She was right for me. I read with her last year, and while she’s not the most detailed of readers I found her very genuine. In fact the first time I read with her, she didn’t want to charge me for the session. Amazing. Still I was skeptical about her actual abilities. I asked her about a work situation which played out exactly as she described it. I also asked about family and love. She saw me moving or changing location, around mid year. At the time, this made zero sense and I was convinced she was another bitwine fake (I’m paranoid about those) but now I see that she was right. I’ve lived on one place all my life but due to a series of up heaving life events I’ve essentially moved/changed locations. Also I asked her about travels last year. She saw only domestic travel, nowhere far , like a trip to the beach. This confused tf out of me because my bf is a major traveler and was planning to visit several international places with me. But then Coronavirus happened.... so he hasn’t traveled since, both of our plans have been indefinitely halted. So she was right. But I definitely couldn’t see it back in 2019.
I haven’t read with her enough to swear by her abilities but from the two readings I’ve had, she has pleasantly surprised me and I want to catch a reading with her again.
What I find funny is that she turned out to be accurate for me but celebrated top readers like Stephanie Theresa has been wrong/predictions never occurred

I say Angel Mystress is worth the try.