Author Topic: Anastasia  (Read 145160 times)

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #300 on: June 24, 2019, 07:44:47 PM »
Well Anastasia said that today, 6/24, I would be "extremely happy". I know the day isn't over, but I'm pretty confident that it's a failed prediction. It's Monday and work is giving me a migraine. Fair to say I'm less than happy.


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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #301 on: June 24, 2019, 07:53:36 PM »
Well Anastasia said that today, 6/24, I would be "extremely happy". I know the day isn't over, but I'm pretty confident that it's a failed prediction. It's Monday and work is giving me a migraine. Fair to say I'm less than happy.

Yeah I can't say I can really recommend this reader based upon reviews here. She doesn't seem very good. But we'll continue to see what happens. I hope to eat my words haha.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #302 on: June 24, 2019, 10:25:24 PM »
Well Anastasia said that today, 6/24, I would be "extremely happy". I know the day isn't over, but I'm pretty confident that it's a failed prediction. It's Monday and work is giving me a migraine. Fair to say I'm less than happy.

Yeah I can't say I can really recommend this reader based upon reviews here. She doesn't seem very good. But we'll continue to see what happens. I hope to eat my words haha.

That is a defamation of character...

Let’s start this week positive !! It’s Monday wahooo! No negativity wahooo lol


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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #303 on: June 24, 2019, 10:28:51 PM »
Well Anastasia said that today, 6/24, I would be "extremely happy". I know the day isn't over, but I'm pretty confident that it's a failed prediction. It's Monday and work is giving me a migraine. Fair to say I'm less than happy.

Yeah I can't say I can really recommend this reader based upon reviews here. She doesn't seem very good. But we'll continue to see what happens. I hope to eat my words haha.

That is a defamation of character...

Dude, stop trying to antagonize me. With each and every post. Are you only on here to cause conflict? You literally told me to calm down, and I just said "okay" to end the argument. I didn't want to argue. Why do you keep acting so damn childish, trying to start drama and fights with me? I said it's "defamation of character" one time, and I stand by it. You're only trying to start an argument. Fuck off with that childish attitude. God damn seriously. What the hell is wrong with you? Just grow up and leave me the FUCK alone! I asked you VERY kindly time and time again, and you just keep replying to me to cause drama and start fights. You must be a very fucking sad individual. This is literally all you do here. And you say you're in your 40s and a mother? Then start acting your age. Holy shit... Just leave me alone. I shouldn't have to ask you more than once!

Well Anastasia said that today, 6/24, I would be "extremely happy". I know the day isn't over, but I'm pretty confident that it's a failed prediction. It's Monday and work is giving me a migraine. Fair to say I'm less than happy.

Yeah I can't say I can really recommend this reader based upon reviews here. She doesn't seem very good. But we'll continue to see what happens. I hope to eat my words haha.

That is a defamation of character...

Let’s start this week positive !! It’s Monday wahooo! No negativity wahooo lol

Thank you for having my back <3 I shouldn't have to deal with this prevokative and immature harassment from children like this. I asked her to leave me alone MULTIPLE times already, and she just comes on here, replying to me, to cause a rise out of me. I shouldn't have to BEG someone to leave me alone, when all they do is bully.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2019, 10:32:09 PM by josh34 »


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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #304 on: June 24, 2019, 10:35:50 PM »
You wrote about me and defamation of character when I posted my review about Angel Readings!!!
Have a taste of your own medicine...

Are you god damn kidding me?! What are you, five years old?! You're LITERALLY only coming on here to start an argument like a fucking child.  Grow the fuck up,act your age,  and stop commenting with the sole intent to cause drama and start arguments. This is literally ALL you do, even AFTER I tell you and even BEG you to leave me alone!!
I can't understand how you can be a mother in her 40s, and still act like such a pathetic and immature child who lives for drama. You're not "giving me a taste of my own medicine", you're acting like a fucking kid who likes to stir the pot. Grow the fuck up, and leave me alone. I come on here for positivity, and I don't need assholes like you coming on here, trying to start arguments like a silly kid. I've got enough hell going on in my life, I'm going through a HORRIBLE time, and I come on here to try and participate in conversation and spread help and happiness. I do NOT deserve this.  For the last and FINAL time, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2019, 10:37:23 PM by josh34 »

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #305 on: June 24, 2019, 11:09:28 PM »

Journal, I don't want to ignore it. Because this person keeps doing this, and antagonizes me. She's here to start arguments, and that is NOT fair to me. It's going to KEEP HAPPENING.

Correct. You don't want to ignore it. Remember that when you calm down later.

Offline marciamia

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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #306 on: June 24, 2019, 11:57:18 PM »
I could’ve sworn I read somewhere that someone was going to delete their account so the rest of us can actually review psychics peacefully and not have to worry about whether something someone said is “defamation of character” or “slander” since, you know, now we have practicing unlicensed attorneys on here 🙄

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #307 on: June 25, 2019, 01:47:26 AM »
I don’t even know why people from this board IN GENERAL read this board and STILL spend money with people who have less than great reviews. This board is an amazing tool if u use it CORRECTLY. Scammers should be going broke because of this site and only the legit should be flourishing but there’s always that percentage of customers who surf this board and try them anyway. Again this is a general statement I don’t want my Aries traits to set off the sensitive police ❤️ :)

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #308 on: June 25, 2019, 01:56:49 AM »
You both are really hurting me. Literally. I'm an adult Male and I cried today because of this bullying. Why cant you both just leave me alone and stop antagonizing me? It's like you comment only to start drama. What's wrong with you? Cant you see I'm hurting a lot?

Not to be insensitive, but if you’re hurting that badly maybe a break from the board and psychics in general would be best.

Offline persephone

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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #309 on: June 25, 2019, 01:57:41 AM »
I don’t even know why people from this board IN GENERAL read this board and STILL spend money with people who have less than great reviews. This board is an amazing tool if u use it CORRECTLY. Scammers should be going broke because of this site and only the legit should be flourishing but there’s always that percentage of customers who surf this board and try them anyway. Again this is a general statement I don’t want my Aries traits to set off the sensitive police ❤️ :)
I concur with you! What’s the point of this forum where we can not post our honest reviews ???
And if people post a negative review, they are getting accused of slandering or defamation of character.

Offline happyk

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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #310 on: June 25, 2019, 02:12:21 AM »
I can't believe that people try to assume the role of a bully and when they lose control over a situation, they're automatically a victim. Smh.

Offline fefe

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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #311 on: June 25, 2019, 02:19:10 AM »
I used to sit back and read this forum before becoming a member and actually felt like it was worth being a part of but all this extra ish is for the birds. WTF? We are all grown here. I used to see strangers encouraging other strangers/ppl from all walks of life with similar situations and think what a nice way to keep others uplifted but gosh. Thing with me is if ain’t nobody on this forum pulling up to my home in NC and actually trying to throw hands about something they don’t like that I said then it’s all very much irrelevant. And I don’t think nobody trying to take a plane/bus or car to get an ass whooping so if it don’t apply, I just let it fly. In either case, we all go through enough stress on a daily to be able to ignore stupid stuff. If it’s not paying your bills or solving your problem just learn how to ignore. Some shit should not be taken so personally. Like dang. In either case let me know if Anastasia works for any of you all and when we can start back encouraging each other because that’s all I’m here for anyway. But carry on I guess!!

Offline persephone

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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #312 on: June 25, 2019, 02:24:46 AM »
I used to sit back and read this forum before becoming a member and actually felt like it was worth being a part of but all this extra ish is for the birds. WTF? We are all grown here. I used to see strangers encouraging other strangers/ppl from all walks of life with similar situations and think what a nice way to keep others uplifted but gosh. Thing with me is if ain’t nobody on this forum pulling up to my home in NC and actually trying to throw hands about something they don’t like that I said then it’s all very much irrelevant. And I don’t think nobody trying to take a plane/bus or car to get an ass whooping so if it don’t apply, I just let it fly. In either case, we all go through enough stress on a daily to be able to ignore stupid stuff. If it’s not paying your bills or solving your problem just learn how to ignore. Some shit should not be taken so personally. Like dang. In either case let me know if Anastasia works for any of you all and when we can start back encouraging each other because that’s all I’m here for anyway. But carry on I guess!!

I am leery to post a not so good review about her because there are repercussions for doing that.
So far she did not work for me. She threw a bunch of numbers, then you have to figure it out if they are days, weeks, months or years. She spoke so fast that I could barely understand her, luckily I recorded the reading.  One thumb down...
I will change my review once her predictions will come to pass.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2019, 02:32:14 AM by persephone »

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #313 on: June 25, 2019, 02:35:55 AM »
I don’t even know why people from this board IN GENERAL read this board and STILL spend money with people who have less than great reviews. This board is an amazing tool if u use it CORRECTLY. Scammers should be going broke because of this site and only the legit should be flourishing but there’s always that percentage of customers who surf this board and try them anyway. Again this is a general statement I don’t want my Aries traits to set off the sensitive police ❤️ :)

I agree with the fact that this board, if used correctly, can be a wonderful tool for us who are trying to navigate our situations with the extra help, and guidance of psychics. The thing is that even the most reputable readers can sometimes be off for someone while they worked wonders for another. I still don't understand how they can connect so well with people but not with others. At which point does trying a new reader becomes pretty much playing the russian roulette?

I understand that and definitely true ... I was referring to those who are more obvious with scamming and have a record for failed predictions on here more than ones that passed. I know for example Aries has reviews here but she didn’t see nothin how it happened in my last relationship but I don’t think she scammed me nor do i think she is not gifted... some psychics can’t see other parties if there is no connection but others can. Maybe she didn’t connect with me because at one point she was on point for me here and there so I definitely can agree that some are not connected with everyone . Once I found those very few who were most accurate I left fishing alone.... but that gamble of finding one or two good ones is sooo draining financially and emotionally. But with this board I used to save sooo much time and energy by bypassing and using process of elimination

Offline bstalling

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Re: Anastasia
« Reply #314 on: June 25, 2019, 02:36:40 AM »
I used to sit back and read this forum before becoming a member and actually felt like it was worth being a part of but all this extra ish is for the birds. WTF? We are all grown here. I used to see strangers encouraging other strangers/ppl from all walks of life with similar situations and think what a nice way to keep others uplifted but gosh. Thing with me is if ain’t nobody on this forum pulling up to my home in NC and actually trying to throw hands about something they don’t like that I said then it’s all very much irrelevant. And I don’t think nobody trying to take a plane/bus or car to get an ass whooping so if it don’t apply, I just let it fly. In either case, we all go through enough stress on a daily to be able to ignore stupid stuff. If it’s not paying your bills or solving your problem just learn how to ignore. Some shit should not be taken so personally. Like dang. In either case let me know if Anastasia works for any of you all and when we can start back encouraging each other because that’s all I’m here for anyway. But carry on I guess!!

The numbers crap is annoying and meaningless for the most part.  Everyone should forget about the numbers and timing for every psychic, especially this one. They are just guesses.  Its what they actually see that matters. Anyway, main takeaway for me is that she is a good prediction type reader for general readings though, not specific persons, places or things. If you ask for a general reading in career/romance/friendships, she can hit it out of the park most times. From there, you can probe deeper. If you ask about a specific thing from the start of the reading, thats where she starts sucking. However, the hits she gets allows me to add her in my small rotation of readers.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2019, 02:38:52 AM by bstalling »