I don't need a reading but I'd like a second opinion. I just bought some Lenormand cards and I basically read them by using the guidebook I also bought, lol.
I was supposed to hear from someone (Man) by last Thursday, Friday at the latest. I didn't, so I figured on Monday. Again nothing.
My exact question was When will I hear from (Man)
I got:
Coffin Birds Scythe (facing right)
ending/completion now orally
Dog Lady Tree
18th Me patience is key
One of these was from a card combo (if this comes after that)
Does this sound right? Forgot to add, there is something he is wrapping up so the coffin made sense.
So, timing with Lenormand, like with a lot of card "systems," is tricky. There are several ways to read timing with Lenormand cards. I don't have a whole lot of experience depending on them for timing, but I'll take a stab at it.
First a general pace - Coffin, Dog, Tree are slow. Scythe is fast. Lady is medium. On balance, the timing pace is slow.
This is a challenge with how you've laid the cards in terms of determining the length of the time they cover. Typically you'd do lines of 3, 5, 7, 9. OR, you might lay a spread of 3x3 with each row atop the other. 2x3 is nonstandard, at least in my mentor's approach, which makes the layout hard to judge overall. Most 3x3 spreads, for instance, will cover about 4-6 weeks, then we can judge from the "pace" of the cards what that might mean. I'd say your 2x3 might cover a time period of 3-4 weeks. You'd then divide it into 3s, that's 10 days roughly. Considering the predominance here of "slow" cards, I'd say you're looking at at least 3 weeks from the time of the reading. (With no "fast" card appearing, I would have said all four weeks.)
Another timing method, which will give you a season, is to look at what card your significator faces. Here Lady faces Tree, which is the 7 of hearts. Hearts represent spring, and 6 pips represents the start of the season, with each ascending card generally representing an additional 11 days. Spring having started on March 20, I would say you'd hear from him between April 11-April 23.
My mentor would caution you not to attempt to construct a narrative based on card meanings when what you asked for was timing, FWIW. If you want, for instance, to know HOW he'd contact you, that would be a separate question with new cards cast.
My personal opinion is that doing these kinds of calculations is cumbersome and I prefer to incorporate timing into the question. For instance: Will X contact me this month?