Relationship Psychology Discussions > Connect With Others

Has this happened to you?

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--- Quote from: hope36 on April 18, 2019, 02:52:19 AM ---
--- Quote from: aquagirl on April 17, 2019, 02:57:32 PM ---It's because when you expect something, even when you think positively about it, you are choking that energy, it's a for of resistance. That's why things come when you let it go. that doesn't mean you have to give up. It just means not focusing on it and being okay if it doesn't happen.  Expectation is a form of resistance, what you resist persists.

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ughhhhhh... not at this post, ugh-ing at myself

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Whatcha ughing at Hope? lol. Is that again prediction getting pushed because of expectation thing?


--- Quote from: happyk on April 18, 2019, 02:56:39 AM ---
--- Quote from: hope36 on April 18, 2019, 02:52:19 AM ---
--- Quote from: aquagirl on April 17, 2019, 02:57:32 PM ---It's because when you expect something, even when you think positively about it, you are choking that energy, it's a for of resistance. That's why things come when you let it go. that doesn't mean you have to give up. It just means not focusing on it and being okay if it doesn't happen.  Expectation is a form of resistance, what you resist persists.

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ughhhhhh... not at this post, ugh-ing at myself

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Whatcha ughing at Hope? lol. Is that again prediction getting pushed because of expectation thing?

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Ugh-ing coz I cant get poi out of my head, like at all. No contact for 8months now, and its still raw AF
Mattie actually told me multiple times, to not over-analyze it and that he is coming back, to just tell the universe that this is what I want, and relax/live my life and let the universe do its thing... I just cant seem to do the second part.. am trying!!!!

Predictions aren't getting pushed out, but majority of readers (Yona, Mattie to name the heavy hitters) have the re-connect at late-summer (for initial contact) so its still few months out..


--- Quote from: aquagirl on April 17, 2019, 02:57:32 PM ---It's because when you expect something, even when you think positively about it, you are choking that energy, it's a for of resistance. That's why things come when you let it go. that doesn't mean you have to give up. It just means not focusing on it and being okay if it doesn't happen.  Expectation is a form of resistance, what you resist persists.

--- End quote ---

But needed to see this today, thanks!


--- Quote from: hope36 on April 18, 2019, 03:06:03 AM ---
--- Quote from: happyk on April 18, 2019, 02:56:39 AM ---
--- Quote from: hope36 on April 18, 2019, 02:52:19 AM ---
--- Quote from: aquagirl on April 17, 2019, 02:57:32 PM ---It's because when you expect something, even when you think positively about it, you are choking that energy, it's a for of resistance. That's why things come when you let it go. that doesn't mean you have to give up. It just means not focusing on it and being okay if it doesn't happen.  Expectation is a form of resistance, what you resist persists.

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ughhhhhh... not at this post, ugh-ing at myself

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Whatcha ughing at Hope? lol. Is that again prediction getting pushed because of expectation thing?

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Ugh-ing coz I cant get poi out of my head, like at all. No contact for 8months now, and its still raw AF
Mattie actually told me multiple times, to not over-analyze it and that he is coming back, to just tell the universe that this is what I want, and relax/live my life and let the universe do its thing... I just cant seem to do the second part.. am trying!!!!

Predictions aren't getting pushed out, but majority of readers (Yona, Mattie to name the heavy hitters) have the re-connect at late-summer (for initial contact) so its still few months out..

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I hear you. Luckily, for me after three months it's gotten a lot easier. However, unless I hear from him the ones giving negative predictions are correct and that leaves out Yona, Mattie and many more popular ones.

It is really difficult to live life like nothing has happened when the person you love walks away but apparently our sadness and tears serve no purpose.

I think if something is meant to happen, it will... but life is funny and it usually does come to fruition when we least expect it.

However, there are some things that are meant to occur at a certain time, whether you expect it or not.

My opinion on this is - clinging to an expectation creates worry at best, and disappointment at worst.
Hold the space in your heart, knowing that good things will come, and let the universe do the rest of the work.


As far as 'letting go'... it's ok to talk yourself through whatever you are feeling. Try understanding why you feel the way you do without centering your reasoning around the other person.
When I've been in difficult situations, this helped me acknowledge and release whatever negative energies I was feeling or experiencing, and realize that while I cannot influence another person's actions that I could choose to react in a way that serves me.

Also, trying to make yourself let go of someone actually has the opposite effect in my opinion, because you end up attempting to suppress or ignore strong emotions that will eventually come back up.

Anyway, that's the best advice/insight I have, as it has worked for me. I hope it is helpful!


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