She was spot on for me with regard to seeing another woman in this guy's life but as mentioned below the way she put it to me was like, "He has some small interest in her, he's getting ready for a relationship and as they get to know each other he realizes it's not going anywhere." Well that was something I found out about like a week later from the girl he had this "small interest in," herself! And they had been hooking up for a year so to me it sounded like no big deal really but it was a bit more intense than it sounded. So then I catch her like a week after I found out she was essentially right about that. She made some contact predictions that were absolutely spot on. One I didn't realize was for that day, she said that his energy was super present around me. I then saw him that night. And later in that reading she said that she saw him approach me within a week. I thought, "yeah right, this is not happening!" Because this man didn't approach me for months and it did happen! Almost exactly as she said too. She was like, "he comes to up to you and not in a super direct way but he'll like sit next to you and then wait for you to say hi but he does that intentionally." Well he came over and stood right next to me and I sort of ignored him for a few minutes but he stayed there until I finally acknowledged him and then he talked my ear off. I was shocked that she was right.
I also want to say, how come they're always right when it's something bad and not when it's a freakin' fairytale?! That is sooo annoying. Of all the things she said to me she had to be right that he had another woman in his life but I'm still doubtful she'll be right about the final outcome. I hope she is, she's been great so far but I'm just not holding my breath anymore.