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Rusty is amazing

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Happy for you maggs!
I'm a little concerned to hear the end of a difficult time and reconciliation card came up. Hope that's not a go to for her. I really liked Rusty and she assured me the same thing. Her timeline was by end of Summer by the skin of his teeth for contact 🤣
I hope I have your luck with my POI!🤞

She told me that too and yet sadly nothing had happened. My POI won’t even respond :(

Yeah that's what scares me too with such similar readings but to be honest when I went back and looked at my other 3 readings with her they're different. She did predict our initial fight and said he would be back and he was 2 weeks later. Then she predicted the pattern of him being off and on with his schedule and she is right. The third reading she predicted he would be back but that he will go no contact again. I think she is correct and I expect it in our circumstances in that reading she told me she thinks I will walk away from him in a couple months but said if I stick it out I need to be strong because he is worth it. I have never feared a third party but I still ask her every time and she always tells me he is one of the nicest straight arrow guys she has read in regards too. Like he's so much on the straight everyone got drunk at his birthday party last night except him because he does not drink at all. I regret leaving the bad review now but it was such a shock to see others saying their readings and the wording was the same.


--- Quote from: Rayban212 on September 15, 2019, 07:32:54 PM ---She told me that too and yet sadly nothing had happened. My POI won’t even respond :(

--- End quote ---

I'm sorry Ray. I really had to work on not contacting him for extended periods. The more I reached out the worse he felt because he really doesn't have time right now. I think the big thing that made the difference for me is that I remembered his birthday. Which we have not been together long enough to celebrate his birthday before and we only talked about it once randomly. So I think that really hit him in his feels that I would remember and that I would take the time to tell him. 

Spoke with Rusty this morning for the first time. It will be a while before I know if she is correct.


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