Author Topic: Marcello  (Read 15135 times)

Offline Abundantia

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Re: Marcello
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2019, 04:20:06 PM »
This part especially was quite similar to what I got 3 years ago " and as I see there is an amazing connection between u and him
im able to sense it
but sometime he act on and off
and this mood cause on u some confusion
but for what I can see and feel the connecton is ON and that mean that you hear from him,i,sure.i have no doubt!"

he basically uses a light spin of the regular on/off script line that most scammers use. Not impressed at all...I honestly feel that he just gets predictions right for some people in random...

They literally use the same script!!!!! I've had the exact same thing from Sherry Mystical Goddess and another scammer on Kasamba.

Offline Ninacy

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Re: Marcello
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2019, 07:11:26 AM »
I guess they all read from the same book "how to fake psychic abilities to trick people and gain a quick buck" or exchange "tricks' with each other. The similarities of their lines and scripts are really astonishing...

And the sad reality is that since their readings could apply to anyone, they even sometimes get things right in random, convincing people that they are legit and to come back Hence their good reviews...

Offline Xrossbow

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Re: Marcello
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2019, 09:51:25 PM »
He picked up that I was a lesbian and he even told me my girlfriend's name!!!

I don't know how he did that to be honest but he knew her name and he told me that she and I would hit outside problems from a man which doesn't make much sense but I have another reader I go to named Terry Mitchell on bitwine who said that a man named Aidan would try to get me into bed, I am wondering if the predictions could be connected to one another?   Is it possible that one reader can see one side of the story so to speak and another reason sees a different side?   Did I make sense?

Marcello also told me that I would need to get a medical test and I have been getting very sick lately for unknown reasons, Diana...cant remember her last name told me that I would discover I was pregnant which of course I am gay so that makes no sense but then Linda told me that I would look into artificial pregnancy and that is 100% spot on and then Diana would also be right if I get pregnant, see?

Oh lordy.

Offline AngelBaby99

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Re: Marcello
« Reply #18 on: July 17, 2019, 02:48:35 PM »
This part especially was quite similar to what I got 3 years ago " and as I see there is an amazing connection between u and him
im able to sense it
but sometime he act on and off
and this mood cause on u some confusion
but for what I can see and feel the connecton is ON and that mean that you hear from him,i,sure.i have no doubt!"

he basically uses a light spin of the regular on/off script line that most scammers use. Not impressed at all...I honestly feel that he just gets predictions right for some people in random...

They literally use the same script!!!!! I've had the exact same thing from Sherry Mystical Goddess and another scammer on Kasamba.

Is this sherry “sherry Taylor” on kasamba?

Offline ang2441

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Re: Marcello
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2020, 12:47:13 PM »
He ended up to not be legitimate. Predictions didn’t pass

Offline JJC

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Re: Marcello
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2020, 10:57:42 AM »
Another fairy tale reader.

Offline paperlantern2

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Re: Marcello
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2020, 06:34:37 PM »
so, i agree that marcello is a fairy tale reader. in 2018 i was totally into this other person X" and marcello swore from the bottom of his heart that my POI and I would be together. soooo, time has passed and turns out X did not feel the same way at all, but *is* one of my closest friends and we started a non-profit together.

however..... i will say that in a confused state about my 2020 POI, I reached out to marcello last week, and he was dead on in when POI contacted again-- he said 5-6 days and it was.

whooooo knows.

Offline piccolapixie

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Re: Marcello
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2024, 11:28:43 PM »
Hi there,

Has anyone been hit on by this reader?  Like him trying to sweet talk you or even build up a relationship?  This man has created relationships and when his lady friends want to connect with him and chat, they pay him.  BE CAREFUL!

If this has happened to you please share and let others become aware!

Offline Mina

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Re: Marcello
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2024, 03:41:07 PM »
Ugh I can’t believe I went to this reader for reassurance. I would calling up him about my ex who left me for his current gf at the time. I’d ask are they still together and he go off on his Italian accent “mama Mia, hijo de dios, this guy is an idiot he’s in love with you why won’t he a be with a you! Because I see he is in love with you” and then I’d see literally my ex and gf walk together holding hands later that day 😑
Looking back I dunno how he holds a straight face to say such things 😂 (I mean would he channel that and secretly think I’m the idiot, he was so convincing)
I mean it was utter heartbreak then, but hilarious now, because I bet I sound like Nintendo mario but again I see how convincing he became- geez I was gaslighting myself! 🤦🏻‍♀️ (and I think that what wrong discernment does)

However this was on keen
I could also kick myself for then finding out he was also on bitwine
But I do think keen monitors the chat and calls a little more stricter according to policy if they get complaints than with bitwine so he never did hit on me but I can kinda see what you mean

HOWEVER- one total creeper who would say weird comments that made feel really uncomfortable is “uncle ed” I would get the feeling he was hitting in me… it was weird, he would talk about my figure in a sexual way and I couldn’t tell if this how poi felt about me or if it was him; he would also kind of troll

