Hey guys, got an update on something Ari saw in May that she saw us meeting up the end of June, and then I read with her again about a week ago, she saw that we would talk about visiting each other on a video call or facetime in the next 2 weeks. I didn't believe her at the time because I didn't think I was going to see him anytime soon, and I'm kind of in between apartments now, will be all over the place due to where I am at in my studies. Two days ago, we were on facetime talking, and a visit convo came up, and now I have a flight to go see him the end of this month.
Her contact predictions and visits don't always come through (she said we would see each other in May and we did not). I notice this is usually when I ask her - when do you see a visit, or when do you see him contact. When she nails it, usually she offers the info like this time, and describes the vision she sees.
She also saw he is very frustrated with his work and is at the point of hating it, I was surprised. Just a few days ago, he was telling me how he hates a particular time period for his work.