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Rusty is amazing
I love Rusty but last reading with her was underwhelming...she relied on the literal interpretation of cards too much and too much of "maybe this, not sure, could be", she really wasn't sure of herself.
I think thats the problem with tarot readers..when they aren't "tuned in" they just give a generic card reading?
Still love her though
Anyone have success with just a general reading from her?
--- Quote from: user5942 on September 24, 2019, 06:24:59 PM ---Anyone have success with just a general reading from her?
--- End quote ---
I asked her to read general. She picked up just 3 things (and honestly not too much going on in my life currently).
So, the first one was POI (that turned out to be the same as others on the forum), second prediction was change of job in 2-3 months and third one was a long distance trip (and I have a plan for that).
I read with her as well. She picked up the present well. Knew that my POI has kids, I felt described both of our personalities well. I asked her about both career and love and both were mostly positive. Not so positive that it's definitely a fairytale, but enough that you wonder because I certainly was not feeling positive at the moment I called (hence the fact that I was willing to pay a stranger money to talk to me about it).
Those that have read with her over a period of time, do you find her to skew positive? I looked back through this thread and saw some hits and misses as well as some concern over similar readings. FWIW, my reading was not identical to those mentioned, just positive. The timing was pretty vague but would line up with what I expect.
I have only read with her a handful of times, but felt she was pretty straightforward and less “fairytale-ish” than some other readers. I asked about the same person and for one reading, he came up as the magician and she mentioned his negative qualities (accurate) and that was very much the nature of the situation at the time especially in the context of how I was experiencing the situation. On a reading another time, he came up with a different card and how she described him was positive but not overly so. There had also been a bit of a shift in the situation as well, so the way she described him was very accurate for that point of time.
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