Author Topic: Ari  (Read 72427 times)

Offline wishes215

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Re: Ari
« Reply #120 on: July 16, 2023, 06:30:17 PM »
thank you, this helps:)

what are her strengths? anyone who reads with her often may be able to help. is she an empath or good for the now? I'm guessing not much for predictions? I've asked her about 2 differentguysand I got the same, "he is in limbo, needs time, he feels intimidated" I mean it could all very well be true but I'm wondering what ppl really go to her for? TIA

I’ve gone to her regularly. Tbh I’ve gone to too many psychics over the years. Her strengths are feelings, thoughts and clairvoyance in my opinion. She gets visions of the future. But also I think remote viewing. So I’ve never gotten that line from her about poi. And honestly, he’s a scoundrel in my opinion now. But no she’s never said that. She’s maintained her view. In terms of what I go to her for… I’m sorry I can’t divulge much because there are too many lurkers, especially Bitwine psychics on here who read your stuff but, I go to her go get on top of a situation. Like, if I don’t know what’s around the corner or I want to know how someone is feeling or how someone will react to something or just if something still pan out. She helps me assess the situation so I can manage it or not let it get the better of me.

I had a very crazy extended situation last year, it dragged on and on and nobody could get it. But Ari guided me through it, saw events coming up out of the blue and the outcome she saw that I genuinely disbelieved her about. I mean I think we even disputed it occurring a few times because what she saw I could not believe. I went through the motions and life dragged on but lo and behold, what she was telling me all along started to unfold.

That’s just my experience. Not everything she was right on though, she’s only human. And I read with her a lot so I really tried to work with her abilities. I’ve seen over the years she has been really sharp and one of the best readers so I don’t doubt her abilities at  all. Sometimes her timing is hard though, like for me it’s usually further out. But she’s not just an empath though, for sure. She sees things.


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Re: Ari
« Reply #121 on: July 17, 2023, 11:10:34 AM »
Hello everyone,

I know everyone's a big fan of ARI and so was I.
She's super kind and a lovely person overall..

However, after reading with her for a year, I've realised that her outcomes are not accurate. She gets some details right about the present which makes us believe that she's super accurate but it's only SOME of the details. 20/100.

I will not read with her again because she predicted a LOT of things for me which didn't happen, her present/current changes as per what you tell her and she can get only TINY details right which made me go back and read with her often. But I regret spending so much money. Please don't spend all your hard earned money on psychics, save it. Instead, try manifesting, meditating and living your life. :) That works so much better!

I really resonated with this review about Ari. I’ve had two readings with her.
My first first reading was in 2020 and I she came off compassionate and caring even though gave negative news.

My second reading with her was these last winter holidays. This time it just felt she was over it… she had negative insights but was not kind nor compassionate. She said something that  felt off too… I wasn’t trying to test her but it felt things were just not matching. It really was a triggering reading; sadly made things worse that I still haven’t recovered from. I wish I never read with her that night.

I think she is overhyped, but have chalked it up perhaps me. I know she is suppose to be the cream of the crop with bitwine but honestly it’s ppl like her that that thankfully keep me from calling bitwine in general.I’ve also heard she aggressively removes negative reviews from bitwine

hummm, from my own experience; ari did make mistakes; but overall she is still a good one. even the mistake (i mentioned before) seems more like timeframe was very very off...i really not sure if it will never happen from what's happening now.
and not everyone click with the same reader, some ppl here shared she was simply plain wrong.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Ari
« Reply #122 on: August 03, 2023, 02:53:39 AM »
I read with her six months ago on a different guy and she told me he had to heal before he would ever come back and it would be a really long time and there was nothing I can do to help him. he still has not talked to me so she was right and Yona told me that she still sees him coming back later so we will see because Ari thought he would have been chil eventually come back to just said it would be a really long time. My current she just said that he is going to be really slow moving and I will be really frustrated true. She also said she sees that he needs to fix some things in his life and mature a little. I asked her straight out if it was going to be worth it or if I was just going to get hurt and she told me it was going to be slow nothing was going to happen soon and I just needed to be aware so that I didn't get hurt because I expect it to be faster. So I guess she told me he's worth it to just go really slow and not expect much and as long as I don't get my expectations on the speed too high it will be fine. Now the only problem is I am an Aries with 0 patience lol

I know this post is old however I received the EXACT same message, literally word-for-word about my POI. I'm getting the sense that she guesses it's probably not going to work because let's face it, if we're going to psychics for this stuff; there's a high probability that something isn't being communicated to us or something just isn't right in our relationships. Not sure what to think of her but as I've read this particular thread through now I'm seeing some themes with her feedback to most people; not all, but most.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Ari
« Reply #123 on: August 03, 2023, 02:59:50 AM »
what are her strengths? anyone who reads with her often may be able to help. is she an empath or good for the now? I'm guessing not much for predictions? I've asked her about 2 differentguysand I got the same, "he is in limbo, needs time, he feels intimidated" I mean it could all very well be true but I'm wondering what ppl really go to her for? TIA

And again here! She used the words, "he's in limbo," with me as well. And said he needs time, etc. etc. I mean yes, this could be true for me and true for all of us that are getting these messages and I will report either way but she also didn't make any real predictions for me aside from that he'd be back and we'd talk and he'd be friendly but I mean, when you see someone pretty regularly that's probably an accurate and generic statement. She didn't really give me a final outcome either. Just said that by the time this guy is ready I'll probably have moved on and then predicted I'll meet someone in Oct/Nov or by the end of the year. I will def report if I do but not holding my breath over here.

Offline whimerj

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Re: Ari
« Reply #124 on: August 03, 2023, 03:59:37 PM »
She's a fraud. Nothing ever came true for me after years of reading with her.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Ari
« Reply #125 on: August 03, 2023, 04:23:39 PM »
She's a fraud. Nothing ever came true for me after years of reading with her.

That makes me feel slightly better. I only read with her once and it was pretty recent. Thanks!

Offline PinkyD

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Re: Ari
« Reply #126 on: August 03, 2023, 10:57:35 PM »
She's a fraud. Nothing ever came true for me after years of reading with her.

Hey! So I’ve been reading with her for years, and I’ve had things not pass and then things have passed, but she’s definitely not a fraud. I’ve seen actual frauds on Bitwine, sadly fell for a few of them in the beginning. But Ari was actually legit and ethical imho. Maybe you guys didn’t connect? Sometimes when things don’t pass for me with a certain advisor I either take a break or just stop going back. But I’ve had situations where people swear by an advisor and I just can’t get a hit. So maybe it was the connection? On Bitwine, Ari and Rachel Marie are two of the legit ones with gifts Annette Marie and I’m thinking that Mondez guy as well. People swear by Leeloo too, to me she’s a fraud lol but for others she’s legit so I guess it’s who you connect with …

Offline whimerj

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Re: Ari
« Reply #127 on: August 03, 2023, 11:09:29 PM »
She's a fraud. Nothing ever came true for me after years of reading with her.

Hey! So I’ve been reading with her for years, and I’ve had things not pass and then things have passed, but she’s definitely not a fraud. I’ve seen actual frauds on Bitwine, sadly fell for a few of them in the beginning. But Ari was actually legit and ethical imho. Maybe you guys didn’t connect? Sometimes when things don’t pass for me with a certain advisor I either take a break or just stop going back. But I’ve had situations where people swear by an advisor and I just can’t get a hit. So maybe it was the connection? On Bitwine, Ari and Rachel Marie are two of the legit ones with gifts Annette Marie and I’m thinking that Mondez guy as well. People swear by Leeloo too, to me she’s a fraud lol but for others she’s legit so I guess it’s who you connect with …
could be. she sold me a fairy tale and was very incorrect with the details and the outcome though. I read with leeloo too and she was even worse than ari.

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Re: Ari
« Reply #128 on: August 04, 2023, 01:30:27 AM »
Over the years, I've had readings with many psychics on Bit and other places, but Ari stands out as the most gifted and accurate. For 4.5 years, she predicted specific events like unexpected money in my bank account, details about my future home, provided invaluable insights about my relationships and businesses and much more than I could ever list here. Thanks to Ari's readings and guidance, I learned to focus on personal growth and take control of my life. It has been a life-changing experience, and I'm incredibly grateful to her.

Of course, Ari is not infallible, and there were times when some predictions didn't come true (or at least not yet). Life is unpredictable, and not everything can be foreseen. That being said, Ari is 100% the real deal; she is NOT a fraud. She is ethical, compassionate, and has an extraordinary psychic gift.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Ari
« Reply #129 on: August 04, 2023, 02:54:31 PM »
Over the years, I've had readings with many psychics on Bit and other places, but Ari stands out as the most gifted and accurate. For 4.5 years, she predicted specific events like unexpected money in my bank account, details about my future home, provided invaluable insights about my relationships and businesses and much more than I could ever list here. Thanks to Ari's readings and guidance, I learned to focus on personal growth and take control of my life. It has been a life-changing experience, and I'm incredibly grateful to her.

Of course, Ari is not infallible, and there were times when some predictions didn't come true (or at least not yet). Life is unpredictable, and not everything can be foreseen. That being said, Ari is 100% the real deal; she is NOT a fraud. She is ethical, compassionate, and has an extraordinary psychic gift.

I’m not calling her a fraud, she may very well be correct for me. My point was that I looked back on others notes of their readings with her and they were word for word the same. I’ll keep everyone posted but she really didn’t make any predictions for me nor did I really ask her to so I don’t know how much I’ll be able to validate.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 03:09:20 PM by Chitowngirl »

Offline Stone88

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Re: Ari
« Reply #130 on: August 06, 2023, 06:56:25 PM »
When does Ari come online? I keep missing her

Offline PinkyD

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Re: Ari
« Reply #131 on: August 06, 2023, 11:39:11 PM »
When does Ari come online? I keep missing her

But sure what time it is on your end but she usually comes on in a couple hours everyday or so. There’s not a set time, most of us “regular” clients usually try to guess lol and we have to refresh the page a million billion times to catch her.

Maybe you can try msging her?

Offline Mina

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Re: Ari
« Reply #132 on: August 07, 2023, 12:55:32 AM »
I still won’t read with her but I put her back on my list… to see when is she online. Her hours are definitely all over the place. I’m on a pacific time frame I notice she is more on evening time from roughly 4pm-10pm ish… but when I did want a reading from her …ugh I hit refresh button all the time… sadly the alert notify system doesn’t always work for me and ppl are quick to jump on her.

Honestly I think her and all readers just read tip of the iceberg situation. It’s usually their perception and its usually very wonky.

But pacific time 4-10 pm ish, and some mornings like from 4-7am ish. Again I’m sure others can have better pinpoint.

(ugh I’m also sure many psychics are aware school is about to start, followed by holidays … this is their “preseason” and are aware holidays are the Super Bowl to make the most money. I noticed last year she was more again for the holidays… she’ll expand her timeframe)

Offline PinkyD

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Re: Ari
« Reply #133 on: August 07, 2023, 05:34:49 AM »
I still won’t read with her but I put her back on my list… to see when is she online. Her hours are definitely all over the place. I’m on a pacific time frame I notice she is more on evening time from roughly 4pm-10pm ish… but when I did want a reading from her …ugh I hit refresh button all the time… sadly the alert notify system doesn’t always work for me and ppl are quick to jump on her.

Honestly I think her and all readers just read tip of the iceberg situation. It’s usually their perception and its usually very wonky.

But pacific time 4-10 pm ish, and some mornings like from 4-7am ish. Again I’m sure others can have better pinpoint.

(ugh I’m also sure many psychics are aware school is about to start, followed by holidays … this is their “preseason” and are aware holidays are the Super Bowl to make the most money. I noticed last year she was more again for the holidays… she’ll expand her timeframe)

I doubt it’s related to any season. She’s just on randomly and according to her availability. Lord alone knows me and a few others e-mail her to come online all the time. I was reading with her a lot last year as well because of a horrific situation but to me, it wasn’t a seasonal availability, more so her personal availability. I figure the best way to get her is to email her 🤷🏻‍♀️

Offline Stone88

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Re: Ari
« Reply #134 on: August 12, 2023, 10:43:50 PM »
For someone who claims to be accurate with time frames she told me to make contact...
Not impressed.

