Totally agree! If we don't love ourselves, who will? I think psychics do work in some sense providing we "put in the work". I think if we don't put in the self love work, none of the predictions will happen or will just keep getting delayed.
If I had to say which psychic was most correct and consisent with predictions I would say Hilary80 and Love Specialist Isabelle from Kasamba. Hilary80 told me April 2019 he would change end of 2020 where he respects my boundaries. Me and him had another fall out recently where I put my boundaries in place. But, they were wrong about other things and events too - which is why I choose not to call psychics anymore. Hilary80 was actually the one who told me to seek therapy, which I admire and respect her for.
Love Specialist Isabelle said Oct 2018 my love life and finances won't be where I want it until end of 2020. She said the finances will happen first in some sort of windfall then soon after my love life will get better. But then it makes me question that I don't want to be with someone who is "after my money"... If and when that happens I have my therapist to help me come up with a decision with that. I won't rely on a psychic.
Celeste on Bitwine is good too now looking back. She won't give you timeframes unless it comes to her. She's been consistent too. But not really a psychic for timings.
Having said all of the above after having several readings over 3 years...psychics are NOT worth it! They drain your wallet where you could spend that money into investments. That's what I have been doing and my finances have significantly improve. If in doubt, get some oracle angels cards, give yourself a reading and then pay yourself for that reading. I put it into investments. Don't use tarot cards as if you pull out negative cards, it will trigger you to want to call a psychic. This is a tip my therapist told me when I told her I had a psychic addiction. I haven't felt this good in 3 years and I don't have a man in my life at the moment!
As like any addiction; drugs, alcohol, overspending, gambling you always end up in a worse state - the same is with consistently calling psychics asking the same topic or question over and over again hoping for an miracle. What you are actually seeking is instant gratification which is what all addicts do. Just remember, it’s an addiction if you keep calling psychics even if it’s once a month. They say you should get a reading every 3-6 months if you really want to. But I remember having my first reading at 18 and then again at 21 the second time and these were with supposedly “top psychics in London” with fancy offices. None of the BS that they said came true despite the raving reviews. I mean it when I say to end the addiction with the fear of uncertainty. Trust the universe and say to yourself “I am here to accept the uncertainty and I am here to learn from whatever is thrown in my direction”.
From my experience, listening to my own intuition since a child and then using oracle cards to give myself a reading was far more accurate than any psychic. We all have the abilities if we trust our intuition, let it in. Meditation helps with this and writing gratitude lists.
I hope this helps anyone reading this!