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Rusty is amazing

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For clarification, I never read with Rusty about my ex who didn't come back (yet) so she did not have the opportunity to be right or wrong there.
The reading in re my love interest now was definitely not what I would classify as a "fairy tale" reading.

Welcome RPLguy! Thanks for the detailed post! I agree that there are only so many ways to say the same thing. She had told me the “end of a difficult time” also, but it appears to be that she is correct in my case, or at least was at the time. My outcome is still a little uncertain as of yet so only time will tell, but there was certainly an upward trend after her prediction (things are a bit on pause at the moment, but nothing that would discount her reading).

Glad to hear the trend was upward (even though stalled right now) DillP

For what it's worth, Rusty was pretty much right in there with Mattie (albeit less detailed and a shorter reading). When I have a moment I will add to the already long Mattie thread, as I was highly impressed by my first reading with her.

I can now say rusty was wrong for me. In my reading she picked up my ex POI on her own and asked if I had a hard time from moving on from someone recently (which I did a few months ago). Well she said she sees him coming in and he is missing me etc. So to test this I texted him last week, only Bc I knew if he didn’t respond I would not care or be upset since I’ve moved on. Well he didn’t respond LOL, so her assessment of him missing me and coming back in to fix things etc. was not correct.

Did Rusty ask anybody if their poi was using drugs/alcohol?


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