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Rusty is amazing

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--- Quote from: marciamia on October 16, 2019, 05:14:50 PM ---
--- Quote from: candiednut on October 16, 2019, 02:58:21 PM ---Just wanted to share that EVERYTHING she predicted is coming true. She is amazing and I'm forever grateful for her

--- End quote ---

Was this work and/or love related?

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Can i ask who are the readers who were accurate for you?

I read with Rusty about a month ago. She validated my relationship situation pretty well at the time and re-listening to the call, I just realized she validated more than I realized. Right now some of her career predictions seem to be coming true, though I had to piece together the card meanings she gave with my situation to figure it out (standard card meanings such as 'get a new job' don't really apply directly to my work situation so have to interpret a bit as I am self-employed).

Rusty said she thinks I will walk away from my bf. Oct 15th is when she thought I would. I have been having severe anxiety lately and have thought several times is this worth it. Kisha also said she thinks I will walk away in Oct. That was in June. I'm sure they saw what a normal person would do but they can't predict what a stubborn bi**h I am when I love someone. Yona has never seen me walking away. Yona says I'm capable of walking away but she thinks I will stick it out till we can balance. Rusty has been really accurate for me even though I did think her last reading was cookie cutter because others had the same cards. I guess I will know if I walk away in the next two weeks. Trying to not get anymore readings till Nov 1st. Lets see if I'm stubborn enough for that. Rusty tempted me this morning.

Rusty said I’d be traveling in a few weeks, and I thought she was absolutely incorrect. And even when I began to see that it could happen, it was very iffy. So she ended up being correct after all.

I agree with maggs that she can be judgmental. Ugh. I like her, but I don’t want to spend my time engaging in an argument about why I’m making certain choices. I’ll continue to speak with her as long as she doesn’t morph into another Tara.


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