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Has this happened to you?

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So, a psychic tells you that you are going to meet your new love interest at a fair in summer. It just so happens that you are invited to a fair by your friend. You suddenly remember the prediction and you agree to with your fingers crossed. You go to the fair and you are filled with anticipation and lo and behold you meet a beautiful stranger and you fall in love and live happily ever after or for a year.

We have all been told that we are not to have any expectations and let go of what we want so that we are not clinging on to it. I agree with that to an extent as I think we are feeding obsessive energy to whatever we want. However, my question is have any of your predictions come to pass when you expected it to pass? Or is that like finding a unicorn? I have never heard anyone share anything where they get something they are hoping to receive at the time they are expecting it.

I’ve had a few predict my now bf. One even predicted how many years older than me he is when I’d meet him, looks. Etc. but that reader disappeared off keen one day.

I’ve had hundreds of predictions come to pass over the years and I can honestly say it’s when I haven’t been expecting it, it’s been when I’ve let go and thought ‘f*ck it! Whatever happens, happens...’ is when I got some progression.

No one has ever been that specific with me before....  I had several top readers tell me I would meet someone in March/April timeframe.  I met my now guy the first weekend in February and its the first guy that things have literally gone completely smoothly for a solid 2.5 months with no red flags, no bumps, etc in a VERY long time!  I am wondering if it is him and their timing was just a tad off?  And to your note, I wasnt expecting him at all....  I was somewhere with a friend not really wanting to be there and he came out of nowhere and i wasnt even sure the first night if i liked him? 

But I think I agree if someone told me too many details like that - I'd be expecting it too much and it wouldnt manifest? 

Hmm good question.

I had about 5-6 readers accurately predict my POI.

Celeste (CP) and Yona were the first back in 2016 to predict him
I finally met him March of 2018- talk about a WAIT!

During that 2 years there were at least 2 guys I thought were the I’d say my anticipation or expectation went up only when the guy I was dealing with at the time - I thought was “it”. I realized they werent it when I tried to make predictions fit lol....

And just like that, I too went out with a friend to a networking event at a sushi spot and didnt want to be there, wasn’t feeling all that confident and boom, ran into my POI. What’s funny is I was sitting down at the bar and he literally came up and sat next to me - not that he was eyeing me, it was because he was hungry (and of course I have him one of my sushi rolls lol)

Here is the order of the readers who predicted him (Celeste (CP), Yona, Delores (CP), Cookie, Indio(CP), Sherrylynn)

So for sure “that day” I wasn’t looking

Most of all of them predicted his “situation” - this is how I knew it was him
But they did describe him pretty good - Height, (Sherrylynn described him to a T - medium tall guy muscular/football build and even mentioned that he had a "M and A" in his name - Now that's specific - and he does! lol), Indio predicted specifics like he owned his own business, tall and lives close to me (he lives 15 mins away), etc etc

So for sure “that day” I wasn’t looking


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