I will say Anastasia has another hit or another hit coming - she specified that on the 25th (I know its the 21st) that me and my POI would have a tiff - she said there would be 2 tiffs before things started getting better (the other one being around 2 weeks from that date).
Now normally we dont have tiffs, but interestingly enough lately we had one on the 17th and again on the 20th - which is unresolved...meaning there is another conversation to be had. So this is verrry interesting!! Again these are tiffs, so no bad arguments or anything but more or less misundersandings.
Kisha mentioned that there would be a conversation around May 6th (or the end of may going into June - she got a 5 and 6 around this) that would place our situation on more solid ground. I’m thinking around May 6th since these convos are being had...
Either way I’ll update to confirm