Author Topic: Ari  (Read 72467 times)

Offline Lala123

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Re: Ari
« Reply #105 on: January 15, 2021, 02:40:10 AM »
Has ari ever been wrong about a negative for anyone? I tried her... but her reading contradicts lady p (who is usually right for me and gave me a positive for the first time)... it also contradicts karen jo. I don't know what to think.

Ari has given me positive before and been wrong, but I wanted to give another try. This reading she seemed to pick up on my poi however and picked up right away about things being "shut off".
« Last Edit: January 15, 2021, 02:41:55 AM by Lala123 »

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Ari
« Reply #106 on: January 15, 2021, 04:10:21 AM »
Has ari ever been wrong about a negative for anyone? I tried her... but her reading contradicts lady p (who is usually right for me and gave me a positive for the first time)... it also contradicts karen jo. I don't know what to think.

Ari has given me positive before and been wrong, but I wanted to give another try. This reading she seemed to pick up on my poi however and picked up right away about things being "shut off".

She told me the same 2 years ago and in the subsequent readings and she was right.


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Re: Ari
« Reply #107 on: January 15, 2021, 05:58:42 AM »
she delivered bad news to me b4 and she was right that particular time

Has ari ever been wrong about a negative for anyone? I tried her... but her reading contradicts lady p (who is usually right for me and gave me a positive for the first time)... it also contradicts karen jo. I don't know what to think.

Ari has given me positive before and been wrong, but I wanted to give another try. This reading she seemed to pick up on my poi however and picked up right away about things being "shut off".


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Re: Ari
« Reply #108 on: January 15, 2021, 12:57:46 PM »
keep refreshing when she is online 🤣🤣🤣

Offline Lala123

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Re: Ari
« Reply #109 on: January 15, 2021, 01:43:20 PM »
she delivered bad news to me b4 and she was right that particular time

Has ari ever been wrong about a negative for anyone? I tried her... but her reading contradicts lady p (who is usually right for me and gave me a positive for the first time)... it also contradicts karen jo. I don't know what to think.

Ari has given me positive before and been wrong, but I wanted to give another try. This reading she seemed to pick up on my poi however and picked up right away about things being "shut off".

Was anyone else correct for you for that situation? Feel free to pm me.

Offline Hannahc88

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Re: Ari
« Reply #110 on: February 10, 2021, 09:16:49 AM »
I read with Ari once and she was accurate for me. A couple months later I contacted again I only said hello and she had blocked me??? Haha like I had no words.. anyone else had this experience with her. ??

Offline sugarsky

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Re: Ari
« Reply #111 on: February 10, 2021, 02:34:08 PM »
I read with Ari once and she was accurate for me. A couple months later I contacted again I only said hello and she had blocked me??? Haha like I had no words.. anyone else had this experience with her. ??

Yeah she blocked me after reading for me once. I don't understand Ari.

Offline Hannahc88

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Re: Ari
« Reply #112 on: February 10, 2021, 09:36:09 PM »
I read with Ari once and she was accurate for me. A couple months later I contacted again I only said hello and she had blocked me??? Haha like I had no words.. anyone else had this experience with her. ??

Yeah she blocked me after reading for me once. I don't understand Ari.

Lol so strange I’d expect it if I challenged her reading. I read a few things earlier people saying the same thing. Crazy

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Re: Ari
« Reply #113 on: December 07, 2021, 12:54:19 AM »
I’m the end, Ari was more wrong for me than she was right. It’s now been over a year since she said some things would happen and they never did.

Offline KarinaR

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Re: Ari
« Reply #114 on: December 22, 2022, 03:31:32 AM »
I went through another binge. Ari was wrong for me. She gave me a negative reading and basically put my anxiety through the roof. Thankfully I can say she was wrong. I am not bashing her because I’m sure she is gifted and works for many. However, she was completely off for me so maybe we didn’t connect.

Bitwine readers that got it right:

Emily Nixon
Luke John
Guidance by Natalie
Crystal Curandera

Keen readers that got it right:
Insights with deb- nailed everything which poi recently confirmed in conversation regarding issues and what was going on during breakup
Serendipity 007- got timing correct too
Barbara 4648 scarily accurate details about me and poi
Readings with Charlie- got timing correct

Offline MAgirl

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Re: Ari
« Reply #115 on: March 07, 2023, 04:13:24 AM »
Ari gave me a very negative reading about poi. I hope she is not right 😵‍💫

Update: Hate to admit but Ari was right.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2024, 03:36:04 AM by MAgirl »

Offline saxenaniks

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Re: Ari
« Reply #116 on: July 12, 2023, 06:15:19 AM »
Hello everyone,

I know everyone's a big fan of ARI and so was I.
She's super kind and a lovely person overall..

However, after reading with her for a year, I've realised that her outcomes are not accurate. She gets some details right about the present which makes us believe that she's super accurate but it's only SOME of the details. 20/100.

I will not read with her again because she predicted a LOT of things for me which didn't happen, her present/current changes as per what you tell her and she can get only TINY details right which made me go back and read with her often. But I regret spending so much money. Please don't spend all your hard earned money on psychics, save it. Instead, try manifesting, meditating and living your life. :) That works so much better!

Offline wishes215

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Re: Ari
« Reply #117 on: July 15, 2023, 03:33:04 PM »
what are her strengths? anyone who reads with her often may be able to help. is she an empath or good for the now? I'm guessing not much for predictions? I've asked her about 2 differentguysand I got the same, "he is in limbo, needs time, he feels intimidated" I mean it could all very well be true but I'm wondering what ppl really go to her for? TIA

Offline PinkyD

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Re: Ari
« Reply #118 on: July 16, 2023, 04:38:07 AM »
what are her strengths? anyone who reads with her often may be able to help. is she an empath or good for the now? I'm guessing not much for predictions? I've asked her about 2 differentguysand I got the same, "he is in limbo, needs time, he feels intimidated" I mean it could all very well be true but I'm wondering what ppl really go to her for? TIA

I’ve gone to her regularly. Tbh I’ve gone to too many psychics over the years. Her strengths are feelings, thoughts and clairvoyance in my opinion. She gets visions of the future. But also I think remote viewing. So I’ve never gotten that line from her about poi. And honestly, he’s a scoundrel in my opinion now. But no she’s never said that. She’s maintained her view. In terms of what I go to her for… I’m sorry I can’t divulge much because there are too many lurkers, especially Bitwine psychics on here who read your stuff but, I go to her go get on top of a situation. Like, if I don’t know what’s around the corner or I want to know how someone is feeling or how someone will react to something or just if something still pan out. She helps me assess the situation so I can manage it or not let it get the better of me.

I had a very crazy extended situation last year, it dragged on and on and nobody could get it. But Ari guided me through it, saw events coming up out of the blue and the outcome she saw that I genuinely disbelieved her about. I mean I think we even disputed it occurring a few times because what she saw I could not believe. I went through the motions and life dragged on but lo and behold, what she was telling me all along started to unfold.

That’s just my experience. Not everything she was right on though, she’s only human. And I read with her a lot so I really tried to work with her abilities. I’ve seen over the years she has been really sharp and one of the best readers so I don’t doubt her abilities at  all. Sometimes her timing is hard though, like for me it’s usually further out. But she’s not just an empath though, for sure. She sees things.

Offline Mina

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Re: Ari
« Reply #119 on: July 16, 2023, 12:59:19 PM »
Hello everyone,

I know everyone's a big fan of ARI and so was I.
She's super kind and a lovely person overall..

However, after reading with her for a year, I've realised that her outcomes are not accurate. She gets some details right about the present which makes us believe that she's super accurate but it's only SOME of the details. 20/100.

I will not read with her again because she predicted a LOT of things for me which didn't happen, her present/current changes as per what you tell her and she can get only TINY details right which made me go back and read with her often. But I regret spending so much money. Please don't spend all your hard earned money on psychics, save it. Instead, try manifesting, meditating and living your life. :) That works so much better!

I really resonated with this review about Ari. I’ve had two readings with her.
My first first reading was in 2020 and I she came off compassionate and caring even though gave negative news.

My second reading with her was these last winter holidays. This time it just felt she was over it… she had negative insights but was not kind nor compassionate. She said something that  felt off too… I wasn’t trying to test her but it felt things were just not matching. It really was a triggering reading; sadly made things worse that I still haven’t recovered from. I wish I never read with her that night.

I think she is overhyped, but have chalked it up perhaps me. I know she is suppose to be the cream of the crop with bitwine but honestly it’s ppl like her that that thankfully keep me from calling bitwine in general.I’ve also heard she aggressively removes negative reviews from bitwine

