe she may wear a headset and depending on the headset, you may not pick up background noise (this I know from teleconferencing at work).
Anyway, I'm really sorry if others feel that she has been reading off a script over the last few days. I just wanted to say that I don't think she did that with me last month. I honestly don't know what to say.