This happened to my mum with my younger brother too, omfg !! He is almost 18 now. Here in Australia, they only allow you to go overdue 10 days. He was almost 3 weeks overdue and the doctors were telling her that she needed him out NOW and what was her reluctance? She told the doctor she was going to die giving birth to him. He told her that it was silly, she’d already had 4 kids previously with no issues, why would this one be any different ? Eventually she allowed them to bring on her labour via an induction. Her labour was fine. Then after he came out, she was fine... until she stopped talking and went into some sort of seizure. She haemorrhaged at the same time. Luckily she was able to convince the doctor prior to stay around for the birth even though he thought he was wasting his time and the baby could easily be delivered by nurses. If the doctor wasn’t there, she would have died. She lost that much blood so quickly, they weren’t unable to stop it from flowing. They did get it under control and give her a blood transfusion, but by the she had lost consciousness. Thankfully she survived the ordeal, but how similar these stories are is insane.