Author Topic: Your opinion on energy work please  (Read 2243 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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Your opinion on energy work please
« on: April 06, 2019, 08:47:41 PM »
Do you believe energy work really works in removing obstacles?

Offline tacobelle914

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Re: Your opinion on energy work please
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2019, 08:07:07 PM »
Do you believe energy work really works in removing obstacles?

I believe a lot of it has to do with how receptive you are to that kind of thing.
If you do energy work and believe it won't do anything at all it is likely to have less of an effect.

That being said, years ago in college they hired a Reiki healer to come in right before finals. I was skeptical about it then but did it anyway, and felt a lot better afterwards. This didn't remove any obstacles, per se, but it did have a positive physical and emotional effect.

I'm not the authority but I guess what I am saying here is that I think it can work. Just like with anything dealing with energy though I believe it has a lot to do with your receptivity, intentions and efforts. If you are looking for someone else to do energy work on you, I would suggest researching their credentials and reviews before shelling out any money, though.

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Your opinion on energy work please
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2019, 08:51:36 PM »
I'm a strong believer in quantum energy, so I do believe it works.  I have done it on people in the past and it has done wonders for them.  Now with that said, as with anything , buyer beware. But you can also learn to do it yourself, which I personally feel is the best way to do it. But many people would rather have it done for them.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Your opinion on energy work please
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2019, 12:50:37 AM »
I agree with all the statements above. I've had energy work done and it has helped me, I felt lighter and manifested more positive things. I don't think it can do miracles, but you do see an effect.

aquagirl - how can people do energy work on themselves?

Thank you!


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Re: Your opinion on energy work please
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2019, 02:28:02 AM »
I agree with all the statements above. I've had energy work done and it has helped me, I felt lighter and manifested more positive things. I don't think it can do miracles, but you do see an effect.

aquagirl - how can people do energy work on themselves?

Thank you!

You can start with guided meditations and some crystals. Or chakra music and other frequencies.

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Your opinion on energy work please
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2019, 03:43:42 PM »
I do believe it works. I had remote energy work done twice and was amazed at how I felt afterward. Tired, but also better. Unfortunately the person who did it is now deceased.

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Your opinion on energy work please
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2019, 09:44:18 PM »
Because i have been asked by a few people, I thought it would be easier to reply here.

I have had my Reiki certifications now for a number of years. This is one of many forms of energy healing, for doing healing on yourself you just need level 1, level 2 is if you want to do healing on others and do long distance healing.

So like with anything else in life we are all predisposed to excel at something, we can do anything, we just might not be great at it. So we all have every ability within us to do something, whether its singing, having psychic abilities, drawing, wood working , etc....  Somethings we are naturally good at, others we have to learn the skill, and then there are things we can maybe do, but we just don't have a knack for it and do it on a more basic level. Basically some things come easier to each of use than to others, and that's okay because that is what makes us diverse.

With healing, we all have some level of this ability within ourselves, some are just more naturally inclined than others.  Some would rather have someone do it for them, while others prefer to do it for themselves.  Some like a structured form like Reiki, while others prefer free form.  There are a number of ways that you can do this, the key is to pick what resonates with you the most.

When I first started with Reiki, i was under the belief that you had to have this type of structure for it to work. But then i soon realized that it was not the case at all. Some people need a ritual or formal structure because that is what works for them, others don't. One way isn't better than the other. What matters is what resonates with you.

So if you want to do energy healing, you don't have to do something like Reiki or a special healing certificate, especially for yourself. The best healing for you is done by you. Now there are many mediums that you can use to achieve this.   The most basic of ways is to ground your energy, releasing energy into the earth, then cutting cords, not to just people, but to situations and even places.  healing the spots that the cords attached to, and sending love to the people , situations and places that attached to you. I know most know of this, but it's the first basic step before any healing can start. I do this always for all the people i do healing for.  The next thing I do is align their energy centre aka chakras. When your energy centres are blocked so is the flow of energy that they are responsible for.  So for me personally this is where i like to add reiki treatment to, i look at each chakra and see if it's sluggish, clogged etc. then i start clearing them and make sure they are spinning properly. Once that i feel they are good i seal them with reiki. I start at the root and work my way up to the crown.  I do this either for myself or others, when doing it for others i do picture them in front of my, but usually their energetic body not the physical.  I'm good at seeing peoples energy source.  I will then look at the aura and pull debris out. Depends on the healing the person needs if its an illness i focus my energy and imagine white light penetrating that area, I imagine it clearing, i send intentions to God/Universe for that to be healed. Then i seal the healing.  Before i start on anyone i ask their energy source if they want me to heal them. If you heal someone who says no, the energy you send will just be absorbed into the universe. You can also send intentions that when they person is ready to receive it will find them that way.  It usually takes multiple times to do this for someone, the more severe the situation, the more times it needs to be done.

You can use guided chakra mediations to clear them, and use crystals as well. There are hypnosis videos on youtube that can help you also heal specific problems, like overcoming fear, treating cancer to losing weight.  You can also send out intentions, now if you have difficulty letting go then i would suggest not relying on intentions alone. With setting intentions you have to accept what is wrong, be okay with it not working out and releasing/ letting it go and doing it's work. Which this is the hardest part for most people and why they find setting intentions is difficult for them.

The most important part is to find a methodology that works for you personally. What works for one doesn't for another, and that's okay.

If you want someone else to do it for you, I suggest going to metaphysical fairs, they usually having healers there that offer a free sample or a very discounted rate you can try right there.  Now these mini sessions aren't most likely going to heal you right there, but you will get the feeling of the person's energy and if it works with yours for free or a small fee.  As we all know from our experiences from using psychics what works for one , doesn't always for another.   I hope i covered what people wanted to know, if not please feel free to ask and i'll answer to the best of my ability :)